We are born with a soul mission that blends in with our soul group. It often appears as something we wouldn’t want to do. In my case, I resisted it throughout my life. How about you? Are you resisting your mission?
Mediumship was offered to me two times, once in the 1970s and again in 1990s. The thought of Spirit controlling me scared me. What Caused Me to open up to not just one spirit, but to several, as well as other realms?
Pluto in Aquarius will be with us for two decades. AI is one major theme. Is there something else occurring that involves the generation of Pluto in Leo, especially the dead? Why is psychic, tarot, medium at the center of this?
, Trump, Conspiracies, rape plus other events John Lennonpredicted in A Matter of Trust, which was published in 2014. .
Spirit Communication, Automatic Typing, John Lennon, Artistic Spirits. Why is John Lennon"s Spirt Back and What Does Renee Abbott Have to Do with It/
Mediumship, Psychic, Channeling, New Age, New Thought, Mystics, Cults There are challenges if your spirit group doesn't go with the present belief systems of today.
Spirituality, shun, religious beliefs, mediumship, channeling, What do you do if your spiritual beliefs are different? Do you let go or continue on that path?
Soulmates, Soulmater forever, Soulmates different kinds. Interventions
Soulmates, Planets involvement, Soul groups, Interventions. Spirit guides, Spiritual Awakening Bending, Yielding & Submitting to the Unknown.
Soulmate Interventions, Soulmates Getting Tested. Soul contract. Soul Group. Soul Group Intervention. Spirit Intervention.
Soulmates, Soul contracts. Soul groups, Are there different types of Soul Mates?
Soulmates, Romantic lovers, Healing a Relationship. Interventions for the future of a relationship. Soul contracts, soul groups, and soul journey connecting. Ho'oponopono, Goddess Pele, Helping my husband to cross over.
Soulmates forever. What happens if you two ended up in a divorce? What type of Intervention is used? Is it necessary to bring you back, or did your contracted ended. All about separated soulmates.
Soulmates. Spirits as Tricksters.Spirit Guides. Suicide. If you are dead and your soulmate was going to kill herself, what would do? My soulmate became part of the solution.
Soulmates, Soul path, Life path, Interventions. How Does it work in meeting your soulmate? Are your spirit guides involved.
Soulmates, do they exist? What is a soulmate intervention? How to find your soulmate? What happens if you divorce your soulmate? Do soulmates meet after death? What happens to their soulpath? Blog 1 The Intervention
Over the past thirteen years, I have experienced seeing Astrology through a different lens. I am not an astrologer, though I have studied it since the 1970s.In 2013, I was introduced to viewing astrology through experiences that would uncover a deeper meaning of the planets.
This blog is based on my own experiences as both a spiritual counselor and with my trials and tribulations with these archetypes. ‘Doctor heal yourself. .How do the martyr and doormat fit in? What Happenss to Self-love, self-acceptance, and self-respec? A Time to Heal
I have heard of that saying, be careful of what you wish for. While I was careful, I got more than I sought. My eyes caught sight of a raven on my porch. It dropped a sheet of paper. I went out to retrieve it, and so it was A Map to Nowhere. As I picked it up and read the poem, Notes from my Journal
Over the past few days, I have pondered about inviting people into my world of the Occult, Occult does mean the unknown. Maybe it is time for an elder to open her door and serve tea and scones on the porch..
Most of us are very vulnerable when it comes to romantic love. A new awareness is possible. It takes work, and this blog provides steps as you untangle from the mess you lived in. The results are excellent.
The Other Way Method helps the Ego and Spirit to find a way to work together. If you push the Ego out, you push out your earth experience and the emotional pool. Our emotions are vital. You have decided to shut down those emotions that the Ego knows well.
The Devil’s predominant fear is loneliness. To beat this fear, it must chain people to them. This blog reveals how they do it. Are you a victim of this Archetype? Are you acting out this Archetype? You need to know, now.
Love, a thirst we seek to quench. We reach out to connect with a person and enter the web called the Tangle's Dance. Our bodies crave to hydrate in the essence of love, yet we often are left thirsty.
I was granted to become Renee Abbott’s spirit guide in the 1990s. She was a challenge. I didn’t have a case report on her. The only information I received was that she is psychic and is not fan or groupie material. The last two enticed me, for fans and groupies eventually get boring. I needed to sew
Why was one spirit sent back in the 1990s to warn us about our future? Why did the Creator choose a famous rock n roll star for this job? Why did they choose me?
Crippled Inside Days gone when a man could recognize right from wrong. Today as I reentered the human race, the writings are all over the wall. Mankind has grown crippled inside.
I gave everything I had to manifest my goal__, but each time it failed. I persevere as the Oracle Cards mentioned, but my efforts flopped again, so I do as suggested and keep trying, I’m just not there yet in manifesting. Jasmine Renee, what am I doing wrong?
Did you know these spirits conned me and ghostwritten a fantasy book through me? Who are they? John Lennon, George Harrison, John Bonham, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix. They wrote Fantasy but revealed predictations that came true.
The road I traveled with them left me concerned of these two areas. My family would find out and disowned me. I would be ridiculed. One who lived a life surrounded by bullies, a family, especially a grandmother, who let you know you are welcome, brought a lot of shame. I felt as if I was wearing t
Can the dead still create? Yes. Today you will get a chance to enjoy their latest creations of the crystal realm and a ghost train. Thank you for reading.
