Why does my American Eskimo not look like the ones I see on other webs

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  1. Stimp profile image59
    Stimpposted 14 years ago

    I got my Eskie....who was supposed to be a TOY....but is about 2-3 pounds away from falling on the cusp between a Mini and a Standard. Firstly, My biggest concern is that he isn't fluffy like the Eskies I see like on google images, etc. Now, granted he is ONLY 7 mos old. So maybe they go through an ugly stage. Please visit my Hub let me know what you think. There is an Am. Eskie Hub out there with a nice pic of an Eskie and he does NOT look like that. I'd like to show him as well.  Not sure if that's an option.  I've been told to do agility (which he'd be phenomenal with) requires alot of obedience....I'm not thinkin advanced obedience comes from Petsmart.  Any tips and tricks would be helpful.  But again, I'm most concerned about his short hair.

    http://hubpages.com/hub/A-Morning-With- … o-to-Sleep

    1. profile image48
      taytay4122posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      ok com down this happens alot i have 10 dogs and they have the same problem it nothing bad just he needs to be peted alot and played with and have lots of sleep.

    2. Lorelei Mission profile image60
      Lorelei Missionposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I see I'm 3 years late to this discussion but I will reply in case you still want your dog's fur to fill out, plus, other eskie owners might still be coming to this page looking for a solution.  The fur coat is affected by genetics, weather, and diet.  Some breed lines are fluffier than others, living in a warm climate sometimes thins the coat, and certain diets will bring you more fluff than others.  I currently own my 5th eskie plus I fosterhomed eskies for a couple of years.  There is a dog food that fluffs the coat more.  It's called "Wilderness Grain Free" and the brand is "Blue Buffalo". It's dry food that you can get at pet-food stores and it comes in flavors like chicken or salmon.  There's also a 'small breed' version if your doggie has a small mouth.  The eskies I took in that had coat problems, each of them started to have coat improvement within one month of starting on this food.  The reason is the 'grain-free' part... eskies shouldn't really have a ton of grain in their diets but a lot of dog foods unfortunately include grains.

  2. tksensei profile image60
    tksenseiposted 14 years ago

    You sure about the breeder?

    1. Stimp profile image59
      Stimpposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh hell no.  I've questioned her since I got him BUT he is registrable.

      1. Stimp profile image59
        Stimpposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        However, I have seen other eskies with shorter hair a well.  Why do some have long nice fluffy hair and others not, I guess is my question.

  3. tksensei profile image60
    tksenseiposted 14 years ago

    Well, screw it. If you and the dog love each other that's the important part.

    1. Stimp profile image59
      Stimpposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I know....you are right.  I just feel jilted.  I lost my 17 year old pom in March.  they don't "make em" that big anymore (12 lbs) that I could find.  I really like alot of fluff.

  4. tksensei profile image60
    tksenseiposted 14 years ago

    Shoulda gone with a Sammy!

    1. Stimp profile image59
      Stimpposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I noticed your pic....very cute.  I've always admired them as well.

  5. Cirdon profile image61
    Cirdonposted 14 years ago

    Have you checked the AKC's info about the breed? That will probably get you a better idea of what the standards of the breed are like. Chances are, many of the pics that you find on Google come from mixed breed dogs, or dogs that may appear to be Am. Eskies, but aren't at all (the thing is, you can't necessarily tell a breed by it's looks, especially when breed mixing has been involved in the past, like, 5 generations).

    1. Stimp profile image59
      Stimpposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, good points.

  6. Colebabie profile image61
    Colebabieposted 14 years ago

    My sister has an Eskie, she has a miniature that is about 16 lbs. A toy is generally 9 inches-12 inches, a miniature 12-15 inches, and a standard 15-19 inches. Looks like your pup is a miniature mix? From the beginning she was very fluffy. Looked like the dog in "The Proposal" with the fluffy white fur, pink belly with brown spots. She is stubborn and wants attention all the time. But she is very smart. Regardless, if you love the dog it really doesn't matter. Agility does require lots of training. Petsmart is more obedience training I believe? I'll look and see if I can find a picture of her. smile

  7. Colebabie profile image61
    Colebabieposted 14 years ago

    I couldn't find a picture of her, but I found this one online, and this is exactly what she looks like smile

    1. Stimp profile image59
      Stimpposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      K.  This is what my eskie looks like now.  But why are they not fluffy like the pics in google. 

      You are right, he did look like a terrier mix when he was a few months old and DID come to me looking very fluffy but quickly lost that.  But like i said he does look like this pic....almost exactly....in fact when I scrolled down for a second I thought, oh a pic of Timmy.  LOL

    2. The PomEskie Mom profile image57
      The PomEskie Momposted 8 years agoin reply to this


      Omg! This post made me smile in so many ways! I lost my 5 year old fur child Pomeranian, Chewbacca, to the "C" word in Feb 2015. I was utterly heartbroken for months in a fullblown depression in which I carried around his box of ashes with me everywhere I went. Yes, I know that sounds crazy but anyone who has every loved a dog like their child and then been forced to say goodbye too early I think will understand I was NOT okay for months. And despite loving poms, the mere thought getting another one was so painful I thought I would never recover. Then I found THIS little guy, my Benji, and I felt a flutter in my dead heart. We had two other dogs, both rescues but sadly because I was SO close with my Pom and then devastated when he passed they had both bonded with my fiancé more than me. So when Benji came in, it was like he KNEW I was the one who REALLY needed him. It was instant. He would NOT leave my side, and would throw a fit when we put him in his cage at bedtime until we let him sleep on the floor by my side of the bed.

