Questions like: Is the Coronavirus a hoax? Are we living during an extinction crisis? How does human behavior affect this virus pandemic? Can the human mind tap into the Universe to evolve? Can Humanity manifest a new Earth reality? Open mindedness is ideal when reading controversial topics.
Life is a collection of memories, each moment our experiences turn into a journey. Whether we prefer living 'in the moment' or 'planning for the future' both have value.
These are DNA manipulated streams of consciousness data inserted into humanity’s genetic body templates. These deception programs are operated by inter-dimensional manipulator beings.
Due to our global Conronavirus Pandemic, I hope to inspire many people, showing the opportunities that are available to earn online by working from home, this article will explain the FREE creative opportunities available today through P.O.D
Is the Human Body a program? Are we living in a hologram? Are human Souls trapped? Is humanity tied into indoctrination programs? When is news a false flag? Are higher-frequencies trigger an awakening
We are living during major shifts. I have been re-editing my novel The Awakening Clan which was originally published in 2007. The new title is The Reality Shifters and the new timeline is 2019 - 2040
Most people today feel that our world is in the throes of a massive alteration in the way it operates. Are people awakening to the idea that not all they see,hear,or experience is for real?
What does an artist or any individual do against huge online companies like Amazon when they see that their copyright work has been stolen? To see a design offered for sale without their consent?
The creative skills all human beings have will be their entrance into other realities. Everywhere we turn we see evidence about people awakening to the perception about supernatural & parallel worlds
How can we perceive our ascension journey through both our Imagination and visualization? What stops each individual from taking full control? I like to share my perceptions on this topic.
Many have dismissed the gardens as a myth, but for me The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of Nebuchadnezzar's building projects, are still classified as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Could Biological Immortality for the human race be a possibility but has been kept as the biggest secret in our global society? Could the dis-ease of aging be the biggest lie ever?
From a visionary writer’s point of view I keep imagining that the next century we will see a friendlier, more harmonious and a less harmful society; but will we?
One morning a strong urge to write a very difficult email became a major issue for me. Can truth be told if our intention is not to hurt, but yet obeying an inner voice challenging us to be real?
Cape Town’s entrepreneurial population of all races are showing of their art work on buildings through street art and at our famous Waterfront in order to help themselves to be independent citizens.
Every human being whether physical, nonphysical, dead, or alive, has a connection to whatever plane they have evolved to; and each plane represents a different level of consciousness.
A lot of people have found a way to help themselves out of their financial crises by writing articles on line. Hubpages and Wikinut are just a few .com examples.
Writing on getting rid of our financial system was difficult. Could we simply abandon money all together? Could I think totally out of the box? Would having no money as currency really simplify life?
Soul groups are formed by a group of individuals who seem to regularly incarnate at the same time. Each has the same ultimate goal or soul-purpose, set out as a self-expression of ALL THAT IS.
With our mind we collect and categorize impressions from our five senses. With our Intellect we observe and discriminate between the useful and the useless. Wisdom is a higher function expressed through our mind.
In this 3rd dimensional realm – Planet Earth – people live in a ‘world’ that is based on the preconceived belief that they exist on just one solid timeline rather than on multi-dimensional levels.
How many of us are told from a young age that the most important thing is to choose an occupation that is always in demand, so that you will never be poor!
Today we can say that many of the secrets are right out in the open and that truth and knowledge can come to those that seek them and are able to recognize them. So True!
We are living in a very crucial time in the history of humankind. Our world stands at the threshold of human's evolution when important decisions will have to be made about our lifestyles.
Every human being is the main actor in his or her own lives story. That is why every individual has a story they could write about, but when does one become an author?