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Month 4 on HubPages - Making Enough to Pay a Bill (or two!)

Updated on February 17, 2013
I'm pretty happy to earn enough money writing for HubPages to pay a bill or two.
I'm pretty happy to earn enough money writing for HubPages to pay a bill or two. | Source

Overview of my Experience

I recently finished my fourth month on HubPages. I officially joined HubPages on July 26, 2012, so November 2012 is my 4th month. I have pretty much loved every minute of it. Hubpages has helped me feel successful from the beginning. The daily revenue update is one way that it helps the new Hubber feel successful. Logging in and seeing even a few pennies earned a day gives you a feeling like you can actually accomplish something here. Also, I was nominated for a few HubNugget awards, and even won one of them with my Hub about annoying Facebook friends. Nothing like a little public recognition to spur you forward on your Hubpages journey.

I joined HubPages for a number of reasons. For one thing, I've started and given up on several different web pages/blogs over the last 20 years. (Yes, 20 years, I was an early Internet adaptor.) The reason I would always wind up quiting, was that I would pour my heart and soul into these sites and blogs and nobody would ever read a word of it. Ever. After awhile, you just lose your motivation to write when you realize that nobody else will ever read it.

Other reasons I joined are that I naturally just like to write. I like information and learning. I like the Internet. So when I discovered HubPages on a blog while searching for something else, I was all over it.

At the beginning, I was simply delighted by the fact that there were people reading what I wrote. That was encouraging. After a couple of weeks, the google traffic started trickling in. Then I was hooked! I watched my daily earnings of a few cents a day trickle in and was so excited! My daughters would tease me, asking if I made enough to buy a candy bar yet, but it didn't bother me one bit. It was free money as far as I was concerned.

Fast forward to this month. I have made over $200.00 this month if you add in all my revenue sources. That's a pretty nice chunk of change! And the month isn't over yet. If I keep writing searchable content, I really feel the potential to make some good money down the road with HubPages! As you can see from the table below, the majority of my income this month has been from Amazon Sales. I know it won't be like that every month, but with Christmas coming the sales keep coming. I have been VERY successful with my Amazon Hubs!

Like I said, I am loving HubPages. I love the writing. I love reading what others write and having others read what I write. I am so happy that I can use the reputation of HubPages to springboard my writing to the first page of Google Search results. In fact, one of my hubs is #1 on page 1 of google. It would have likely taken me years to reach that kind of ranking if I had attempted to put the same information out there on my own. HubPages offers us writers a chance to be heard. I am amazed daily of my success here and I am very grateful to HubPages. I hope if you are reading this, that you find the same success with HubPages.

Monthly Earnings

Amazon and AdSense Earnings
HubPage Ad Earnings
Total Earnings this month
Running Total Earned
# of Hubs
# of views this month
Running # of Page Views
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012


My Goals

The following are the goals I have set for myself. Some I have achieved and some I have not. I enjoy marking each one of these off as accomplished. It gives me a sense of purpose and achievement and keeps me motivated when my motivation is lacking. I would suggest setting similar goals to any new hubber and you will be amazed at how much it helps your focus.

  • Earn $.25 (Achieved 8/10/2012)
  • Earn $.25 three days in a row (Achieved 8/19/2012)
  • Have 1000 views (Achieved 8/25/2012)
  • Earn $.50 three days in a row (Achieved 9/25/12)
  • Have 2000 views (9/7/12)
  • Earn $.75 three days in a row (Achieved 9/26/12)
  • Earn $1.00 three days in a row (Achieved 9/30/12)
  • Have 5000 views. (Achieved 9/29/12)
  • Earn $1.50 three days in a row (Achieved 10/24/12)
  • Have 10,000 views (Achieved 10/15/12)
  • Make my first HubPages Ad Program Payout (Achieved 10/31/2012)
  • Have 25k views (Achieved 11/20/2012)
  • Have 500 views in one day (Achieved 10/16/2012)
  • Have 600 views in one day (Achieved 11/25/2012)
  • Have 750 views in one day (Achieved 11/26/2012)
  • Have 10k views in a month (Achieved 10/23/2012)
  • Have 50 Hubs
  • Earn $1.75 for three days in a row (Achieved 11/16/2012)
  • Earn $2.00 three days in a row (Achieved 11/25/2012)
  • Earn $3.00 three days in a row (Achieved 12/4/2012)
  • Earn $3.50 three days in a row
  • Earn $4.00 three days in a row
  • Have 15k views in one month (Achieved 11/30/2012)
  • Have 20k views in one month
  • Have 50k views total
  • Have 100k Views total
  • Earn $50.00 in one month with the HubPages Ad Program (Achieved 11/29/2012)
  • Earn $75.00 in one month with the HubPages Ad Program
  • Have 1000 views in one day (Achieved 12/09/12)


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