      I am slightly embarrassed to say I bought him from a gentleman in a parking lot-and I say this because I am an avid rescuer and believe that if you have the chance to give a rescued dog a home you should, hence why I have two. But something led me to his web page and when I spoke to the guy selling him I was immediately concerned because they guy was just going to give him to anyone with $300. Anyone. I went into "dog mom" mode and said to myself " how do you not care at all about where he goes? If the people are employed? If they know and love dogs?" So any guilt I had about wanting him was immediately washed away because to ME it FELT like a rescue mission.  Even when we met- side note: I had asked my best friend to go with me so I was abducted or my organs harvested- when the guy went to get him out of his crate he cowered in fear in the back and the guy had trouble getting him to come out. But then I started talking to him and he started wagging his tail and popped his little head out. When he handed him to me, he clung to me for dear life. Now, from the day we put my bubba "Chewie" down I had been wearing Chewie's dog tag around my neck as a necklace. I still am now. And the first thing this little nugget did when he guy place him in my arms? Lick the tag. At that moment it was love at first sight. And my best friend of 12 years lost it. I paid the guy his $300, told him he should screen his clients and that it was more responsible to ask for background info before just handing off puppies. And from that moment on he has helped me heal a little more each day. I still cry over Chewie, and kiss his box everyday-but I truly believe he sent my little Benji to me. Dogs are just flipping amazing.

      ANYWAY- I was thrilled to read this post!! And Benji has brown spots on his belly, and freckles on his paws and tip of his nose. Someone told me that he may not be a purebred Eskie, but I never cared because I didn't buy him for his blood. I was however slightly worried he might have a weird skin condition because I couldn't find much info on the speckles-after you lose your 5 year old pup to "C" you worry about EVERYTHING. So I was elated to see your sis has a similar specked pup!!! Thanks for sharing and if you made it through this whole thing, thanks for humoring me. smile

  8. Areopagus_AW profile image58
    Areopagus_AWposted 14 years ago

    Your dog looks similar to a few pure Eskies I've been around. I don't have my own so I am not 100% sure.

    I just wanted to note that my dog is a Pom and he's 12 pounds, and only 3 years old. So they still make them big!

    1. Stimp profile image59
      Stimpposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks.  Timmy is a pure Eskie so I'm comforted that others look like him.  He is so cute.  When he gets up in the A.M. and the lights flip on....he rubs his eyes with his paws.  And, when I take him out and am bending down to put his leash on, he puts his front paws on my chest and takes a big, big stretch and kisses me good morning.  I love him even though he is not fluffy as I expected.

  9. profile image71
    Cowgirl0216posted 14 years ago

    Some dogs go through a stage when they don't look like they will fit the breed standard. I know Siberians are like this. You have to grow them out sometimes before you can determine if they are breed quality or not.

    Also, if you did not get your dog from a breeder with show quality parents, chances are your dog will not be show quality. If you are looking at pictures posted by breeders, that may be why your Eskie doesn't look like them.

    Either way, as long as you love the dog and it loves you back, that is what matters most.

  10. yoshi97 profile image56
    yoshi97posted 14 years ago

    Perhaps there is more Eskimo in your dog than you want to know ... wink   LOL!

  11. hEiDivaChocolate! profile image60
    hEiDivaChocolate!posted 14 years ago

    Your poor baby is not ugly; You're going to give him/ her a complex! <sad

  12. gracenotes profile image91
    gracenotesposted 14 years ago


    Your pup is very cute!

    I know this topic is not about toy poodles, but I've got one, and I always looked in amazement at the spectacular pictures of poodles.  I wondered how in the world it was possible they could have such impressively fluffy ears.

    Well, my poodle is "PQ" (pet quality), but when I complained she is not fluffy enough, my groomer said "Actually, Tessy has lots of hair."

    Perhaps groomers have professional tricks we know not of.

    1. wychic profile image84
      wychicposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      This could very well be the issue...I know many groomers have some really nice techniques to make the most out of what fur a dog has. Personally, I don't know about techniques for dogs, but I think back to a technique we used in 4-H and FFA to make the end of cow's tails really fluffy right before shows. We could take a tail that has stick-straight hair that usually sticks straight down, and have a poof the size of your head by time we were done. Maybe dog groomers do something similar before taking pictures of breeding or sale dogs?

  13. gracenotes profile image91
    gracenotesposted 14 years ago

    Yes, Wychic, they've got to make them look good for their web sites and for dog shows.  For schnauzers (I have one) I know that some of that particular breed are "super-coated" and they really do have remarkably thick hair.  I've seen some eye-popping photos that put my dog's coat to shame.

    You brought back some memories from high school of FFA stuff.  How well I remember my brother and his friends showing their animals.


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