Are paid surveys legitimate?

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  1. jirel profile image81
    jirelposted 12 years ago

    I am very new to this paid surveys thing that is all over the internet now.Does it really help us to earn cash?If yes, what are the different sites that are real and not scam?

    1. ausis profile image68
      ausisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Since 1999 i wprked For a number of these places including mystery shopping and found the hassles and time wasting far outweighed the meager rewards. I did them daily for not much in return. So if you're really short on cash yes

      1. melbel profile image94
        melbelposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      2. jirel profile image81
        jirelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you Ausis.May I know what were the websites?

        1. ausis profile image68
          ausisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          global test market was 1 I can remember that renigged on paying they claimed another person was in the same address doing the surveys. I said yeah lots of people may live at one address doesn't mean you know who they work for. 4 years work for $250 got 0

          1. jirel profile image81
            jirelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            what happened was not good.So you did not receive the money and somebody else received it?

            1. ausis profile image68
              ausisposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              No apparently no one got money Global test market got out on a technicality because the other party had moved but not changed address. One of the terms is 1 account per address. It ended up my account was $480 their account was $260. So it was a good way for GTM to get some cash... I wonder how many others this has been done to?

    2. Cas Merchant profile image60
      Cas Merchantposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There are only 2 sites that I can recommend, and though you won't get rich, if you spend about an hour a day total on these two sites, you should have no problem reaching the $10 or $20 cash-out amount a couple times a month. Try, which has surveys and topic polls/opinions that earn you cash($20 cash out minimum) and (1000 points to redeem for cash or gift card).They are the only sites that i've ever tried that are legit, and I use them faithfully, and can count on a small check in the mail once or twice a month from each one. I also wrote a hub about the 'top' survey sites, but I still stick with just these two. Hope this helps!

    3. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mystery shopper is not worth the money vs time ration. If you get on government surveys, you can make some money. If you fit into a demographic category that is 'hot' you'll get a lot of surveys to answer. (Like family of 4, young and techy, shops a lot, affluent, has children or just had a baby, does all shopping for household, between the ages of 18 and 44, etc.) It doesn't help to lie about your profile to make yourself seem more desirable because you won't be able to answer the questions in the survey.

      Go for the companies that pay in cash, not points or credits. If you can't find them, they'll find you. Just sign on to one or two and you'll find lists.

      You might get lucky but what everyone else is saying is true. You get locked out of a lot of surveys after you've put time into the opening profile portion due to the reasons stated here by others. I thought I was getting locked out due to my particular demographic, so I never reached the payout and gave up.

  2. amithak50 profile image60
    amithak50posted 12 years ago

    Surveys are just a  waste of time and very frustrating as when you move to payout level ,they decrease your surveys and it will be very difficult and very time consuming ..s ,Please stay away from surveys websites .If you want to make money than creating a blog about specific Niche and provide great content,information to the users

  3. Polly C profile image85
    Polly Cposted 12 years ago

    I tried it once, but never reached the payment threshold because every time I got part way into the surveys they would say they already had enough people of my demographic and stop short the survey, meaning no payment at all. I think it is legit - my husband received one payment of £50 - but really not worth the hassle.

  4. jirel profile image81
    jirelposted 12 years ago

    Thank you everyone.I was really confused.Thank you for the answers.

  5. Greek One profile image63
    Greek Oneposted 12 years ago

    I would estimate I make about $500 a year.via online surveys... I only do the ones that pay cash via check or paypal

    I would recommend Webperspectives and GlobalTestMarket...

    but I am not sure they are available in all geographic areas

  6. Kiwi Max profile image65
    Kiwi Maxposted 12 years ago

    There is a legitimate survey making opportunity avaliable at "Clickbank". Yes, you will have to pay, I think about 30USD from memory.

    I tried it out, but after a few weeks I got bored with it. The good thing about purchasing from clickbank is they give you a full refund if you're not satisfied. However you MUST apply for a refund in the first 60days after the purchase.

    So if you enjoy surveys, the only thing you're going to lose is time.

  7. Express10 profile image75
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    There are some that may be legitimate however they are FAR outnumbered by the crooks who have garbage to shovel your way. Some surveys charge you to join or force you to accept "offers" and "trials" that cost you money. Even if you do locate a legitimate survey, you will likely not even be able to pay a water or cable bill every month with your earnings. Bypass surveys altogether.

  8. Cas Merchant profile image60
    Cas Merchantposted 12 years ago

    I don't want to discourage anyone from trying surveys, as long as they're being realistic about what they'll earn. Truth is there are more scams out there than legitimate sites. I wrote down the only two sites I use, but want to add something. You will not make 'tons of money!' or even 'enough to quit your job!' doing this, and any site(or anyBODY) that says you will is being dishonest. However...if you already like to be online and find surveys fun (I'm out of work, so I'm on the computer, anyway, and like trying new stuff online), you CAN make pocket money. I spend roughly from 30 to 60 minutes a day doing surveys and can cash out at $20 roughly twice a month. If I felt like putting 1-2 hours or more A DAY into it, I may get to cash out more often, but I find that I'm having fun, and when those 2 checks show up, it's just enough to hold me over till the next payday. I consider it my 'play money'.

  9. spartucusjones profile image91
    spartucusjonesposted 12 years ago

    There as been a few sites that I have used and have received payments from. These include Opinion Outpost, Angus Reid (which I believe is only Canada) Toluna, Global Test Market & Web Perspectives. But from my own experience you are not going to get rich doing it, and depending on the site it may take a while to reach the minimum threshold. The only site I still really bother with is Angus Reid, because the surveys are generally short and I always seem to qualify for them. But even there you are only getting paid $1-2 for a 5-10 minute survey.

    1. profile image56
      POSITIVEHOPEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am doing surveys to share my opinions and passion of sharing view on technology related issues. I don't think one can make great money out of it but I can say if your profile matches their survey requirements one can make few dollars. I like Global test market they regularly send surveys but they are instant and small amounts ( needs to get minimum pay out limit of $50). One can only try if they so boring, have patience ( some times to come out of regular strain )and  like to have some fun to share.
      But just forget about making money or living with them.

      1. Cas Merchant profile image60
        Cas Merchantposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I totally agree.

  10. Cas Merchant profile image60
    Cas Merchantposted 12 years ago

    I just got my first $10 payout from for about 2 weeks of sporadic work. Its one of the easiest sites i
    i've joined.

    1. profile image56
      POSITIVEHOPEposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats ! I too felt so happy when I got $ 10 cheque for my 4th day survey after I had registered with ACOP.

    2. jirel profile image81
      jirelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      How do I join couldn't see anywhere where it says sign up.Thanks

      1. Cas Merchant profile image60
        Cas Merchantposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        If you google '' you will see a heading for registration. That is how I signed up...good luck, go get some checks!

        1. jirel profile image81
          jirelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you Cas Merchant!

          1. Cas Merchant profile image60
            Cas Merchantposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            You're very welcome!


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