What are your thoughts on MLM/network marketing?

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  1. aka-dj profile image66
    aka-djposted 13 years ago

    There are many around. Some good some not so good.
    It seems we've all been touched by one at some time or other.

    What are your thoughts and/or experiences?

    1. GetSmart profile image38
      GetSmartposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I was signed up for a couple of them by friends that thought I would love it and grow their businesses. Sad to say I never did a thing with any of them. I just don't like mixing business with friends and family, so I doubt I will ever be a huge fan of them.

    2. jpcmc profile image91
      jpcmcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's sad to say that many think that MLM and networking are misinterpreted as get rich systems.  They are not.  I've been around several MLM both online and offline.  They work based on the Law of Leverage.  Simply put, many people working for you will turn out to be big in the end.

      though the model is great in theory, it's really difficult if you don't have the knack for it.  It's true that many make lots of money out of it but statistics say that majority will not.  Unless your heart is in it, then you might find it difficult.

      The key in finding the right MLM or networking system is to find a product that you believe in.  Most MLM offers certain products from wellness to website signups.  If you believe in the product, then you can sell it easily.

      Another important factoris their system.  Some may have stringent matrix systems which will make it harder for your to earn. 

      Consider the cash out if there are any.  Some may offer you huge earning potentials but remember, these are just POTENTIALS.   Now put the cash out in the equation as well as the efforts to sell or offer it, the prospect of earning may become bleak.

      Also, you need to have a good niche to offer your products.  Chances are, you'll be offering it to other MLM/netwroking enthusiasts. 

      Lastly brush up on your sales skills - this includes everything from prospecting to after sales service.  Unless you love doing this, you might find yourself in more depressing state than before. 

      I do believe in the MLM and Networking system.  It's just finding the right one that is important.

      1. JohnGosselin profile image60
        JohnGosselinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Great answer and I agree with you in many ways.

        Truth be told, there are 2 KEY facts that the masses typically falter to:

        1. They are not entrepreneurs - It's easy to fall for the sugar-spike high of this product or business and then die of a slow death with it... Beginning with your end in mind is critical and all of your marketing needs to match suite.

        2. You attract in life what you are - If you build any business with savvy, forward thinking and coachable people, you're odds of success skyrocket!

        It's not whether MLM or Network Marketing works, it does, I know first hand... The real question you should ask yourself is if I continue doing what I'm doing, will I ever truly become rich and free doing it?

    3. earnestshub profile image71
      earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Over priced products to incorporate levels of remuneration that few buy apart from the sellers themselves.

      1. jpcmc profile image91
        jpcmcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That's why many MLM and Networking companies bank on the actual benefit of the product rather than merely the product itself.  e.g. get good health as opposed to buy this unproven supplement.  Who can argue with good health, you can't peg a price on that?  So any amount you pay seems worth the promises.

      2. aka-dj profile image66
        aka-djposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That's not necessarily a bad thing. If enough use it for their own personal benefit, the system still works.

        1. jpcmc profile image91
          jpcmcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Of course it's not.  Personal use is one of products offered by MLM and networking is one marketing model that is always hooked on such systems.  But be wary with the quality of products you endorse and purchase. 

          But the true come on for MLM is not personal use but rather the potential earning from the system. 

          Most MLM members will get discounts fro the products and that in itself is a good deal.  Just make sure you get your ROI early.  Purchasing more products for personal use or resale is often a strategy employed by members.  After the ROI, then it's all profit for you (for resale) and discounts (for personal use).

          here are hubs I came across on MLM basics and training
          http://hubpages.com/hub/Overwhelmed-Net … LM-Is-Easy


  2. GmaGoldie profile image81
    GmaGoldieposted 13 years ago

    Is Primerica a MLM?

    1. jpcmc profile image91
      jpcmcposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      They described themselves as MLM.  But their marketing model is primarily direct selling, franchising/distribution model. Probably you can check the US FTC for more information.

  3. s82a84 profile image59
    s82a84posted 13 years ago

    I've been involved with a lot of internet marketing in the past, but MLM is one of those pyramid garbage (in my opinion). You have to get a ton of downline, and if these people under you don't make money, you are screwed.

