The inspiration for these haiku comes from my exploration of the Sonoran Desert...When you look closely at the desert you will find little treasures peeking out of every crevice, dry wash, and arroyo...
On-line dating for seniors...A brief poem on my thoughts as I venture on the seas of internet love...
Written for a friend that is terrified of flying. The poem is the result of an internal conversation focused on providing a positive enthusiasm and encouragement for a flight that will bring her to me
This first recipe in the series was inspired by my Grandmother. Not the recipe itself, but her concepts of taste, the melding of flavors, and presentation. Thank you, Grandma.... Here's what you'll need if feeding six hungry adults, or 3 meals...
Most of us are familiar with Winston Churchill's heroic and inspiring service to Great Britain during World War Two. In this immensely readable book by the late historian William Manchester, we discover the early trials and triumphs that helped form...
This gloriously intelligent and passionate woman, of olive hues and dark, abundant hair, of flashing poetic genius, was born March 6, 1806, in Durham, England...An avid reader, by age 10 she had devoured Shakespeare and Milton...By age 12 she had...
Crack paraphernalia manufactured crack According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, on an average day in America 14 youths will commit suicide, 19 will be murdered, 2,600 will drop out of school, 15,006 ( that's almost 5 million a year ) will begin...
____________________ Caterpillar crawls Black Raven waits patiently A leisurely meal... ... .______________________ . A bodice of ice Proudly worn in Winter's grace Pond in Silver clothes.. .. ... .... ...
Ah, the Joy of Life...To steal the juice from tomorrow's imagined fruit, that wondrous trope that exceeds our desperate grope... To cling to fresh scents of natures vapors...a warm, earthy bouquet that give rise to primordial images of Man's...
Let me hold you.. just a little bit longer... Let me know you,..just a little bit more... Let my thirst become fully quenched, Let me share your sun-drenched shore.... I love you...I truly love you... Take my heart, its yours !! I am a...
Cherry tree in snow... Soundlessly cries with pink tears... A Bouquet of Spring !! Cherry blossoms fall... Ancient pond accepts their kiss... Trailing limbs embrace. A riot of color... The...
The Tears That Won't... I was thinking about tears today, and of the many slides of life where they appear, mostly unbidden.... The tears of joy, expressed by a proud parent when a child is born... The tears of pleasure when reading a...
Evening bloomed quickly, with dark arms thickly holding me hostage to my chasing thoughts... . Treasures long hidden, rise unbidden to speak of forgotten aughts and naughts... The Organ Grinder's monkey flits, fusses, and fumes...reaching out with...
Wandering through Hub Pages one day I came across a marvelous Hub by Russ Baleson describing the ancient Japanese art of Haiku...A poetic form that basically conforms to a three line poem following a 5-7-5 syllabic meter...the form requires intense...
By: Larry L. Conners...2009 Elusive passion, where art thou..? Come,...slake my thirsty heart, give warm comfort to this Empty Man.... What insidious force has torn you from my breast..? All is kitten soft, sharp, unforgiving
Walter Benton has been my bedside companion for a very long time, going back to college where I discovered him 50 years ago. I have shared him with many " creatures of an hour ", most intimately with my beautiful bride, and have never tired of his...
Here is a list of films with a philosophic bent that are not only entertaining but highly educational as well. I've broken them down by philosophical significance. Quite a few of these films I had to watch twice to fully understand the...
The son of King Phillip II of Macedon, educated by the philosopher Aristotle, Alexander first led troops at age 18. After his father's death he became king, destroyed the Evil Empire, Persia, and conquered much of the civilized world. In 323 BC,...
Oh, but to have the passion of Sisyphus.....To be contemptuous of Hope... To look forward to the endless struggle...To rail against that heartless slope... Freedom is found within the heart, Tyranny cannot enter thee.. We are...