Rusty Was My Dogs Name
"Rusty was my dogs name."
At the age of eleven and wanting a pet for as long as I can remember,the perfect opportunity came when we moved next door to the sheriff of our town, his name was Dan, he just happened to have a collie mix that had a litter of pups. I was so excited to play with those puppies. My favorite one was the biggest one of the litter of seven he was also reddish in color. I knew right then and there that he was the one for me. Sheriff Dan said that I could have one, so he asked me which one I wanted, and without hesitation I said, "The reddish colored one". Are you sure? I think he was teasing me.
My next step was to talk my parents into the idea. There was seven of us at home, so I understood that we could not afford a pet. Never the less I had my heart set on this puppy, and would do whatever it took to make him my dog. I asked Sheriff Dan if he would keep him for me until I ok'd it with my parents. He said yes, I would have to come by to help take care of him. I did not want to name him until he was officially mine. I started talking to my mom first because I knew she was the hardest to convince. I started pleading my position as much as I could she still said certainly not. I told her I would never ask for another thing for the rest of my life. As I stood there, my father was watching me this whole time. He was listening, and shaking his head, and smiling at me. Later that night he took me aside and said, "I can see how much this means to you, therefore I think your mother would not notice the pup if you put him under our back porch; just until we can talk her into the idea of having a pet". I was so amazed that my father could see how much I wanted this. I told him I would do everything for this dog, and that nobody else had to do a thing. I then ran as fast as I could to Sheriff Dan's house to tell him the good news.
I decided to name my dog Rusty because of his color; I was very happy with my first pet, I took extremely good care of Rusty. Although we didn't have enough money to take him to the vet I did the best I could with his needs. My sister and I would walk to the store for our mother every now and then, one occasion I remember telling Rusty to stay home because he loved walking with us, he usually would listen, but this time he was being stubborn. He finally stayed back, I couldn't see him anymore. We walked for another 10 Min's; when i saw to my right down in the ditch, there was Rusty on his belly crawling in order for me not to see him. He was very determined to follow us. I couldn't believe he was so smart. Another time he was with ,there was this shepherd that was loose. Rusty saw him, and stood in front of us to protect us, as soon as the other dog came at us charging, Rusty went for him. They collided a foot off the ground I saw hair flying, and heard growling and saw fangs. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do, Just then a man from the store came out ,and turned on the water hose on the dogs. This stopped the fight, and we went home. after getting home I looked him over and did not see any major problems.
I consider Rusty my hero, and I will tell you why. He saved my life one day; I know people say that about their pets all the time, but this is very true. Our family had an old refrigerator in the garage that was plugged in, I was curious, so I opened it and what a shock I got. Feeling the strength leaving my body not being able to let go of the door, everything was going black. I looked over and of course there was Rusty he was whining and looking at me, he then took a running start and jumped at my chest knocking me over and allowing me to let go. He then ran off crying and was hiding under the house. Rusty didn't come near me after that for about two days, but eventually he came around. I couldn't thank him enough. My dog Rusty and I went through a lot together,and I sure do miss him. I won't tell you the rest of the story because its just to painful. Rusty I will never forget you.
my other hub
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