What is spirituality? How does it impact our life? how important it is?
Song... Boy ... Pop
Song... Boy... Country
Song...Boy... Pop
Song... Boy... Pop!!!
Song... Boy... Soul...
Song... Girl...Soul.
Song... Boy...Country
Song ... Country... Boy
Song... Country... Boy
Song... Disco... Boy...
Song... girls---- pop
Song... Disco...
Song... Girl... pop!!
song... Soul... Boy!!
Song---- Rhythms and Blues... boy!!
song... country... boy
lyrics for a song... "pop"
actually a song... I wrote it as a song
who is a good friend?
the ways of the wind
about today young!!
it's about both god's law and man-made...
the many uses of the hand
all about the ills of racism...
who is a president?
two of the world most hated problems
about being poor, is poverty a crime
for black history month...
about our situation today, about what we want and the future...