Best places to write articles for THAT PAY !!!!

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  1. writer83 profile image58
    writer83posted 14 years ago

    Does anyone know any more sites that pay per article, and not page view, that are not scams?

    1. MikeNV profile image68
      MikeNVposted 14 years ago
    2. Has_aWayWithWords profile image63
      Has_aWayWithWordsposted 14 years ago

      I have 2 places I currently write, I wrote a hub about making money writing and how I made $1000 in a month. If interested check it out and sign up. It is free to sign up, they take commissions based on the amount paid for the work. the site offers escrow so you don't get screwed over by the person offering the project. check out my hub read up on it and let me know if you need help. The hub is called Easy Money:how I made $1000...

    3. easybusinesslinks profile image61
      easybusinesslinksposted 14 years ago

      I prefer the write now get paid later writing business model here at hubpages, it sure is an invest of our time if only there were more than a handful that could be bothered to write full time on here, of course it's that age old saying people want money as soon as they do the work, which I can't blame them for, but I do like residual income that becomes passive over time, which does mean some time consuming days of writing and wanting to write, but hey!

      1. waynet profile image66
        waynetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'd have to agree on some respects, but if you want some cash for articles then it's best if you do target places like constant content,, and there may be others too which will help you get your articles bought, it's just about building up a reputation first.

        I've written over 400 articles with this account, but also a nameless amount on other hubpages account so passive income is assured if you write on topics that get searched frequently.

    4. Bill Manning profile image70
      Bill Manningposted 14 years ago

      Yup, I wrote a hub about places that pay you for the articles you write, flat fee. I assume I can post a link to it since you asked. … nd-Reviews

    5. profile image52
      kuboriteposted 14 years ago

      There is a site known as where you will submit your work or articles according to your expertise and then be paid by the people who posted those job. There are programming, web design, article writing, translation, proof reading and so much stuff. I dont think they are a scamm and i have registered but not done any job coz i need time. The reason i say this is that they did not ask me for anything before registering. You can try them out.

    6. sunforged profile image75
      sunforgedposted 14 years ago

      This happens to be one of my main topics within hubs. I would give you a link but there are quite a bit to choose from, I suggest taking a look at the "writing for money"or "freelance writing category/tag"here at hubs.

      HibPages is just one part of my online writing for money activities

      this feed has a variety of links from hubbers on this topic

      About teh suggestion above

      elance is best if you live in an  area where one american dollar can pay your rent for the month..,,there are exceptions of course, but certainly shouldnt be your first stop

      1. Madison22 profile image59
        Madison22posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the link sunforged I am definitely going to take a look. :-}

    7. rebekahELLE profile image86
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

      a question in regard to Constant Content, do people really pay money for these articles that they can find online for free?
      can someone explain it better who makes money from that site?

      1. sunforged profile image75
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        With over 200 referrals, i think i have a good data set of how many people amke money and how much.

        90% of those who sign up never write an article

        10 of my referrals have made over 200 dollars each

        5 have made over 50

        Most seem to get around 6-12 usd for usage rights and 20-40 for full rights

        i ahve made a smuch as 60 for a single full rights article and 350 for a set of seo optimized articles from the calls for content

      2. habee profile image92
        habeeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I've sold numerous articles on Constant Content, including one for $200.

        1. sunforged profile image75
          sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        2. rebekahELLE profile image86
          rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    8. Has_aWayWithWords profile image63
      Has_aWayWithWordsposted 14 years ago

      Constant Content has extremely strict writing guidelines. The people who buy those articles are buying a specific article that has very specific instructions and then constant content monitors the quality of the writing. The person buying the article has the choice to buy it or not based on their need. The articles there are typical highly targeted and informative articles that get used for main pages and landing pages, not for article marketing like those found on AC and Ezines

    9. rebekahELLE profile image86
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

      hmm, I see. thanks SF and HAWWW. it sounds like those who buy off of that site may use the site often for articles? do you write for them or only have referrals?

      1. sunforged profile image75
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yes ,i write for them

        I only recommend products and services that I have direct experience with ( for referrals and affiliations -adsense/amazon/ebay feeds excluded )

        Those that are willing to pay the price for quality at CC usually have successful sites ...or they would just be buying 2 dollar articles from elance and other outsourcing sites

        i believe you commented and asked questions on the hub where I explain my process with CC and related content sites … nt-revenue

        you might even be one of my referrals?

    10. Has_aWayWithWords profile image63
      Has_aWayWithWordsposted 14 years ago

      I could be, I have written a couple of pieces there but didn't sell yet. I haven't found a request for many things in my expertise area and obviously due to the quality demands for the clients there, I will likely be successful only in my area of expertise. I keep an eye on it daily and watch for things that I feel like I can have a chance at and submit them.

    11. rebekahELLE profile image86
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

      oh yes, I remember now reading your hub a while ago. no, I have not signed up yet, I must have got sidetracked and forgot about the site. but it keeps being mentioned, so I do think I'll take a closer look. if I do sign up, I'll be sure to sign up through your link! I do have some expertise areas.

      and yes, I know you only recommend that which you highly endorse and we appreciate your always helpful info. smile

    12. sunforged profile image75
      sunforgedposted 14 years ago

      I actually had that data available because im drafting an update using that data to show examples of how the site works for those who try. Im also sending off a short info pack to my referrals, so it was a good reminder for me when you asked as the idea had kind of fallen by the wayside.

      Its not so much an area of expertise taht is required there.

      Its more the ability to write in comprehensible english while still working in keywords in a conversational manner

      Its still just "search bait" to the site owners (so I guess)or even just used as master copy for the article spinner masters out there

      1. easybusinesslinks profile image61
        easybusinesslinksposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        An information pack for your referrals is a great idea, I only have about 6 referrals out of 50, but I suppose it would be well worth contacting them about writing more keyword effective articles...thanks for the reminder on this, I'm glad we know who our referrals are now!

    13. grand old lady profile image82
      grand old ladyposted 10 years ago

      You can try oDesk. The rates are very small, more suited for a third world country. However, there are jobs that will only employ US and Canadians, and they offer higher rates. If you get hourly jobs you are guaranteed payment. If you choose fixed jobs, there is no guarantee and I have been burned there, a few times.


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