Discover an inspiring journey as we delve into a teenage girl's softball season marked by triumphs over challenges and unforeseen drama. From overcoming selective mutism to facing off-field turmoil, explore the raw reality of resilience and growth.
Handling Unfair Youth Coaches: Rise Above Toxicity. From Positive Coaching to Dark Encounters, Learn Strategies for Resilience in Youth Sports.
Love's Unexpected Redemption by Christina Cakes inspires hearts and changes lives in this captivating tale of resilience, hope, and the transformative power of love.
"Discover the transformative power of journaling! Explore the top nine reasons to keep a journal—unlock personal growth, self-reflection, and clarity. Embrace the benefits of writing, mindfulness, and creativity.
Anybody who claims to be the perfect parent is either a liar or trying to sell you something. I love being a mom and I try my best to always do what is right for my kids, I am not perfect and I make mistakes like everybody else. I sure do love those kids though! In honor of my daughters 10th BDay!
Many people believe that children have a sixth sense that allows them to see and communicate with beings from other planes and dimensions. As we grow older, this ability almost always goes away. Some people believe that this sixth sense is just a child's imagination.
Disclaimer: This story involves a real life tragedy that may be extremely upsetting to read. This is my personal experience of researching the tragic event and the paranormal experience I had afterward.
A young mother with two small children moves into a new home, little does she know the terror that awaits her family.
In the aftermath of this past Fathers Day, I decided to write a little something to show appreciation to all types of fathers.
For many people, saying they love someone is easy, but actually proving it i much more difficult. This article explores ways to tell if someone genuinely cares or just knows the right words to say.
It is very difficult to watch somebody we care about suffer emotionally through a difficult situation. Often times we do not know what to do or say in this situation, and nothing we can think of seems to help. There are things somebody who is suffering does and does not want to hear.
Have you ever struggled to figure out why your relationships seem unhealthy? Have you ever wondered why your relationship seemed to be failing? This article explores the idea of the A-V-H Relationship Theory adapted from Southlake Christian Counseling.
It is wonderful to have a great self image however, those that can only maintain it by putting other people down may be suffering from a condition called Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Over-eating is often due to a habit we have formed over years of unhealthy behavior. Exercise and willpower are key to any diet; however, what do you do when you are bored and your first instinct is to reach for food? This article explores different options for beating bored eating!
Keeping the wild animals your kids find as pets as opposed to teaching your children that wild animals should remain wild.
We should all strive to be role models to our children. This means teaching them to love, accept and forgive.
Technology has its benefits however, it also has it's problems. How young is too young for a smartphone?
I was a Girl Scout and now I am a Girl Scout Leader to my daughter and many other wonderful girls. Don't be quick to dismiss this fantastic organization, take the time to find out how it can actually benefit your family! This is my experience!
How to get rid of dry cracked heels in two steps!
The truth behind eyeball myths and what you can do to really take better care of your eye health.
The NICU can be an amazing place. It can also be extremely terrifying. Often times a parent of a baby in the NICU is so overwhelmed with worry for their child, that their own feelings are overlooked. This is my personal journey with the NICU and the feelings I experienced.
How to take your bedroom from clutter and chaos to relaxing and romantic. Set the mood for love with these tips!
Sometimes life gets in the way and you can't go to or finish college right out of high school. Don't let that stop you though. Education is important.
For many people, weight loss surgery is a last resort. If you have been unsuccessful at diets and fitness regimens over the years, then you have probably at least thought about weight loss surgery. It is important however to keep in mind that even with the surgery, you still must work at it.
For some emotionally troubled individuals, writing is a great outlet. However, when a writer is too emotionally involved in their writing it could trigger depression.
For children and parents, starting kindergarten is a huge step and can be very stressful. Make sure you are prepared by preparing your child for the big first day of school!
Domestic violence is a social concern that affects and endangers people globally; however with understanding and spreading awareness this problem can be better recognized and reduced in the future.
Using aversion therapy to help cure drug and alcohol addictions.
What are Stay at home parents really worth to employers? What should they be worth? Some may say worthless, I say priceless!
Are dreams indications of our unconscious thoughts, desires and worries or are they are just random thoughts and memories to keep our brains active and processing information throughout our sleep?
How to help your child achieve better grades in school.
While there are always chances that things can occur beyond our control, there are definitely steps you can take to help your baby have the best chance possible.
If you have recently gotten dumped and your are having a hard time getting over it, here is some solid advice to help you!
Relational-cultural theory is a theory of counseling and development that came about in order to fill a gap that traditional models ignored and provides and alternate and inclusive model of development across the life span.
Where does violent behavior in humans come from? It is caused by genetics or learned from environmental influences. Is violent behavior a result of nature or nurture or both?
Comparison/Contrast insights into the decision to discuss your problems in counseling with a trained professional or with a friend or family member.
Also called an isolette, an incubator is basically a clear plastic box. For a premature baby, this box is the next best thing to being inside its mothers belly.
A typical diet is very low in Omega 3 fatty acids because the main sources for them is through fish or flaxseed oil, also grass fed meat and free-ranging poultry, all things that we (especially us Americans) do not typically consume enough of.
It all started with a fall down the stairs. One thing led to another and through a series of doctor visits I ended up finding out that I had a lump in my throat. There were two lumps actually, one right in front and one on the right side of my neck. The ironic thing is that I have always had a...
When memory loss disrupts daily life it might not be from simple forgetfulness. Memory loss can be caused by cognitive impairment disorders such as delirium, dementia, amnesia. This article explores types of cognitive impairment disorders.
To put it simply, Acne is caused when the pores in your skin become clogged. If you don’t know what acne is however, you probably wouldn’t be here. So let’s bypass the background information and get right to the point. There are countless skin care products out today that claim to fight acne and...
Problem solving can be a long drawn out process that relies on creative thinking and understanding of why the problem exists. Often times, executives don’t spend enough effort on the problem finding and solving stages because they have a misguided belief that acting quickly and decisively is what...
The list goes on and on. For a new mother-to-be it can get quite confusing. Once you become pregnant you think that you have months to prepare. It goes by very quickly though and for some of us, preparations are overwhelming. When creating a baby registry, some people take weeks researching and...
How your employer can help you achieve a healthy lifestyle! Wellness programs not only reduce company health care costs but also reduce the cost of health insurance.
For some, the first instinct when a child is at risk for abuse in their home is to remove that child from their home. But is that always the best case? First, it is important to define what exactly constitutes as child abuse. According to the CAPTA (Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment...
This article explores theories of Suicidal Behavior: Statistics show that nine out of ten people who commit or attempt suicide have at least one major psychiatric illness and in half of these cases two or more such illnesses are present. Most common of these psychiatric conditions are mood...
Relationships can be tricky. Men and women sometimes seem to speak entirely different languages. Why is this, and how do we cope in order to maintain a good relationship?