One Grateful Expression
What Comes Out Is What's Inside
One of the incredibly satisfying opportunities about writing, for me, is being able to express myself, whether here at Hub Pages or in any number of a thousand different venues. When I began this hub I contended with the idea of censorship, of myself and editorially. That thought didn't last long because it didn't serve the purpose for which I want to write. My purpose is simply to contribute to this community in which I live and work; to encourage each person I can touch, who will permit me to reach into their lives momentarily, by reading what I write and ask them to spend one instant in peaceful solitude surveying the beauty that is all around and within them...and to say - I am grateful for you!
Love Is All Around Us
Overflowing Gratefullness
Brother David Steindl-Rast has poignantly said "Open your eyes and be surprised that you have eyes to open." What a remarkable phrase, and it fits here because there is a whole world of wonders to see and be grateful for if only we will open our eyes to them. This patch of beautifully green, heart shaped moss on the forest floor will go unnoticed by so many, except those who are open to its existence.
Such is the case for this community of wide-eyed and starry-eyed people enjoying the art of writing here on Hub Pages. One of the things I have enjoyed most about hub pages is not only the quality of writing, but the quality of the writers. You can always tell when your work is appreciated. Comments flow and they're sincere. I relish reading here just for that reason. I expect to read something good about someone and or their work.
It is I who has been drawn, like a moth into the flame, to see what all of the excitement is about. It isn't about money. For most of us, even with the best intentions, this generally will not support our families, yet! However, how many writers and wanna-be writers like me, come daily to express their innermost passions?
The Value of an Honest Thank You
I'm not sure how many Hub Pages authors will actually read this, but it doesn't really matter. As with the hubs I write, it's about writing. Yet, as good as it feels to write, I cannot adequately describe the joy I feel when there is a connection to another writer, or when I realize that someone else feels as I do about a specific subject or one or more peers comments on our work to lift and encourage us to continue.
To each writer on this site, to the staff, to the veterans and to the novices I say, write, write, write and write some more. Fill your head and your heart with gratitude for the ability and desire to communicate to the world, or even just one part of it, through the written word. Thank you for your creativity, for your imaginations and ingenuity. Thank you for your wordsmith, for caring about each other and for the honest comments and accolades that encourage the soul of each contributor, old or new, who dares to go beyond his or her comfort zone just to experience the world of self expression.
I am inspired by each of you, even the authors I have yet to read. Even they inspire me as I know they are here too, to experience the exhilaration of being what we were meant to be and do at this point in time.
Congratulations and again, thank you for allowing your presence to overflow into gratefulness and for being a part of my experience here at Hub Pages!
I'll leave you with a quote from Winston Churchill, he said, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Bruce (Born2care2001)