Artistic Batiks ~~ Wanda Maria Ast
Abstract Batik Prints
On many continents and in many cultures batik printmaking is practiced by women and by men.. It is a lovely and ancient art form. In most regions of the world batik material is used to make dresses, skirts, and shawls. However in some countries, especially in the West, Batiks are created solely to serve as pieces of art; the goal is design and beauty, not practicality or utility.
These batiks are intended to hang on the walls, either in homes or fine art galleries. Wanda Maria Ast is part of that work-wide craft tradition and created batiks that could be framed and hung on the wall, just like any painting. In fact she sold many of her framed batiks at various galleries and art shows in North Georgia.
Here is a selection of abstract batiks completed by Wanda Maria Ast, who was my paternal grandmother. She experimented with many types of fabric, different wax - resist application techniques, a variety of different brushes and dyes, and made great use of color in her work. All of these batiks, or photographs of batiks, are part of a collection of work I inherited from her.
To view more batiks and for more information on the wax resist - dye process and fabrics and papers suitable for making prints, please see "Batiks: Ancient Process - Modern Art" (phdast7)
BatikDesign and Javanese Fabric
Art, Painting, Batiks, Sculpture
- Marble and Stone - A Polish Sculptor
Edmund Ast, was born and raised in Poland, and obtained a university degree in art, specializing in sculpture and design. This was quite unusual for a young men in Poland in the 1920's. He was extremely talented and worked on many diverse designs in - A Painting Style All Her Own - Wanda Maria Ast
Wanda Maria Ast emigrated from Poland in 1951 and settled in Georgia. There she raised her four children. As soon as she felt she had a good command of the English language she began writing poetry. In her sixties and seventies she began painting in - Abstract Watercolor Paintings by Wanda Ast
This is a selection of abstract watercolors, all done by Wanda Ast in her fifties and sixties. Mrs. Ast experimented with a variety of watercolors and painting mediums as well as a variety of painting surfaces - canvas - paper - cloth - in an effort - Batiks: Ancient Process ~ Modern Art
Batik which is patterned cloth created by using layers of wax and multiple dye baths are both extremely beautiful and time consuming to create. This essay contains general information about traditional batiks and specific information about a twentiet - Paintings by a Polish-American Artist
A selection of oil paintings completed in the 1960's and 1970's by a Polish-American artist who survived the Nazi, and then the Soviet, invasions of Poland during World War II, and who subsequently emigrated to America with her husband and four child