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Site Spotlight: Dengarden

As winter melts into spring, the buds begin blooming, and the birds start to sing, people everywhere are looking out at their yards and planning their next great home-improvement project. Whether you're beginning to tackle the beast that is spring cleaning, you're planning to start a miniature garden, or you've decided to test out a new type of fertilizer, Dengarden.com is the place for you!

Dengarden Editorial Policy 

As with all our network sites, we're looking for authors with experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness to write for Dengarden. Does this mean you have to be a master gardener in order to have articles published? Not necessarily. It just means you should be familiar enough with your subject to be able to give it a personal touch. 

Another thing our editors especially love to see is original images. Show us the sparkling results of a homemade cleaning product you tried out, a visual step-by-step guide to the treehouse you've built, or your original concept sketches for the bathtub pond you've put in your front flowerbed. Original photos like these are one of the easiest (and most eye-catching) ways of showing your experience with your subject. 

"Write a Lot About a Little" 

You may have heard this phrase before, but if you haven't, here's a breakdown. We're looking for authors to write articles that discuss specific (or even hyper-specific) content that could bring traffic by answering distinct queries. For example, instead of writing an article titled "Things You Should Plant in Your Garden," try writing one titled "A Guide to Planting Vegetables in the Pacific Northwest." This way, you narrow your audience to those looking for the particular advice you're giving! 

Extra Notes to Consider 

  • Our editors have confirmed that this time of year is the perfect time to publish articles about certain types of plants and niche gardening techniques. 
  • If you're considering writing an article for Dengarden, first do a quick search on the site to see if similar content already exists. If it does, consider switching to a different subject. 

Pro Tips

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Thank You!

In lieu of a pro tip this week, we'd like to share some of our gratitude with you (yes, you!) for being part of HubPages. We understand that changes to our policies can feel confusing, so just know we're extra appreciative of your patience and teamwork as we work on making our sites more appealing for our entire community! 

The editing team has noticed how diligently you are working on updating your articles to adhere to our new photo guidelines. By converting your top images to landscape style, rearranging your media, and working to keep your content " above the fold," you are helping all of HubPages look more coordinated and feel more connected. If you missed our new image updates, head to this  forum post to learn more. 

On behalf of the entire HubPages team, thank you. Keep up the great work! 

Featured Articles of the Week

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Featured Articles of the Week

Fresh Faces of HubPages

Kimberly Parr, From Central New York, 0 Fans, 2 Hubs, Joined 3 months ago

Fresh Face of HubPages

Award-Winning True Crime Writer: Kimberly Parr

This week's fresh face of HubPages is Kimberly Parr! Kimberly joins our community from New York, and writes primarily about unsolved crimes in the United States. To read Kimberly's work, see their articles " The Yuba County Five: Terror on the Mountain" and " The Hanging of Hannah Ocuish."

The views and opinions expressed in this section
do not necessarily reflect those of HubPages.

  HubPages Fun Fact: In 1984, the minimum drinking age in the U.S. was changed from 18 to 21.

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