What is the biggest lie or deception in Network Marketing?

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  1. theblackedition profile image77
    theblackeditionposted 15 years ago

    What is the biggest lie or deception in Network Marketing?

    Newbie Network Marketers get involved in MLM companies with hopes of making it big like their sponsors or others, only to realize that things are not always what they seem.

  2. LetusPonder profile image77
    LetusPonderposted 15 years ago

    You mentioned one of the biggest lies in MLM in your question. A few others:

    1. To make it real big, you need to have a HUGE "center of influence," people that you know that will go ahead and buy your product from you just because you're asking.  If you don't, then you need to be able to sell to everyone (door-to-door, mass mailing, big advertising campaign, etc.), and not just by chatting up someone about their job and subtly offering them the "opportunity of a lifetime."  Can't sell door-to-door?  Don't expect to quit your full-time job.

    2. If you do #1 to all your friends and family and to everyone you come across, be prepared to lose a lot of friends and family until you stop your "business."

  3. MACobbs profile image53
    MACobbsposted 15 years ago

    What I dislike about network marketing is all of the misinformation out there honestly selling to your friends and family door to door, one on one or otherwise will not put large sums of money in your pocket. The real money is in the recruiting not just signing people up filling a spot you need people to 'take action'... massive action calling for example calling other within your circle of influence who will also take massive action in the same way you have, calling out of state, asking important questions that will get them thinking of other who are looking to do the same or know of other who are looking to do the same.

    Not everyone will do this that is a given, if you have a few in many cases that is all you need. Its about building momentum. Locally, nationally and in other countries if possible this is one way to build the  momentum for success. good luck


  4. dabeaner profile image61
    dabeanerposted 15 years ago

    Most MLM plans require charismatic and energetic hucksters to succeed.    Whether the product is good or not is immaterial.  For the reality of what is required in a company so that the average person has a chance of success, see  http://www.mlm-reality.com/

  5. apollog profile image60
    apollogposted 14 years ago

    In most cases, the bulk of revenue potential comes in getting others to make the initial higher dollar investment while to promised continued revenue stream is severely limited when it comes to actually selling the products/services.

  6. locklevels profile image61
    locklevelsposted 14 years ago

    You know I always thought network marketing was bad. 

    One day I really paid attention to what this one network marketer was saying. 

    What I realized is that the only part of network marketing that was bad was the pyramid part. 

    All the other social and networking parts of helping others succeed etc. were exactly what was needed. 

    Also it hit me that network marketers were good at selling horrible products.  Imagine if you could get a real well thought out valuable product in their hands. 

    So good people before you completely throw the network marketer away.  Watch and learn.. They are some of the best marketers with the best techniques.

  7. profile image0
    Sungaposted 14 years ago

    There are several lies in network marketing but the biggest I have experienced is the "everyone is your prospect" concept. They have it wrong but they keep on pushing it.

    I have learnt, in doing business since 2006, that you simply position yourself for clients to find you with what they desperately need. So whatever NWM you are into, ask yourself what problem the product solves, what kind of people does it target and then find innovative ways of offering it without the hype.

    You will find the free report at http://www.therenegadenetworkmarketer.com useful. She lists the 7 lies of NWM and how to solve them. They sure did help me.

  8. pisean282311 profile image61
    pisean282311posted 14 years ago

    network marketers sell their concept to people by selling them dreams but hardly mention the hard work involved in it...i think that is biggest lie ...they show on paper how easy one can become millionaire but don't show that its not so easy , one would have to put in lot of hours into it , one would have to face difficulties , face rejections and there is not guarantee of being successful...

  9. Joyce Penner profile image60
    Joyce Pennerposted 14 years ago

    People are not told, nor do they realize that you have to become an expert in sales.  That in itself scares people off as they think of sales as the "car" salesman and don't have a clue they are already employing sales techniques in their day to day living.
    Sales is listening - not pushing or promoting.  It's being there to offer a solution to someone's problems.
    That skill coupled with massive action will create the next generation of multi--millionaires.
    Joyce Penner

  10. ServiceGuide profile image61
    ServiceGuideposted 14 years ago

    I think one of the biggest deceptions in network marketing is self-deception.  Yes, it's true that marketers 'talk up' an opportunity in order to grow the team, but they are deceiving themselves if they believe that this alone will make a strong team.

    New members also deceive themselves into thinking that they can grow a successful business without putting in the hours, the commitment and the training.

    Self-deception rarely breeds success.  The truth about network marketing is that it's a job like any other; perhaps with the difference that you, and you alone, are responsible for your own destiny.  Be prepared to work, be realistic in your goals and don't try to deceive either yourself or others.  There are plenty of successful network marketers out there, but they're rarely lazy, and they're prepared to provide commitment to their team and their customers to create long-lasting relationships.

  11. profile image53
    fonsaveposted 14 years ago

    I would say the biggest deception is that everyone around you will be successful if you work hard. The vast majority of people you will sign up in a MLM business will lose money. To make money you must recruit a lot of people who won't make any money trying to sell (many times an overpriced) product.

  12. 2280599 profile image61
    2280599posted 14 years ago

    The grates lie in Network Marketing is "Any one can do it!!"

    Read my hubs and you will see what i mean. ("Nonpassive Income")

  13. antobezzina profile image58
    antobezzinaposted 14 years ago

    There are mainly 7.  I got these from a free e-book I downloaded some time ago written by Ann Sieg.

    No. 1 Everyone is your prospect
    No. 2 This really isn't sales.  We just share products with people.
    No. 3 Anyone can do this!
    No. 4 We'll build your business for you.
    No. 5 We have the best product ever!
    No. 6 You just don't have enough belief!
    No. 7 The proven system

    Having said that, I know and have friends who have made it at Network Marketing, but it 's not as easy as sponsors picture it.
    There are good MLM companies with good compensation plans and with the right tools, strategies and effort, there is potential.

  14. ralf dooley profile image59
    ralf dooleyposted 14 years ago

    The biggest lie in network marketing and mlm is the provided income proof from so many marketer.Most of them are false.

  15. PARASMART profile image57
    PARASMARTposted 13 years ago



  16. ApolloGee profile image60
    ApolloGeeposted 13 years ago

    that immediate income is  guaranteed, and all the work is done for you.

  17. talfonso profile image83
    talfonsoposted 12 years ago

    Here's a good one - you can get rich quickly. Many think all MLM's are get rich schemes? I beg to differ.


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