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  1. The LEAP man profile image60
    The LEAP manposted 13 years ago

    Can anybody be taught to manage a $50million company

    1. maven101 profile image72
      maven101posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting question...Depending on the service or product line, the degree of profitability expected, the responsibilities assigned, and the authority to reach those expectations...Assuming profitability, reflected by growth, revenue enhancement, and market share is the consideration for managing this 50 million dollar company, I don't know how you teach intelligence, creativity, persistence, drive, ambition, leadership, and most of all, enthusiasm...
      Without these traits you have a bean counter, not a manager that gets things done through people...

    2. profile image0
      Sophia Angeliqueposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Depends who you are asking.

      If you are asking a social engineer, they will say yes.
      If you're asking a DNA scientist, they will say no.

    3. fundguru profile image60
      fundguruposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well it certainly depends on several factors.

      Education does not only takes place inside schools and universities. Often also the heritage, the social background plays an important role. Some people grow up in an environment in that they from early childhood are confronted with business philosophies as well leadership skills. Social science at least underlines that the background and the genes have a huge impact on the abilities of a person.

      In addition, as already mentioned here by others, it always also depends on the business field. I am from the finance industry and would say that 50 million is not much money, plenty fundmanagers deal with much higher sums.

      Therefore the crucial questions would be how much ROI you wish to achieve with the 50 million and what kind of ethics has to be applied. 

      Certainly there are several industries that offer high ROI´s , but can cause conflicts with view to ethical behavior.

    4. imnot4gotten profile image60
      imnot4gottenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think anyone can be taught to manage a $50 million company.  However, the right person will be successful only if he/she has the right people in the right places of the organization and is willing to be innovative.

  2. Laura du Toit profile image70
    Laura du Toitposted 13 years ago

    You may have all the characteristics of a good manager and leader and have all the degrees and text book knowledge you need but the only way to really learn to manage a big company is the hard way - by experience. Naturally you will need to have the leasdership, enthusiasm, perserverence and all the other qualities - you'll will not be able to gain the experience if you don't have it in you in the first place.

  3. LeanMan profile image74
    LeanManposted 13 years ago


    Simple answer....

    In my experience as a consultant who has been into hundreds of these companies most of them already have management who can't manage them!! But then most of the management is not really "taught", those that have been are just as variable as those that have picked it up as they went along!

  4. Rafini profile image82
    Rafiniposted 13 years ago

    Anybody?  No.

    Somebody who can learn the intricate details?  Yes.

  5. The LEAP man profile image60
    The LEAP manposted 13 years ago

    yep we are about to implement a program that helps SME go from a 10 million turnover to a 50 million turnover. I feel the best way for this to work correctly is to have C level mentors who have controlled businesses with 50plus turnover.

    Experience cant be taught


    1. profile image0
      Virtual Careersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Experience out ways all qualifications!

      1. The LEAP man profile image60
        The LEAP manposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        you are spot on but those with the power tend to stick to the rules and chose those with the qualifications rather than those with experiance

  6. jimmylesaint profile image60
    jimmylesaintposted 13 years ago

    Don't get me started on Managers! They are mainly overzealous introverts who haven't managed to leave home let alone manage a company. Most of them anyway.
    In answer to your question yes you can teach someone to manage a $50m company, in fact you could teach almost anyone with reasonable intelligence to manage.
    What companies should be looking for though is leaders, anyone can be taught to manage.
    Leaders are not sought after these days, i sometimes think middle managers are put there because of their inherent stupidity and so that they have no desire or brains to try aim for higher management, at the same time jealously guarding their own position by keeping the "hoi poloi" down.

    What's more valuable, experience or academic qualifications?
    Well experience is priceless, providing it is in date, specific to the market and relevant! Then it is better than academia.
    However education is lifelong and experience with academic qualifications is the optimum result, particularly if CPD is up to date.(otherwise you're just the old guy with experience and know how in steam engine trains!!)


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