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Interview With an Editor

Meet Domenic!

For this week's newsletter, we interviewed Domenic, a dedicated HubPages editor, to ask him about his job and his life outside of The Arena Group. Let's dive right in!

What is the most memorable/fascinating article you’ve ever encountered on HubPages?

Recently, I got the chance to do an in-depth edit on World Time Zones by HubPages author Harry. As someone who is a fan of history and geography, this extensively researched piece demonstrates exactly why I’ve enjoyed editing for WanderWisdom over the last year. I learned so much while editing this!  

What is an element that you love to see authors include in their articles?

I think original photos really help elevate the quality and look of an article. Adding original photography from your travels or nature sightings shows readers how you’ve had experience with what you’re writing about. That said, I do love a well-composed sources list that gives additional information about questions I thought of while reading the piece. 

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An architect! But then, by the time I was in 8th grade, I realized I was horrible at math and thus changed my dream to being a film critic. 

What does the ideal workday look like for you?

Since HubPages editors work remotely with content created by people all over the world, we have a great deal of flexibility with our individual days. Nevertheless, in order to stay on track, I try to follow a typical 9–5/5:30 day. I get up and make coffee and a smoothie and do all my small tasks first. After lunch, I sit down and work on the heftier edits, and towards the end of the day, I finish up more small tasks, check Slack, and clear out all images, downloads, and emails accumulated on my computer throughout the day. 

What is your favorite book and/or what was the most recent book you read?

My favorite books include The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson and The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. Currently, I am reading Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion after thoroughly enjoying The Year of Magical Thinking on audiobook earlier this year. 

What kind of edit is the most satisfying to make?

I love when I am able to go in and make formatting changes that upgrade the entire look of an article and make it much more fun to both look at and read. I enjoy adjusting headers and subheaders to help readers navigate the pieces, and most of all, I love sourcing photos from Wikimedia Commons or other public domain sites to enhance the visual aspects of the piece. 

Do you have a favorite network site?

I think that Owlcation has to be my favorite network site. The information available here feels endless! I love our biographies section as well as our history articles. I find the content on this site to be generally well-written and researched by our strong set of writers. This site is the epitome of what the free flow of information between ordinary people looks like, and proves why that is such an important aspect of having a healthy and smart society. 

Special thanks to Domenic for sharing his insight with us! 

Pro Tips

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Rojo Now Live on Soapboxie

As of this week, Rojo, our newly introduced commenting system, is live on Soapboxie! Now you can join your fellow social enthusiasts in discourse about politics, governments, and civic issues. 

As a reminder, you may access comments by opening an article and clicking on the "Join the Conversation" button at the bottom of the page. This will redirect you to Rojo, where you can read, reply to, and make your own comments. 

Rojo is currently enabled on the following sites:

Visit these sites today and try Rojo yourself!

Featured Articles of the Week

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Featured Articles of the Week

Fresh Faces of HubPages

Chris Hollon, From Kansas, 5 Fans, 19 Hubs, Joined 3 months ago

Fresh Face of HubPages: Dr. Chris Hollon

This week's fresh face of HubPages is Dr.  Chris Hollon! Chris has an Ed.D. in educational leadership and extensive experience teaching, educating, and administrating. Their articles are focused on a vast array of subjects, ranging from Effective Strategies for Managing Travel Anxiety to 15 Must-Follow Rules for Creating a Successful YouTube Channel. Check out their pieces and see what you can learn!

The views and opinions expressed in this section
do not necessarily reflect those of HubPages.

  HubPages Fun Fact: Walt Disney was the original voice of the character Mickey Mouse

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