Why do people drive very close to the car in front of them? DO you do that? why?

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  1. Sara Jofre profile image68
    Sara Jofreposted 9 years ago

    Why do people drive very close to the car in front of them? DO you do that? why?

    It drives me mad when I have someone very close to me... I find it really dangerous, and normally I tend to break and start driving really slow whenever I have one of those "stickers" behind me. Do you do that? why?

  2. goodnews11 profile image86
    goodnews11posted 9 years ago

    As you said it is really dangerous to drive so close as you said. I think such people might be in a hurry to reach their destination. They prove themselves impatient.

  3. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 9 years ago

    Everyone seems to be in such a hurry. What they do not understand is by "tailgating" they are not getting there any faster than anyone else. It is just another form of road rage that is becoming more prevalent. What I do is slow down to make them even more furious. smile

    1. Sara Jofre profile image68
      Sara Jofreposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I also do that, not to make them even more furious (although that's a consequence) but to keep myself, and my family, safer.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely Sara. Just trying to invoke a little humor. smile

  4. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 9 years ago

    Some are idiots, others are trying to get a point across to the person in front of them. Too often drivers get in the fast lane and go slow. It's rude. Just as rude as the person riding the back end of the car. By breaking and going slower you are actually being just as dangerous as them. If you are concerned for your safety switch lanes or pull off and allow the aggressive driver past. I don't drive close to people because I have to much traffic anxiety, but I also have driving common sense and do the speed limit, avoid the fast lane if I am not going fast, and make room for drivers to pass if they want to because it is not my job to police the streets.

    1. Sara Jofre profile image68
      Sara Jofreposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm talking about 1 lane roads... not highways... I can't go in a normal speed in a 1 lane road with a guy very close to me, specially if I have my daughter on the back of the car.

    2. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Then the safest thing to do to protect your family from the idiot is to pull off and let them pass. Holding traffic up can become very dangerous. JMO

  5. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    I believe some folks do this in order to intimidate the car ahead to go faster or move to another lane. No one wants to be bullied or feel controlled by another driver. Some folks get so frustrated if the car ahead is not moving faster. They feel "boxed in".
    During bad weather such as dense fog or heavy rain/snow some drivers want stay close enough to see the tail lights ahead of them.
    In other instances the driver in the car behind you is frustrated because other cars have jumped in front of them whenever they have allowed space. Staying close is their way of stopping it.
    Driving can sometimes be very egocentric. People have been known to shoot at others or fight over parking spaces as well.

  6. Thomas Swan profile image95
    Thomas Swanposted 9 years ago

    People do the same thing when they're queuing in a line. They think that standing a couple of feet closer to their goal will get them there quicker. Another motivation is to not want to hold up the people behind you. Most people don't want to draw attention to themselves. And, in cars, most don't want to be overtaken. I think people do it unconsciously and they'd probably stop if they thought more about why they're doing it.

  7. profile image49
    Henry McDuffyposted 9 years ago

    Many people do not realize it, but many times your emotions influence how you drive. The average person sees driving as a burden. Its something that they have to do to get their daily tasks done. People simply follow close behind because they are in a hurry and are focused on other things. Many of those other things are often influenced by their emotions. Most people do not do this to be rude, but rather they are unaware they are bothering you. I have found myself doing this from time to time but I always try to keep a safe distance especially on the highway. Patience and awareness are key skills that any driver needs when behind the wheel. Unfortunately, these are two skills that many people in our society as a whole lack.


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