What is your favorite breed of dog? Do you currently own your favorite breed?

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  1. JosieLee profile image63
    JosieLeeposted 13 years ago

    What is your favorite breed of dog? Do you currently own your favorite breed?

  2. HarryMcG profile image60
    HarryMcGposted 13 years ago

    Love greyhounds. Gentle, affectionate great family dogs, don't have the doggy smell.

  3. Brett Winn profile image79
    Brett Winnposted 13 years ago

    Most definitely ... Australian Shepherds and Border Collies. My daughter in law has a rescued Greyhound though ... and he is a beautiful and sweet dog as well!

  4. jeyaramd profile image63
    jeyaramdposted 13 years ago

    A breed between a golden retriever and a poodle would be great. A poodle are supposedly smart dogs and golden retrievers are very patient. It would be a great match. The best of both worlds.

  5. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I love dogs, they make such wonderful companions and friends.  Labs are my favorite because they are such clowns.  We have 3 large dogs, a Leonberger, a German shepherd and a choc. lab, Tully.  He's my buddy.  He is such a clown, and one of his favorite places to rest is to drape himself across my husband's lap.  A 90 pound lap dog!

  6. Sherry Hewins profile image86
    Sherry Hewinsposted 13 years ago

    My favorite changes according to whatever dogs I have at the time. Now I have 2 dachshunds, a dachshund-pug hybrid and a rottweiler. So, they are my favorites. I never though I would like a pug, didn't really like the way they look. But I find them more attractive now that I've had this half-breed. And that's happened before. When an Australian Shepherd came into my life, that became my favorite. When I had shelties they were my favorites. I have loved dogs of many breeds and mixtures.

  7. sgbrown profile image95
    sgbrownposted 13 years ago

    My favorite breed of dog is an Husky.  Yes, I currently have a Husky, her name is Meisha.  They are beautiful dogs and very loyal.  When they shed, you can make a fur coat out of the hair you find in the floor!  LOL

  8. R9139 profile image61
    R9139posted 13 years ago

    Siberian husky, I have the two parent dogs and four puppies right now. Very loyal dogs, apart from the puppies they are more whoever has food is their new best friend right now

  9. profile image48
    aaronmackieposted 13 years ago

    Boxers - they are so ugly that they are cute.

  10. BeliDee profile image55
    BeliDeeposted 13 years ago

    Japanese Spitz is the best looking dog. But I haven't kept one for a long time.

  11. Cat R profile image79
    Cat Rposted 13 years ago

    A mutt! They are usually healthier ( as in minus those issues bred in to achieve a certain look) and live longer (due to the lack of health issues). And you can find some real beauties that won't cost you thousands of dollars while saving a life!

    The shelters are full of them! And even if you pick one that isn't 'beautiful', you may find more beauty in them than you expected!

    Yes, I have and will always have 'Mutts'!

  12. Shaddie profile image74
    Shaddieposted 13 years ago

    Dobermans are my favorite breed, and yes, I do have one wink

  13. Mclibr profile image60
    Mclibrposted 13 years ago

    lebrador, such a wonder dog. i have two lebra...

  14. DonnaCosmato profile image84
    DonnaCosmatoposted 13 years ago

    I've always preferred Chihuahuas although I am a dedicated dog lover and think that each breed has its own unique appeal. However, I have owned at least one Chihuahua for the last 30 years, and I currently own a long-haired beauty named Jillian.

  15. JKenny profile image92
    JKennyposted 13 years ago

    Has to be Jack Russells, they are real livewires and characters. You never have a dull moment with a Russell. Once, I was walking mine down the park path, when a huge rat shot out in front of us, she pounced on it, and after a short struggle killed it I was astonished because it was the quickest I'd ever seen her move.

  16. DanielNeff profile image60
    DanielNeffposted 13 years ago

    I have two favorite breeds, and I currently own one of those.
    My two favorite breeds are Golden Retriever and German Shepherd.
    We have a 3-year-old Golden right now. He replaced the Golden we had who died in 2008 at the age of 14. They are wonderful dogs: smart, sweet, stuck on happy, and well-behaved. And there isn't a breed that is better with small children.
    I have always loved the majestic look of the German Shepherd. We had one briefly in Maine, when we worked with troubled teens, but had to get rid of her because we didn't have the time to give her the training and stimulation she needed. We were, however, very judicious in choosing a new owner. We found a couple (he was a retired NASA engineer) that owned a large farm in SW Maine. The wife was looking for a young German Shepherd to take the place of her 11-year-old German which she took on long walks every day. It was a perfect fit.
    Now that I no longer work in the troubled teen field, my next dog will be a German Shepherd.

  17. renee21 profile image82
    renee21posted 11 years ago

    My favorite breed is the Siberian Husky.  They're so beautiful!  No, I do not currently own one.


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