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Katerina Kostaki (katerinakostaki)

Joined 10 years ago from Athens,Greece

  • 25
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  • 25 Things About Me...

    25 Things About Me...

    5 years ago

    What is exactly the -25 things about me -bio?

  • How to apply  intuition into your Squidoo Lensmaking

    How to apply intuition into your Squidoo Lensmaking

    10 years ago

    In the memory of my Squidoo lensmaking.RIP.

  • Kallikantzaroi, Greek Christmas Goblins (and beyond)

    Kallikantzaroi, Greek Christmas Goblins (and beyond)

    5 years ago

    All folklore stories and legends in my country, Greece,are coming from the source named "Conventional Wisdom and Trandition". There are traditions kept and shared over the years mostly by old women in villages and rural areas. Those places are deeply connected with Nature,fiction,and story telling.

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    Discovering a spiritual gate

    2 years ago

    This was my February 2010 newsletter from the series the Light of the Dawn. The original title was Teardrops of Joy. However it was written under the cost of losing and re-building a new Life. That means a lot of inner scratching, bleeding soul…

  • How Love and Compassion works in our Life

    How Love and Compassion works in our Life

    3 months ago

    Undergoing the well known "Dark night of the Souls", I've been writing my thoughts on a single paper. Like someone who's been looking for a dwell of illumination in a long distant tunnel. In the vast depth of this tunnel there's a Light and...

  • Voices of Love

    Voices of Love

    10 years ago

    Voices of Love determine a specific timeline of my Life whereas inner conflicts disorientate my inner perception and disconnect me from Cosmic Consciousnesses.

  • The Stone Years and Forgiveness Reloaded

    The Stone Years and Forgiveness Reloaded

    10 years ago

    Hard piece to deal with inner imaginary of an entirely old pattern-ship of self ,but the outcome is a sort of diamonds-evolutionary process. When dealing with our self-programming and conditioning posed by our social relationships looks like an absolute purification of Self.

  • Remember You are not Alone

    Remember You are not Alone

    2 years ago

    Whether you are feeling absolutely alone and totally isolated from the rest of the world, there is always a warm shelter,a gesture of Love and appreciation around you.

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    Cosmic Light

    5 years ago

    Cosmic Light is an hymn to Twin Flames, Unconditional Love and Re-Union with Source.

  • When Love meets Happiness

    When Love meets Happiness

    3 months ago

    "When Love meets Happiness" lens is a biographical article derived from my endless introspection within Human Psyche and Interaction with fellowship upon Earth Plane. The outcome of my long search upon Human Psyche has developed a series of newsletters entitled "The Light of the Dawn"

  • Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness

    Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness

    2 years ago

    Perhaps it sounds a bit cliche, but mostly the conception of an idea or a intense emotion looks like a pregnancy, a difficult and painful one. Maya Angelou (poetess) mentioned: "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you". ...

  • Global Awakening:A Cosmic Journey into Light

    Global Awakening:A Cosmic Journey into Light

    2 years ago

    Global Awakening should be experienced as a Universal Movement to empower and awake Humanity as well as regain the Ancient Wisdom and Sacred Knowledge inherited by Ancient Ancestors, Higher Entities and Ascended Masters .

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    Psyche, The Human Sea

    3 months ago

    A Dream that's transformed into a Tale.Fantasy incorporates with Memories to create new stuff for Awakening.Written and translated from Greek language to English by visionary author Katerina Kostaki.

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    Ten Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

    5 years ago

    Leading a Healthy Lifestyle , a real Healthy Lifestyle means that you feel good in every aspect in your Life.

  • The great journey of Artists into Eternity

    The great journey of Artists into Eternity

    3 months ago

    An artist according to Haanel's book "The Master Key System" is a pioneer, because his Creative Thought is a spiritual process. However vision and fantasy precedes the action and the event. Pioneer artists are mostly not compatible with the monolithic culture of entropy in each society, that is...

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    Philotimo, Love of Honor and Ungratefulness

    2 years ago

    The word "Philotimo" (Lover of Honor), which is purely a Greek word, is very difficult to be found in an English dictionary, as the definition of this word has been infused and inherited in the collective unconscious of the Greek culture.

  • Exercise on Gratitude:how to Begin the Path of Seeing

    Exercise on Gratitude:how to Begin the Path of Seeing

    2 years ago

    Life path looks like desert, a steep and full of pitfalls place. Defense is reduced and we feel powerless facing up challenges of life. However. .. "The greatest weapon in this path of life is Gratitude".

  • Eros and Psyche, a Cosmic Legend on Love and Light

    Eros and Psyche, a Cosmic Legend on Love and Light

    3 months ago

    The most famous myth of Eros was the myth of " Eros and Psyche".Eros was principally the patron of masculine love, while Aphrodite ruled the love between a man and a woman.

  • How to create the interconnection with Universe and New Earth through economic crisis

    How to create the interconnection with Universe and New Earth through economic crisis

    10 years ago

    The more the Man constantly ignores or is provocatively shows indifference to his spiritual development and defies learning from his errors and mankind history as well , the more he is removed from the most significant opportunity given to him in order to follow the constant Earth vibrations due to...

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    Woman and pursuit of happiness

    2 years ago

    Obviously I had to recover this hub from scratch and re-build it. The reasons are possibly two: I had to update the lens to be more catchy and secondly I remembered how events in life coincide with our writings! As I become "Self-Realized" day...

  • Writing and Purification of Self

    Writing and Purification of Self

    6 years ago

    I'd love to share with you my insightful viewpoint on a Path chosen long time ago . A Path that purifies and glorifies the Inner Wisdom.

  • Spirit against Technocracy

    Spirit against Technocracy

    10 years ago

    Human Consciousness is transformed along with Time. But Fear still is initiated by various means, manifested or not (casually...). While Cosmic Energy Waves embrace the whole planet and re-change the structure of the human body and mind, Global Awakening is manifested upon Earth . Global...

  • How to Create an Attractive and Effective Newsletter With Smilebox

    How to Create an Attractive and Effective Newsletter With Smilebox

    5 years ago

    Internet has been the primary and possibly the final frontier to where no man has ever gone before (!), as we (Light-workers and star-seeds) eventually relay on to approach more people and share our heartfelt messages . We possibly belong to the lucky ones,where the magic clicks of Internet turn...

  • Mentoring and its importance in Self-Growth

    Mentoring and its importance in Self-Growth

    2 years ago

    First reports in individuals that played the role of mentor are specified in the care undertaking of Telemachus by Mentora, who substituted Odysseus in the role of adviser and friend for the time interval that he would be absent.

  • The Sacred Inner Sanctuary and the Manifestation of True Self

    The Sacred Inner Sanctuary and the Manifestation of True Self

    2 years ago

    I've been writing newsletters since 2007 as a means to share my Inner Knowledge and messages being provided with. In my Article How Love and Compassion works in our Life, I essentially express my Inner Journey from The Dark Nights of the Soul to Enlightenment


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