  4. aka-dj profile image66
    aka-djposted 13 years ago

    I agree that the system inherently is good.
    It has to work, if it is done correctly. The biggest factor , IMHO, is the benefit of the product. If that benefit is real/tangible, people will have little trouble "selling" it. That's the beauty of "word of mouth" advertising, promotion, or sales.
    I had a lot of trouble convincing myself, let alone others, that my soap powder was better than their soap powder.
    BUT, I now have NO trouble informing anyone, and everyone of my product, it's benefit(s) and uniqueness. It's not just "better", it's the ONLY, and it WORKS.
    There are other factors involved also, but these take a somewhat subordinate place in the list.

  5. bbqsmokersite profile image61
    bbqsmokersiteposted 13 years ago

    I've found it difficult to see them as positive since I was 'duped' into attending in Amway meeting once while living in Chicago.  At the time, I was looking for a new line of work and a guy approached me at Borders saying that he had a new venture he was starting up.  I should have known what I was getting into when he said he had a few folks meeting up at a local hotel conference room.  Sure enough, the place was packed with others who may or may not have been ready for the Amway experience.  I left immediately.  Not because it was Amway, but because of the way I had been introduced to it.

    1. aka-dj profile image66
      aka-djposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      BOY can I relate!
      I threw a guy out of my home once (along with two of his trainees).
      I asked him point blank, "is it Amway" before we set a time. He said adamantly it was not.
      Once he got to doing the plan, I interrupted him. He kept denying it all the way, bu trying to tell me, Amway was simply a distribution company he was using , but it was HIS business. Twisting things a little too much for my liking.

      Anyway, I have not closed my mind to opportunities just because of some unscrupulous operators.
      There are some terrific companies/products out there. I am currently very excited about the one I am in. And I'm already getting results, with very little effort (so far).

      Don't make a decision to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" as they say. smile

      1. bbqsmokersite profile image61
        bbqsmokersiteposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, good point.  There is value with some of the programs.  I do agree that the management/delivery of them is key.

  6. dingdondingdon profile image62
    dingdondingdonposted 13 years ago

    Evil. They are a way for the few people at the very top to get rich off the people at the bottom who are working for next to nothing.

    I have a friend who interviewed with an MLM. She was told it was a "marketing and sales" job, and was led to believe she would be paid a steady wage. Instead she discovered in the second interview that it was actually door-to-door sales and entirely commission work. The "employees" (though they were defined as self-employed so the company didn't have to give them sick days or benefits while still, of course, taking a portion of their earnings) worked from usually nine in the morning until ten at night, and sometimes they didn't even earn anything in that day!

    I googled the firm she interviewed with and just found horror stories. Former employees saying they had been encouraged to cut off contact with anyone who told them their new job wasn't all that (including concerned friends and family), and that anyone who had any doubts about the job at all was just being "negative" and needed to be shunned. Truly disgusting.

    1. aka-dj profile image66
      aka-djposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like pyramid not MLM.
      If it were not a fair system, it would be, (and already is) outlawed.
      In a real, legit MLM, everybody makes as much as they work for, or deserve.
      A lot of people get in just for the discounted price, and don't care about the business side of it. Some are the opposite.

      I'm sure there are a lot of horror stories, but that's true of any company, organisation you care to name.

      1. dingdondingdon profile image62
        dingdondingdonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I'm afraid MLMs ARE pyramid schemes. It's a nicer sounding name, but it's the exact same system (as Wikipedia will confirm for me).

        1. aka-dj profile image66
          aka-djposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I don't want to argue.
          You call it what you want.
          The reality is everyone has the same opportunity.
          Not everyone does it the same way. I agree that it helps if you get in earlier, rather than later, but that does not prevent those who want to do well, from doing so.
          Have you yourself been in any MLM system/company? If so, what was your personal experience?
          If not, then I doubt you really understand the possibilities.

          1. dingdondingdon profile image62
            dingdondingdonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            The fact that you use those buzzwords MLM execs like to use to hook people ("opportunity", "possibilities") makes me a little concerned for you, to be honest. It's your life, so I won't tell you what to do, but please take care of yourself - I've had friends who had horrific experiences with MLMs (and I don't know anybody who's had a good or even neutral experience), and from what I've seen of you on the forums you're a nice guy, so... well, just take care, and make sure nobody takes advantage of you.

            1. aka-dj profile image66
              aka-djposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you for your thoughtful response.
              I assure you, I am going into this with eyes wide open. I know the people I am in relationship with, and trust them. Plus, I am not a first timer in MLM. Been in a few, but left for various reasons.
              I have no intention of hurting, or misleading others either, my motives are not greed.
              I don't expect unrealistic results, and am prepared to work to achieve my goals.


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