Squidoo is merging to HubPages.What is next?
So I am here to inform you that my ex Squidoo profile entitled Academyofinnerlight was merged to a new one on HubPages :Katerina Kostaki .
Along with this new account all 25 articles were succesfully transfered to this profile.
It's official and inevitable;Squidoo is merging to HubPages.
Total migration will be completing by October 2014.
To be honest, it was a triumph and a relief for me, indeed.
I loved Squidoo and spent much of my life on creating and learning.
Basically I learned a lot of technics on graphics and site building.I loved the new layout and presence of Squidoo.
What I disliked was the way they chose to face up members of this network.
The people behind the veil of Squidoo decided to put an end with many wonderful spiritual articles of mine, articles that gratefully are published on international magazines.
I am not here to judge anyone, because I have no clue of what they have in mind.
My ultimate goal to awake people is still accomplished through HubPages, though.
I will be very happy, if you are willing to follow, read, comment and share on my new HubPages profile.
Have you got any Squidoo account merged on HubPages?
Squidoo and HubPages authorities are monitoring the migration.
However if you would love to start writing to HubPages, please mind that you should create a new account unless you are going to lose your Squidoo lenses content.
So follow all steps from your Squidoo account.There is a sign as soon as you sign in to Squidoo and a green button to continue on the sign up to HubPages.
As soon as you click on the green button a new window opens to HubPages.Get ready to sign up to a new account, not to an old one, if you have any .
An email will be sending to you as soon the migration takes place.
Meanwhile, it is important to set up your new profile and configure all settings as well.
It would be helpful to read my hub on HubPages Success.
Good luck.
...And do not forget to follow me on this path of the hubs!!
Just click here!