With prices skyrocketing, it is now more important than ever to save money. But are your pets literally eating you out of house and home? Here are eight ways to cut costs while still providing excellent care for your pets.
Let's face it: cats are weirdos. But really, the weird stuff is just normal behavior. So, before you start looking for a kitty shrink, let's look at some of the weird behaviors that are actually normal in a cat.
We've seen more wildfires each year than ever before. Here's how to prepare for wildfire season to ensure that you, your family, and your pets stay safe.
If you hunt and enjoy the meat, chances are you'd love a chance to fill your freezer and help farmers save their crops. "Game damage" hunts, or deer/elk depredation hunts, are designed to remove unwanted deer or elk from grazing farmers' fields. Learn about these hunts and what to expect.
Dehydrating lettuce and leafy greens may seem odd, but you can preserve great nutrition and add it to your dinners when you don't have time to eat salads, or if you have naturally picky eaters. Plus, you can preserve the goodness of your garden for later consumption.
Looking to bake bread but can't find any yeast? Create your own yeast by creating a sourdough starter. It's easier than you think, and you'll have delicious baked goods in no time, especially if you use the discard.
If you're under stay-at-home orders or quarantine for a pandemic, like the ones experienced with COVID-19, and are looking for ways to ease your loneliness, you may decide to adopt a pets from the shelter. If you're considering adopting a pet, you need to know how to choose the right pet for you.
Did you know your dog and cat can contract coronavirus (COVID-19) from you if you have it? So far a few pets have contracted it from their owners and tested positive. Here's how you can protect your dog and cat from the coronavirus pandemic, while still being their best friend.
Getting a puppy for Christmas isn't automatically a bad idea if you're ready for dog ownership. Here's what you need to know before you get a holiday puppy.
As a hunter, you may have already heard about CWD or Chronic Wasting Disease. But you may not know how CWD started and where is has spread, nor how it will affect hunting in the future. As a hunter, it's your job to understand this disease and minimize the possibility of spreading it.
Does your venison taste "gamey?" Did you know that it doesn't have to taste that way? You may be doing something to make your venison taste bad. Here are five reasons why your game meat may taste awful.
Ever wondered if you could create your own masala chai tea for a fraction of the cost of what the coffeehouses charge? You can! Find out how easy it is to brew your own chai tea at home.
Thinking of hanging your game meat? Have you tried hanging meat and it ended up tasting gamey? Let's discuss hanging meat and when you should and shouldn't age venison.
What's better than overnight oats? Chocolate peanut butter cup overnight oats! How to have your dessert for breakfast and not feel guilty.
Is your morning oatmeal bland? Check out this recipe for raspberry chocolate overnight oats that is sure to become a new favorite.
Why cook breakfast when you can wake up to healthy and tasty overnight oats? These are easy to make, economical, and ready to eat when you wake up with no fuss.
"Affect" and "effect" are often confused. They sound similar, and both can be used as nouns and verbs. Learn the differences between "affect" and "effect" and how to use them.
Rose hips are an excellent source of vitamin C. Learn how to identify, gather, and blend your delicious rose hip tea.
Make your own herbal tea! If you've grown herbs for herbal teas or tisanes, the next step is to preserve them. Here's how to dry the herbs yourself.
Do you love tea and herbal teas but are tired of paying for teas and tisanes that use substandard herbs and spices? You can grow your own herbal tea plants year-round that taste terrific.
This amazing grouse recipe works for blue (dusky) grouse and ruffed grouse, but will no doubt work for sharp-tailed grouse, sage grouse, Hungarian and chukar partridge, and pheasants.
If you've never used a bouquet garni, you're in for a treat. Rather than one herb, these are a collection of herbs. Here's an easy recipe on how you make it and use it.
When the hunt is over, save that deer fat and put it to good use by making easy tallow container candles. Candles from deer fat can be a great Christmas or holiday present!
How I've Learned to Live with the Inevitability of Natural Disasters through disaster preparedness.
A low cost and yummy alternative to those cans of cranberry sauce that is so easy and delicious, your guests will think you worked hard to make it.
Get advice on how to organize your closet, and keep it organized. Discover some rules for getting rid of clothes.
Brining is normally done for very lean meat, such as turkey, to keep it moist and tender. I came up with the brine in this recipe by trying different juices and flavors.
Do you know what to look for when buying a puppy from a breeder? Dog expert Margaret H. Bonham explains what to watch out for when you're considering a puppy from a breeder.
Learn how to brew your own elderberry mead or honey wine when your elder trees are brimming with fruit. Making mead is easy, and you'll enjoy it around the holidays. This mead recipe is for a melomel.
Changing the Clocks Can Affect Your Pet as Much as it Affects You
How to Make the Ultimate Cat Playground
Are you a city-dweller who became addicted to raising chickens? Do you have too many? Learn the danger of owning chickens and why chicken math is a thing.
Your dog has been diagnosed with canine inflammatory bowel disease. What exactly is inflammatory bowel disease and what causes it? And most importantly, can it be treated or cured with diet?
Marketing and promotion is tough, especially if you're a writer. You'll hear many things by many people about promotion. Which is right?
I bet you've seen in the movies the author signing a gazillion books to adoring fans with lines around the block in New York City. Fact or fiction? The reality isn't as pretty.
Choosing to eat locally in a global economy isn't always easy, but it is healthy both for yourself and your local economy.
African-American soldiers made a significant contribution in World War I. Here are some notable units that served in WWI.
Reasons for Urban Chicken Ownership. Why you should consider getting chickens as pets.
Want nutritious food but out of time? Here are ten tricks that will make eating well cheaper and faster than you thought possible.
Does your dog get into trouble when you're not around? Here are eight smart ways to ensure your dog remains on his best behavior.
Do you know when your cat is sick? Your kitty may be telling you he's ill, but his behavior is subtle. Know the signs when you need to take your cat to the veterinarian.
Are you adopting a dog? Here are some tips to make the transition easier for your new four-legged family member.
When the Thunder Rumbles, Your Dog May Tremble. Here's How to Handle It
You want your pet around for a long time. While you can't guarantee his health, there are things you can do to help ensure he's as healthy as he can be.
You're planning on getting a new puppy, but do you know what to expect when it comes to puppy ownership? Here's a rundown of what to expect by pet expert, Margaret H. Bonham.
If your dog is lying on the furniture when you don't want him to, you need to train him to stay off it. This article will help you achieve just that.
If your hens aren't laying, you're probably wondering why. Here are five of the most common reasons why your chickens aren't laying.
If you're looking to get a purebred dog, consider rescuing one from the shelter or a purebred rescue. Not only will you save a life, but you may get the dog you've always wanted.
If you're looking to add chickens to your homestead, check out these rare chicken breeds. You will enjoy having these different heritage chickens.
Spices have been used for more than just making food taste good. Spices have been used for medicine, food coloring, and food preservation.