Are you in the right career path or you hate your career you stuck in?

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  1. moiponetsoka profile image61
    moiponetsokaposted 12 years ago

    well all grow up wanting to be something i grew up dreaming of being an Air Hostess because i found it very interesting but studied Hotel Management instead. i am in love with photography but my family is not supportive.

    So are you in the right career or where you forced to study for a field you were not interested in?
    If you hate your job what would you rather be doing right now if given the chance to change your career.

    1. eatforcheaper profile image60
      eatforcheaperposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      1. moiponetsoka profile image61
        moiponetsokaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        wish you all the best in you journey of finding what makes you happy.

      2. CJWood71 profile image69
        CJWood71posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I had great dreams for my future when I was in school, but at the moment I feel stuck in a deadend job with no real future.  It pays the bills for now, but I know the future is very limited where I work right now.

        I do not let it get me down because for the first time in my life I am actually going after my dreams.  It takes awhile to change your entire life, but I am heading in the right direction.  I only wish I had do this years ago.

    2. iefox5 profile image58
      iefox5posted 12 years ago

      Peers are nice guys and it is a great pleasure to work with them smile

      1. moiponetsoka profile image61
        moiponetsokaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        thats really wonderful wish i was you enjoying work and co workers

    3. MelChi profile image72
      MelChiposted 12 years ago

      I didn't know what I wanted to do when I left school and studied Small Business Management and Interior Decorating. I've worked in retail, IT, recruitment, catering, as an Au Pair and had my own home business! I think I've had so many jobs because I was trying to find what I wanted to do. Now that I know what I want to do for the rest of my life, I just need to get things in place, do my research and plan properly. I think people realize what they want to do at different stages in their lives. Unfortunately, not all of us know immediately after school what we're supposed to be doing. It's sort of like a hit and miss situation with most I think.

    4. Sphinxs Sanctum profile image61
      Sphinxs Sanctumposted 12 years ago

      I currently Detest my job.  As I was growing up, I was told to learn to type, learn about computers and go find some nice doctor or lawyer to work for.  I was Never told go 'Be' that Doctor or Lawyer!  My childhood was very unbalanced and unguided with a pinch of turbulence thrown in for good measure.  This left me little time to ponder what I'd truly like to make of my life.  I knew that I enjoyed traveling almost more than any other thing I'd done.  My Grandmother and I would travel each summer together.  We went 1,000 miles north to the state where she was born and raised, to see her family.  Some of the best times of my life, to this day, were had during those road-trips.  So, I thought it would be wonderful to be a 'Trucker'; a female trucker.  I thought those rigs were the most beautiful works of art and I wanted to control all that power, traverse the countryside, meet new people and make money to boot.  Well, that never happened, as my Grandfather, who was the only father I'd ever known, said, "No Way!"  Now, my health would prevent me from even trying it. 
      Life's surprises and disappointments kept me from fulfilling any educational goals so I bounced from job to job starting out working in attorney offices doing reception or a bit of accounting.  I've worked in construction companies under many different titles and dispatched for a few of the companies.  I've worked in call-centers, sales and data-entry; none of which I found a good fit or enjoyable.  In my late twenties, I decided I'd go back to square-one and try to find out what made me happy.  My answer was Animals!  My big problem however, was that I'd developed many health problems, early in life, which makes it difficult to work at all, let alone with large, squirming, difficult and sometimes aggressive animals.  I began in a large animal retail store and then was hired from there to work in a veterinary office; one I had applied to many times in my teens.  I have worked there for 6 year but only part-time due to my health issues.  I'm so very dissatisfied because I wanted to return to school and become certified to work as a surgical technician for domestic and exotic animals.  Instead of this, I'm stuck in the front office where sure, I have contact with all the animals, I learn something every time I'm there and if they need an extra pair of hands in treatment, I'm called upon.  But, it's nowhere close to where I want to be.  I despise my job and am finding it quite difficult to force myself to get out of bed to go there.  My health isn't improving and without education, I'm stuck.  I can't afford not to work but I don't have the energy to work and go to school.  Looks like I'll either have to suck-it-up and learn to enjoy my current job or go into a new field, completely.

    5. MelChi profile image72
      MelChiposted 12 years ago

      I don't really enjoy my current day job, but for now, it pays the bills. However, I am looking at changing this scenario very soon. Life is too short to be wasting every day of your life doing something that you don't like, get stressed about or resent. Sure, you can try and separate home life and work life as much as you want to, but eventually at one point or another your home/family life will suffer, or your work productivity will decrease - you might even become depressed, or even have a nervous breakdown. In my opinion, that's not worth all the money in the world.


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