Sadly, the term "pit bull" causes a variety of reactions, most of which are negative. Their sketchy reputation, however, is no fault of their own. Read on to see how this doomed breed has fallen victim to human exploitation and why they deserve much better.
Some days are more of a struggle than others for everyone. However, learning to find happiness can significantly improve every aspect of your life. Here are a few tips for reaching that balance and being your best, inside and out.
As 2020 was just beginning, we were all forced to drop everything and stay home. Like everyone else, I've had a lot of time to plan how I can pull 2020 out of the gutter and make the most of the rest of the year. This is my attainable plan to get out there this summer and do something.
Is alcohol delivery a service people need? Probably not, but this fast-growing niche market seems to deliver-- literally -- what people want. Let's take a look at some of the specifics of the business and some instances when it could be useful.
Have an ample grassy area, a secure outdoor shelter, and a big heart for animals? Then a pair of goats could work for you! Learn more about these amazing creatures and my experience with them at my daughter's farm.
I can take a joke like the next gal, and I find the risky t-shirts people wear to be hilarious. Buuut....I would never wear some of them. Take a look and see what I mean.
It's been a long nine years on a journey I would not wish on my worst enemy. Finally, I received a diagnosis. Finally, I have started to get my life back.
I can't explain why, but I have an odd attraction for wooden dominoes. At one time, I had quite the stockpile, so I started making things with them. Who knew the creativity that would explode from my little obsession
What would you do if a peacock showed up in your yard? Well, you name him, of course.
The Lake is open for business! If the past two months have you looking for the perfect little getaway, look no further than Shawnee Bluff Winery at Lake of the Ozarks. A quaint little place on the bluffs with a million-dollar view, this gem has what you need to recuperate.
On a hot July afternoon in 2014, my husband and I drove to a neighboring city to pick up a 3-day old puppy for our daughter. She had committed to rescuing him when his Mama passed trying to deliver him and 12 other siblings. This is the story of Bruiser; he's not just any dog. humans call me Honky, hilarious, right? (eye-roll). I have a pretty set routine. It mostly includes tormenting the oaf-like little canine until she snaps, literally (smirk).
Why is it that some bars are always packed, whereas others seem to be empty most of the time? I have done my fair share of research, and I can tell you there are 10 "must-haves" to keep those barstools occupied.
This humorous story explains how an overly arrogant coach learned to never underestimate the competition.
My dad has always been my biggest hero. He spent his life coaching and teaching in a small town in Illinois where he is a local legend. Whether it was coaching or parenting, my dad relied on his gift of "subtle wisdom" to teach and motivate. This story attempts to explain his awesome craft.
As a school counselor, I worry about the mental health of children who are missing the structure and socialization school provides. In 30 years, what will our children remember about this time? There are a few things we can do to help make sure their memories are more positive than negative.
Taking short day-trips or overnight trips with friends -- I call them friend-cursions -- is an important part of my life. The following 3 trip ideas have been tested with great success. When a state of normalcy returns to our lives, maybe plan a trip with those friends you've been missing so much.
The '80s -- if you didn't live it, you missed out. The music was diverse, and the fashion was questionable. '80s rockers, however, all had one thing in common -- big, long manes of hair. When the '80s were over, where did all the hair go?
One of my all-time pet peeves is finding a product I love just to see it disappear after a couple of years. No, I don't want something new and improved. I want my favorite, just the way it's always been. I will seriously say a bad word if the following 8 products disappear from my life.
Anyone who has been to Northern Wisconsin knows it is a special kind of place. This little piece of heaven on Earth touts a leisurely pace perfect for camping, fishing, boating, antiquing, souvenir shopping, and just plain relaxing.
I should have known. Still, realizing I am the oldest teacher at my school came like a knife to the ribcage. Now that I've come to terms with this fact, I'm finding age has its privileges. Join me in my discovery that I am, in fact, the old dame of the school.
With the summer months drawing closer, families would normally be gearing up for a family vacation. However, this year is proving to be problematic in terms of planning that annual get-away. Here are some suggestions to help salvage that precious tradition.
My quality time with my husband and my pets has increased substantially by being home all day every day. I have been married to my husband for 30 years. Yet, by being home during this time, I have learned things about him -- and my pets -- I never knew.
I've heard a lot about how social distancing is affecting people negatively such as the COVID-15, referring to the 15 pounds everyone is gaining. But, social distancing has simplified my life and improved my overall perspective. I've actually adopted some habits I hope to keep when this is all over.
Breaking these three habits may not seem like much of a savings plan, but you would be surprised how much of your cash goes towards these items. Putting a halt to your spending could put up to $2,000 extra dollars in your wallet at the end of the year.
My first-ever trip out of the country did not go exactly as I planned, but I ended up learning to just go with the flow. Looking back, all of the imperfections of my trip were 'perfect' and just what I needed to lighten up and enjoy the moment.