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Mean Comments on Forums

Updated on March 4, 2024
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Mean Comments from Mean Hubbers

I don't post on forums, but I read a few answers to the following question:

Certainly, there is a problem with some Hubbers if such a question has already been asked. Some Hubbers can be mean in such kind of harsh comments.

I am not in that place to explain the heart feelings of these people. However, people want to be active on Hubpages daily.

Communicating with each other, and chatting online have become the norm.

The forums sound like a good place to start.

Do you think Hubbers are Mean?

I have realized that not having any comments from the mean Hubbers can make me think differently.

Writers have the right to comment and are free to say what is on their minds. If the other person on the receiving end doesn't agree or thinks the Hubber is meant for sharing their thoughts.

These issues can lead to cyber abuse. What, Hubber applies doesn't necessarily make every other Hubber means.

Get over it!

Don't take such thoughts to heart and include everyone else in the issue.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I can also be direct in thought. If I need to but why be so sensitive to something so small?

Individuals are faced with such issues daily online. There are mean people here, I have no idea who they are. Nobody knows the person who comments to upset the other.

When you are face to face with the person it is a different approach. It can make a difference to react in your way to solve the problem.

Negative feedback can be frustrating, but you have to be ready to accept such feedback without issues.

Forums are often the place for all sorts of conversations, and it can be hurtful or offensive. People react differently and deal with forum questions in their way.

Most forums have common issues like disrespectful comments, name-calling, and lots of vulgarity, but who is going to find the culprit and fix the problem?

Online forums help many search the web for specific topics, and if you ask a proper question you will get the answer you deserve.

When you ask the same question more than once, then you deserve what you get from the answers.

Apart from meeting many people from all backgrounds, you don't even know how to contact them if needed for a confrontation.

As frustrating as that can be, you just have to let go of those nasty comments.

Emotionally, one can be affected by these harsh comments think about it. Most people are affected by forums, and the best in my opinion is to ignore them.

From what I have learned on Hubpages as my best writing site it has a friendly community.

I have received only two, not-so-good comments and ignored them. Most writers want to get their messages across to others and mean what they say.

In many cases, their opinions matter to them and you that is the reason for the forums is that right?

To be able to argue and find out a true answer is what forums do to you.

The problem begins when an individual fails to understand the meaning of forums. Depending on how one feels about the topic it can be argumentative.

The Internet is an open place for many kinds of people. If one is not able to handle these online issues they shouldn't be here.

People from just about all parts of the world are connected to the Internet.

The few cases of aggression or disapproval of comments against forums are not going to solve anything.

People agree to disagree all the time. They face up to challenges and don't sweat the small stuff.

One is trying to be helpful in forums others can misunderstand their interpretations. It happens when someone speaks out. If you have faith in your words, overcoming nasty comments can be easily dealt with.

Anonymous, not everyone wants to be seen or known to others online with their correct identity. In this way, the person doesn't bother about what is said to others in forums, or any other online activity.

It is entirely up to the individual how they react to such responses. Hubbers here respond gratefully to helping anyone with any questions and have been very helpful.

There are harsh kinds of people on daily forums who want to speak out and can be cruel to be kind. The different characters with different personalities, not everyone can be the same in their responses.

Imagine if every person had the same personality and character what would the world be like?

Ever wondered?

To avoid the mean Hubbers, if there are any, don't follow every Hubber just to gain followers.

Think carefully about your choices. In many forums, the questions, and answers are helpful and allow others to find out more about the information required.

The unnecessary becomes effective when the uncalled-for is the response. In your opinion, it is not called for just as you have your way, they too have their way on the forums.

Bear in mind, that the Internet is not a place for every personality or character. Talent on Hubpages is great, and many Hubbers are selective about who they want to have in their circles.

You can't find pleasant people everywhere and that is something one must accept. Speaking for everyone is not the answer to anyone's problems.

Certain people say things as it comes out and they can't take back their word once it’s out there.

Ill-mannered people are like that by nature and cannot be as good as you. It is worth it that if you overlook the situation, disrespectful Hubbers can be reported.

Rudeness online has been going on for a while, no matter how many rules the criticism continues to find its way into the comments.

Occasionally, negative comments can be worth thinking about and could help you improve on your questions and answers.

Bad comments rely on what the topic is all about and sometimes about who is asking the question.

If it is an argumentative topic, surely there would be lots of aggression.

The person asking the question about a certain culture can affect some people in the forums.

For whatever reason, nasty comments are often the problem in the forums. Be positive about what you read in forums and sites shouldn't allow this sort of behaviour.

It is normal to feel bad or down when you come across mean people online. It will pass, and one day you will sit down and talk about it with laughter or advise others to ignore these kinds of people.

Bad comments from forums that can hurt people emotionally


Mean Hubbers

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Devika Primić


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