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One Way Link Building Secrets

Updated on January 14, 2012

Let's be honest. No matter how good the content, that you create. If it's not on the first page of one of the major search engines, it might as well not exist. One way link building is the key to getting on that first page, for your targeted keywords. From there your quality content can take you, to the top.

Links to your pages are also referred to as backlinks. In this article I will show you the best ways to get those backlinks pointed to your web pages.

When you are building links to your pages, don't worry about getting bad links. While some links may carry less power, links cannot make you rank worse on the search engines.

Important concepts in one way link building

No follow links

These are links that are ignored by the search engines. They aren't all bad, you can get traffic from them, but they don't help you rank higher. If you read my article on free SEO tools you will be able to identify, no follow links, on a web page.

Keep the links between related pages

If you have a link going from a page about diamond earrings to a page about traveling, that link carries less weight than one from a travel page to another travel page.

Writing link bait

Link bait is content that is explicitly written to attract links. Examples are how to articles, lists, prize draws, free software tools, breaking news stories. Basically they are valuable resources that people like to link to.

Link structure

html:<a href="">one way link building</a>

BBcode: [URL=""]one way link building[/URL]

Above you can see what a html hyperlink looks like. The underlined part is the web address of your page. The part that is in Italics is called the anchor text. I just did that to show you the parts, they aren't usually italic or underlined.

It is critical that the anchor text contain your keywords. Frequently, when I research my backlinks, I find that people use the web address as anchor text. In cases like that you should contact the page owner and ask them to use your anchor text.

Below the html is an example of BBcode. This is the code that forums use to place a well formed hyperlink.

Maybe you could test the BB and html code on a forum or one of your web pages.

Quality VS Quantity links

In the last 10 years the search engines have been leaning more and more on quality links as apposed to quantity links. The problem with quality links are that they take much more effort to build, as a rule I have found the harder I have to work the better the backlinks.

When you are looking for quality links you aren't only looking for links from high page rank pages. You are looking for links from sites with trust. Sites gain trust by aging, by getting links from other trust sites and by not linking to sites with spammy content.

Revenue Sharing Sites

My best source of free quality links have been 2 revenue sharing sites Hubpages and Squidoo. Because Hubpages is the better one, I will explain how that works and leave you to explore Squidoo, which is similar, yourself.

Hubpages share their ad revenue with you, they give you 60% of the revenue generated from your pages. They use Adsense, Kontera, Amazon and Ebay to generate income.

Hubpages has a lot of internal traffic and link juice. Both of which you can direct to your site.

However, if you post junk to your hubpages, they will nofollow your links. If you follow a few easy guidelines this will not happen:

  • Write unique hubs of 1,500 words.
  • Put 3 video clips in each of your hubs. You can get free videos from YouTube and Google.
  • Put 5 pictures in each of your hubs. You can get free pictures from Photobucket.
  • Put an Ebay or Amazon ad area on each of your hubs.
  • Ad 15 tags to each hub.

If you fall a little short on any of my recommendations don't worry, just try for them.

Because you make money from these pages, you should take all the steps to help them rank, that you do for all your other pages.

I recommend writing 10 hubpages and 5 squidoo lenses. For each 100 web pages you create. Remember to keep the content in the same niche.

Article Directories - Done the right way

Not only do article directories link to your site, they also allow people to copy your articles, which create more good links. The only issue is that it creates too much duplicate content, so you need to rewrite your articles for each directory or use an article spinner to escape Google's duplicate penalty. I use Jetspinner, you have to register, but it is a good free spinner.

Be careful with the directories, many of them nofollow the links in the article body. They only allow real links in the resource box and you have to copy and paste the html script in there.

The 2 best article directories are Ezine Articles and Go Articles, but there are many others.

I also post my articles to free blogs like Blogger, Yahoo 360 and Wordpress.

Buying Links

The easiest one way link building strategy is buying links. The best way to do that is to run a Google search for the keywords you want to rank for. Then contact the owners of the pages with an offer. In some of the niches you can get a lot for very little money.

Buying links is against Google's terms of service, but if you buy links directly, the chances of getting caught are very low. If however you do get caught Google has never punished buyers of links, only sellers.

You can also go to reputable sites in your niche and ask them how much they would charge, for a review of your site. In which they will of course put a link to one of your pages. Google doesn't have a problem, with this method of getting one way links.

When buying or exchanging links make sure that the seller hasn't cheated you, by putting a nofollow tag, on their links to you.

Secondly, you need to monitor how the sites that sold you a link is doing, so you are sure that you keep getting good value for your money.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a great way, to get free one way links to your site. What you do is to approach a number of the older and well ranking blogs, in your niche. You then offer to write them a post, in return for a backlink.


Forums have lots of visitors and unique content on them. It is there for not a surprise, that they can rank very well, for some keywords. When I am targeting keywords, I always run them through Google, to have a look at the competition. Usually you will find some forums, in the search results. In the past I have done well, by joining these forums, to get a backlink from the ranking page.

On a side note, joining forums in your niche is a good idea. You can both get good traffic from links in your signature and make friends with people, in your niche.

Don't be afraid to pile on the links
Don't be afraid to pile on the links

Blog Commenting

Good one way link building from blogs, is fairly easy. I find these blogs using Google. For instance, if I want to build links to a page about SEO I Google seo keywordluv or seo commentluv. This returns blogs with the commentluv or keywordluv plugin.

I then check that the blogs don't have the rel="nofollow" plugin, with software.

Be warned that some blogs have spam filters installed, which block comments on older blog posts.

Link building is hard work
Link building is hard work

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