Hello. Thank you for reading this blog. I am a medium who channels John Lennon, since the 1990s off and on, and he is now writing blogs through me. The dead need to communicate. A video is provided with Lennon, BBKing, Muddy Waters, and Bonzo, John Bonham. Thank you for reading it.
Warning. I am opening a door that reveals what happens after death. There is Light, and those who have Near Death Experiences are experiencing their birthday party, which is all of the light. They re-enter their body. They didn’t cross the veil. We did. Time to Share What Happens after Death.
Bonzo and John Channeling about Magick, Testing, Protection,
John shares what love meant to him. The tears, the liea, the blame, the games people play. BB King, called it the Vampires of Love and wrote a song for John. Speaking about love.
Difficulty in accepting that the dead can return? What about a bunch of musicians, poets, and artists who decided to show us, once again, another way? It's real. They are sharing their story for those who want a change. Do you?
I needed to provide another look at death and the afterlife. A view that has been blocked from the living for centuries. I pulled the curtain back to show what is being hidden from you. It is time you were given this information, so you can decide.
The Dead returned, John Bonham, George Harrison, a Dragon. A Jimmy Page plot by Bonzo.
Enter a world that we don't know of. Did John and his friends enter the Galactica? Who are these Crystal dragons, Faires, and Floras? Why did they come back to Earth with the dead? Why did Goddess Pele and Goddess Athena join them?
John Lennon is opening us to concepts that we never knew. He speaks to us of areas hidden. Some see it as fantasy, and others see it as insane. John and his spirit friends believe those who see beyond will understand.
It was my first haunting. As I entered her bedroom, she sat on the bench at her vanity table, brushing her hair. I opted for the full body materialization. My first ghost appearance to a stranger. As I materialized, I waited for the bloody screams to come.
As a witch, magick user since my twenties and working with a real of Crystal Beings, I've learned how to use the cards to manipulate and move out energy that doesn't serve a purpose. Are you interested? My blog contains tools that I learned from the Crystal Beings.
Life after Death Didn’t Change. Daily I found a reason to skip going to the bar. Even when I was in a band playing in the 1960s and early seventies, I needed to stay away from the fans screaming. I needed help,
I wish to teach you how to use the Sun Card in Tarot for guidance. I will also include a spread that can help you with reading the cards.
John speaks about that night when five bullets snuffed out his dreams.How he met, Howlin Wolf at the Blues Riff Bar. How he met John Bonham at the bar...
Shame grew out of bullying, not being accepted by your family, and believing God hated me. This is my journey out of shame for the gift of being a Jewish psychic.
At the age of 72, I was living estranged, lost, isolated, lonely, and was about to give up. My Journey Back to the Living.
In the 1990s on AOL I channeled a spirit who offered us another view of the Law of Attraction. A view I knew, but I chose to not listen. Now, I am following this spirit's suggestions to break free from the patterns that binded me into blindness.
As I stated in the first blog, 2015 would have gone down in a horrific way if these entities didn’t create an intervention for me. It had already started in 2013 when I requested John Lennon’s spirit to come back and bring my husband, who died in 2005.
Hello. I am Renee Abbott, also known as Jasmine Renee Abbott and Jasmine Renee Crystal Abbott. I am a professional psychic medium. I live through the guidance of my soul mates, the planets. It is these bodies that influence the direction of my life. As one of my spirit guides taught me.
It was fate that kicked my life into a new direction, which involved going to Hawaii, the Ho’oponopono, Goddess Pele, and going through Goddess Pele's fire. It all started with an invitation to fly to Hawaii. At that time I was agoraphobic. Something inside me said go. I did.
Does Astrology Hold an Imprint of Our Original Default Mind? One of the first lessons I learned was about the planets. They are our soul mates. Their function was to guide us through this lifetime, offering us the experiences needed to do the task we came to Earth to do.
Stopping the cycle of manifesting blow-ups that we often meet in our life. This is a series of blogs that walks you through enchantment and fun as we create the reality we seek. First, a visit with the patterns that control you and how to tell when they stop. Why did you fall into the pit.?
Tired of failing in manifesting? It is not you. It's the nonsense you learned. Manifesting works. There is no secret, nothing hidden. Here is step one, without the nonsense.
We love mystery, mystical, mythology and the unknown. It is a wonderful way to escape the drudgery of everyday life. I've attempted to escape, what most people call fiction, in my everyday life. The time has come to share my world with you. Welcome to my world of artistic spirits & how they love.
You run from people who speak words, the law of attraction and creating your own reality. Why wouldn’t you run? These concepts, in the past, crushed you. Instead of boosting your confidence. You curled up in a ball and put a sign on you, loser. I know that road.
Death rejects me. Divine askes the Hippie Ghost Band, a group of spirits, to intervene and help you to heal. They did began creating a new me, with the use of Tarot cards? It was fun and exhilirating.
Over forty years as a spiritual counselor, suicide is one area I have helped many to walk away from. 2015, I tettered in taking my own life. The soul pain I daily lived in became my cry, take my life God. Instead, God put me on a different path. We can live heaven on earth. I am doing it.
Are you living a stuck existence? Need help? This symbolic journey can offer you guidance in removing the chains that bind you daily. Tarot spread included to aid the journey away from the Devil card.
What does it mean when you pull these two tarot cards? Are you dancing in the tangle of the Lovers and the Devil? Has love been a painful journey? Learn how to get out of this merry-go-round and heal yourself.