"Weak" Walmart Security Enables Rampant Crime-Wave, Costs Taxpayers $5

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  1. Stacie L profile image86
    Stacie Lposted 8 years ago

    http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-08-1 … t-all-my-b
    In fact, more than 200 violent crimes, including kidnappings, stabbings, shootings, and murders, have occurred at Walmarts across the country this year, or about one a day.  According to Bloomberg, turns out the level of criminal activity is forcing police officers to spend a fairly substantial portion of their time at Walmarts.  That's a burden many officers and public servants say is the direct result of Walmart scrimping on their own security expenditures and instead outsourcing those obligations to taxpayer funded police forces.  According to one Police Department in Tulsa:

        The call log on the store stretches 126 pages, documenting more than 5,000 trips over the past five years. Last year police were called to the store and three other Tulsa Walmarts just under 2,000 times. By comparison, they were called to the city’s single Target store 44 times. Most of the calls to the northeast Supercenter were for shoplifting, but there’s no shortage of more serious crimes, including five armed robberies so far this ear, a murder suspect who killed himself with a gunshot to the head in the parking lot last year, and, in 2014, a group of men who got into a parking lot shootout that killed one and seriously injured two others.

        His squad’s sergeant, Robert Rohloff, a 34-year police veteran who has to worry about staffing, budgets, and patrolling the busiest commercial district in Tulsa, says there’s nothing funny about Walmart’s impact on public safety. He can’t believe, he says, that a multibillion-dollar corporation isn’t doing more to stop crime. Instead, he says, it offloads the job to the police at taxpayers’ expense. “It’s ridiculous—we are talking about the biggest retailer in the world,” says Rohloff. “I may have half my squad there for hours.”
    We've all sen the people of Walmart websites and if you've ever shopped there, you know there is no visible security in sight. Do you agree with this articles writer that Walmart is costing the local government police forces to protect their customers?

  2. colorfulone profile image77
    colorfuloneposted 8 years ago

    John D. Rockefeller and Sam Walton ties in Arkansas.
    Bill Clinton is a Rockefeller.
    Hillary was on the Walmart board in Arkansas for 6 years.

    To understand WalMart you need to grasp corruption in Arkansas, and to fully understand Arkansas you need to "get it" about the Rockefellers. 

    Yes, WalMart should be hiring their own security to stop problems, instead of just wasting police / tax payers dollars.  They certainly can afford it.  $34.9 billion net worth....but WalMart has been a BIG CONTRIBUTOR to Hillary Clinton's campaign.  Corruption runs deep! 

    Walmart Federal Government Relations, Washington DC.

    1. JayeWisdom profile image76
      JayeWisdomposted 8 years agoin reply to this


      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        You are aware that WalMart is a publicly traded company?  That the Walton heirs do not own it?  You understand that at least half the company profits go to stockholders other than the Waltons - stockholders like me, that own some mutual shares which will include WalMart stock?

        You know that the dividend return on Walmart stock ($.50 quarterly per $75 share) is just 1/2 of 1% yet you call those stockholders "greedy"?  That there are very few stores that can survive on that 2% (per annum) profit margin, yet WalMart investors are "greedy"?

        Yes, they stock their shelves with Chinese junk...if the American consumer would buy something else you can bet that that is what would be on the shelves.  They will stock what sells, after all - you don't grow to the biggest corporation in the world by pushing something people don't want to buy.

  3. wilderness profile image89
    wildernessposted 8 years ago

    I've always viewed the task of police to protect people and property, whether the people are customers or not and whether the property is a store or a home.

    We don't allow WalMart to have jail cells in their stores, which means police must take thieves into custody.  Nor do we expect stores to have a private police force, trained and responsible for handling armed robberies or shootouts at the OK corral.  Personally, I don't think I'm comfortable with allowing private businesses to even have such armed forces on hand - this isn't the wild west where cowboys had to shoot at cattle rustlers instead of calling the cops.

    What's left then?  Tasking the police to handle the protection of our people, which is what they do.  If Tulsa needs more cops to protect the population, it should hire them and not expect business to do the job of cops.  There is a good reason police are public servants, and it isn't to save the public money by shoving the costs onto business (who will then raise prices to cover those costs).


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