Reaching The Magic 100,000 Hub Hits
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...
Well, its taken a bit of time, but finally I am in sniffing distance of that magic Hub hit mark. It's take some time. A year and half or 18 months or approximately 547 days to be exact. Some people get to this mark quiet quickly, while others have a long away to go yet.
So what is the secret of hitting this magic mark? I have got there quite by sheer luck and sprinkling of chance thrown in for good measure. To be honest, at first, hits were rarer than a month of Sundays or blue moon. I was on the point of giving up, but decided to throw in a few curved ball Hubs on popular subjects. Nothing special, just written in my style - what ever that is.
Much to my surprise one of these Hubs went viral - big time. And to be totally truthful, if it wasn't for this Hub, I would be still several years off reaching that 100,000 mark. Nearly two-thirds of those of hits is this one Hub. It wasn't planned, it just happened that way.
Now, I have tried several times to repeat the style this successful hub, but with little or no success. I am not sure what the magic formula is, but I can repeat it. Sheer luck or a touch of the John McClane's - the right hub in the right place at the right time.
That secret formula still alludes me, but I still try again now and then. Looking back there was very little thought or pre-planning, I wrote it and published the hub in under an hour. That is the funny bit, as other Hubs I have planned and careful wrote have all but failed to take off. Some Hubs, after a year or so, are struggling to reach 100 hits.
But, I have still enjoyed writing these Hubs and I have picked up a bit of outside work from people who have read them and contacted me to do more of the same. So, thank you to those people and to Hub Pages too for making me a global writer.
I must also thank all the people who have clicked on my Hubs and liked or commented on them. I would love you to either re-visit or drop in on one of my other Hubs.
I realise that I am not on Hub Pages to make money, but to let the world to see my writings, such that they are. I have my own style, it might be right or wrong but its my voice. I have tried to write to a pre-set style and subjects out in the real world, but if I am not interested in actual subject I get bored and write rubbish.
So, people write about what you know and love. It might not make you into a millionaire, but you you will get more fun and and enjoyment out of for work. And if you are really luck one of your Hubs will go viral.
I haven't written any Hubs for a while due to other writing commitments, but I will be getting back in the saddle soon and flood the world with my style of rubbish.
It's not about the money, its tapping into the global population and boring the pants of them with your Hub. I dare you to read a couple of my Hubs and perhaps leave a comment or even vote me up.
Well, its time to crack open the champagne and celebrate reaching this magic milestone.
Cheers & Thank You for all your Hits
Ps - I am not expecting this Hub to go viral !!