What is the best dog you have owned?

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  1. philClaeys profile image61
    philClaeysposted 12 years ago

    What is the best dog you have owned?

    What breed makes the best dog to have?


  2. Tammy Marie Rose profile image59
    Tammy Marie Roseposted 12 years ago

    Living on a farm we have had several dogs. The best however are the mixed rescue dogs we have taken in. After surviving abusive homes these dogs are loving, gentle and appreciative of their new lives. There is nothing like watching a dog who is afraid and withdrawn when you bring them home blossom into playful, loving friends.

  3. Judi Bee profile image91
    Judi Beeposted 12 years ago

    I have lived with a Labrador retriever, a golden retriever, a German shepherd, a Jack Russell terrier, and currently an Airedale Terrier.  I love my Airedale to pieces - the German shepherd was a favourite too - but then so was the golden retriever!

    I guess that the best breed depends on you; what you are looking for in a dog and what kind of lifestyle you have.  I prefer larger dogs and as we have time and energy, our Airedale suits us fine.  She would be a nightmare for someone who wanted a quiet lapdog.

  4. Mardi profile image78
    Mardiposted 12 years ago

    I love all of the dogs I have had the benefit of having in the family. Almost all were rescues but I have to admit my Akita Jake was the love of my life. She was the most human dog I have ever had, not to speak badly of any others.

    I currently have 4 lab crosses, one hound cross and one boxer cross, along with 2 border/Australian cattle dog crosses, all found us. Wouldn't trade a one!!!

  5. FishAreFriends profile image73
    FishAreFriendsposted 12 years ago

    Well I've only owned two, but they are equal on my scale. My first was a mutt, she was really unique looking- chocolate brown like a lab but shaggy like a golden retriever. She was loyal and friendly, she also loved hunting. She passed away at age 14.

    My current dog is...well...interesting. Shes crazy, a total brat, and lazy. She was spoiled before I got her.....and I have to admit she's still spoiled now- but she's happy and to my standards  living the perfect dog life.

  6. Rosie writes profile image83
    Rosie writesposted 12 years ago

    We had a German-Shephard/Collie mix.  We got him from the Humane Society when he was 7 weeks old and had him for more than 14 years.  He was perfect in every way. We miss him sooo much. He used to howl when he heard a baby crying.  We taught him to ring a bell to go outside. He's been gone for over a year now and I still get choked up just thinking about him.

  7. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    What breed you should have depends on your lifestyle.  Many breeds require lots of room to run and play, other dogs are content in the house.  We study breeds before we decide on one to own.

    We have a rescue German Shepherd, a Leonberger and a Lab.  And labs are my favorite, they are funny and clown-like and loyal and make wonderful pets.  My best dog ever - was Duffy, a choc. lab we got at 8 weeks old.  He was my best buddy and I adored him.  He died last August at 13 1/2 years and I still miss him.  My current lab is Tully and he is turning out to be a great dog.  He picks things up that I drop and brings them to me.

  8. landscapeartist profile image60
    landscapeartistposted 12 years ago

    I have had a beagle, springer spaniel, labrador retriever, hound, poodle/terrier mix, and I would have to say that my favorite is Drake, my lab.  He is loyal, bouncy, fun-loving, and my best-friend.


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