Should an employer judge you by your credit report?

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  1. Barnsey profile image72
    Barnseyposted 12 years ago

    Should an employer judge you by your credit report?

    Please explain your logic.

  2. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
    Shahid Bukhariposted 12 years ago

    I do not consider Logic, as the Proper Means of Understanding, Reality.

    For, In a Society ... where Human Merit is Money ...
    I would be surprised, if an Employer Judged the Employee on Personal Merit ...
    instead of the Economic Utility of the employed ...

  3. profile image0
    Catzgendronposted 12 years ago

    One of my daughter's was offered a job, given a start date, paperwork to complete and base pay then told because she had bad credit they had to rescind their offer.
    I don't feel they should base their decision to hire someone based solely on their credit score.  Obviously if someone is out of work their credit will suffer because they need to make decisions on what bills to pay, if the choice was between feeding  my children or paying a credit card bill, my children would come first.  In the land of make believe we all have jobs, can pay our bills, feed our families and have no credit problems but the land of make believe isn't real. So instead of finding a job to support herself and her daughter, get caught up with her bills and work on cleaning up her credit things went from bad to worse.

  4. momster profile image60
    momsterposted 12 years ago

    NO. NEVER. Your credit score has nothing to do with your job abilities. A person with bad credit can be the best employee. There is many reasons why a person can get bad credit. A person who has no credit has bad credit. I think that is discriminatining for an employer to not hire for this reason. There is a reason why people have interviews.

  5. Credence2 profile image80
    Credence2posted 12 years ago

    Good question, Barnsey. For the most part, I would say no. But there are certain jobs, primarely in areas where management of financial resources is involved, where it would not be out of line to expect an employee demonstrate some degree of success in attending to his or her own personal financial affairs.

  6. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 12 years ago

    I would not like it, but if the potential employee had not been out of work for any extended period of time and her credit score showed poor money management skills, which can be a result of impulse buying or using poor judgment, then the credit score might be involved.

    Employers do background checks all the time. Also, if the credit score was low and there were any bounced checks on her record, she would have no chance of getting a job where she might be handling money,

    My sister once worked for a finance company a long, long time ago. One day her cash drawer came up empty. She had to stay after work, without overtime pay, the reconcile it. She was still a few dollars short, that she had to reimburse. She probably got distracted and lost count of the money she was handing out. People make mistakes, but when it comes to money, employers can be tough. She kept the job, worked there for more than a year and then moved on her own time table.

  7. Warlock Gaius profile image61
    Warlock Gaiusposted 12 years ago

    When it comes to a job where you are handling someone else's money, I personally work harder to ensure that there are no mistakes being made.  My credit may be in the toilet, but during the time that I was employed as a bank teller, my cash drawer always broke even. 
    I believe that your credit score should only reflect your ability to handle your own money, so unless the job you're applying for is your own personal accountant then your credit score should be off limits.


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