Which is the best dog breed for you?

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  1. afriqnet profile image65
    afriqnetposted 12 years ago

    Which is the best dog breed for you?

    I own a GSD and am thinking I need a collie, I admire their intelligence. I would like to know which breed you consider to be the best dog breed for you and why.

  2. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 12 years ago

    For us, the Great Dane is the best. We've owned several over the years, and we currently have two neutered males. Danes are smart, fun, laid back, easy to train, and they LOVE kids. We have nine grandchildren, by the way. Our big boys aren't agressive, but they're wonderful watch dogs. They look and sound menacing when a stranger comes to the door. Danes are also easy to groom, and they don't eat nearly as much as people assume because of their low metabolisms.

    I've owned and trained LOTS of different breeds of dogs, but the Great Dane is my overall favorite breed. One of the Danes I have now is the smartest dog I've ever known. He's been extremely easy to train.

    1. afriqnet profile image65
      afriqnetposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing your experience with Great Dane.

  3. Nature by Dawn profile image72
    Nature by Dawnposted 12 years ago

    I prefer medium to large-sized dogs of any breed or breed mix. I am not inclined towards smaller dogs, although they are cute. I prefer larger dogs that can keep up with me outdoors, enjoy playful rough-housing, and are good guard dogs. I also like intelligent dogs. I've had a Sheltie and a Border Collie/Lab mix. And I currently have a Labrador and an Aussie/Border Collie mix. I really enjoy teaching them new tricks (and showing them off). I've also had other not-so-intelligent larger dogs like a Beagle mix, Rottweiler mix, and two Chow/Shep mixes. Sephi was a Chow/Shep mix and she was smart enough to learn the basics but was really laid back (great guard dog, though). Some drawbacks of my larger dogs were that some were dog-aggressive. The herding dogs tend to be because they are inclined to "protect the herd". And the Chow mixes were. My Labrador loves everybody and every dog. And my Beagle and Rottie mixes were very friendly with people and other dogs.

    1. afriqnet profile image65
      afriqnetposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am also too much into medium sized dogs that is the reason I am looking forward to getting a collie. I also admire intelligent dogs since they are easy to train.

    2. Nature by Dawn profile image72
      Nature by Dawnposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Be careful with an intelligent dog. If they are not exercised regularly and stimulated with training or other mental activities, they can develop bad behaviors. An intelligent dog that is bored can turn to chewing destruction, barking, digging, etc.

  4. Bretsuki profile image69
    Bretsukiposted 12 years ago

    My favorite breed is the German Shepherd, but I have owned Border Collies in the past.

    The Border Collie is a very good dog but you will need to bear in mind it is a working dog as such it needs lots of exercise and to be kept entertained with games which is why they are so great at competitions like agility and flyball.

    Left to their own devices a Border Collie can become destructive and dominating.

  5. daughterson profile image78
    daughtersonposted 12 years ago

    I have a wonderful long haired Jack Russell.  She is very smart and her creativity is amazing.  However a Jack Russel is not for everyone.  She is very protective of her family, a great watch dog.  She cannot stand to be separated from me or my husband.  She is easily distracted by squirels and rabbits.  She hates the mail man -- she can even recognized the mail car.  Also it does not matter if the mail person is male or female -- she knows.

    She figured out how to pick up two milk bones at the same time.  She carries them around, hides them and then after a long while eats them.  She hits the trash can when she is hungry and sits in front of the refrigerator when she wants ice to play with. 

    I like Brandy because she is more like a cat than a dog.  She likes to climb as high as she can on everything she can.

    My husband likes to fish but he can't take Brandy with him because she won't sit still.

    If you want a dog that just sits quietly do not get a Jack Russell.  But if you want a dog that is intertaining and likes to play get a Jack Russell.

  6. takerecess profile image60
    takerecessposted 12 years ago

    I prefer large, long-haired dogs. They need to be smart, and kid friendly. The dog I own now is a golden retriever mix and fits in perfectly.

  7. nanderson500 profile image84
    nanderson500posted 12 years ago

    I would have to say a chihuahua since that's what I own. I live in an apartment so it's good to have a small dog.

  8. profile image0
    KDuBarry03posted 12 years ago

    I would definitely go with a Samoyed. I tend to be around many people and this breed is highly sociable. With that, i also like spending my time each day hanging out with my dog, so brushing them everyday won't be an issue. They absolutely love everyone, are kind and gentle with kids, and are generally healthy dogs that can live between twelve to fifteen years.

  9. JulieStrier profile image67
    JulieStrierposted 12 years ago

    I prefer medium to large dogs that are mixed breeds. We currently have a golden retriever german shepherd mix, and he's the smartest, most conscientious dog I know (of course, I am biased). He's good around other people, small children, and generally good around other dogs (although this is sometimes hit or miss because he's an "only-child").

    All of our friends tend to have small dogs, and in my opinion small dogs aren't nearly as smart, or as trainable, as bigger dogs. Where our dog knows upwards of 40 commands or more, most small dogs I know have a hard time even learning "sit". Could be the dogs though, I'm sure there are small dogs out there that are smart and trainable.

    Additionally, I think that with mixed breed dogs, you tend to get the best of all the breeds, and a lot less of the "bad" traits of those breeds. Of course, this is all just my opinion. Your mileage may vary. Good luck with your second dog!

  10. bdegiulio profile image98
    bdegiulioposted 12 years ago

    For us it was the Shih Tzu.  I have a lot of allergies and the Shih Tzu has hair, not fur, which helps.  Also, she doesn't shed at all which was a concern.  She's small and compact, not a big dog that you can run with or anything, but she loves people.  She's the queen of our household.

  11. connorj profile image69
    connorjposted 12 years ago


    Well for John Connor, the best breed would be a mature Belgian Malinois called  Mollinator. She is amazing; she senses when someone is coming or going by our house on the sidewalk. she rushes the door when someone approaches that she does not know. The Mollinator is introduced to my daughters' boyfriends in this "rush the door with abandon attitude" when the boys first come to our door to visit or date our daughters. I have no need to clean my guns infront of these boys. She walk on her hinds for yards and can literally jump fences (if commanded). Her nose is as sensitive as a hound's olfactory. She is highly intelligent and actually pouts when she misses her daily walk on the trails near our house.
    Yet with all of this aggresiveness; once she has introduced properly she is like an ultra-protective mother to other animals and humans. She sleeps and sits by my bedside and is highly aware of other mammals, birds, terminators etc. being within 50 yards of our doors. I have included a picture of this breed; they are the National Dog of Belgium and the only dog our Secret Service uses... They are highly rated in all categories from Justdogbreeds.com

  12. agilitymach profile image96
    agilitymachposted 12 years ago

    A collie is a good choice if you are prepared for the grooming.  I've owned a collie.  They are lovely dogs.  Do your research before buying as collies have lots of inherited genetic diseases including, but not limited to, Collie Eye Problem (cpe) and hip dysplasia.

    I have working shelties.  People commonly thing they are "miniature collies" or bred down collies.  While the collie is in their ancestry, they are actually a mix of several other breeds as well.  The sheltie's size and temperament fit my lifestyle.  I do only have working (high-drive) shelties because I compete in agility and want a monster hyper dog. smile

  13. Thelma Alberts profile image94
    Thelma Albertsposted 11 years ago

    I would say, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog as it´s the one I own. He´s so lovable and well trained.


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