Summer, and the HubNuggeting is Easy
Everything's Better in the Summer, Even HubNuggets
We've come to my favourite time of year here in North America. I love, love, love summer! It may just be me but I think everything is better and easier in the summer sun and heat. Things are more fun, too.
For example, we can get whimsical with our beloved HubNuggets:
- Hot HubNuggets in the Summertime
- HubNugget Nights
- Hubbertime Blues
- Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot HubNugget
- HubNuggeting in the Streets
- HubNuggeting U.S.A.
You get the picture. Summer's great and so are HubNuggets!
So, why not put on some Beach Boys and give these hubs a read. Don't forget to come back and vote for your favourite HubNugget, though. The five Wannabe's that get the highest percentage of votes will win the official title of HubNugget. It's a real honour and a big traffic magnet for those who top the charts.
Enjoy the nuggets and the rest of your summer!
This Week's HubNugget Forum Thread
- Summer, and the HubNuggeting is Easy!
Summer, and the HubNuggeting is Easy! in the HubPages The Hubber's Hangout Forum
HubNugget Wannabe Rules
All of the hubs on the voting block fall under a set of specific guidelines, which can be read in the HubNuggets How-To, Q & A. Basically, this contest is for new hubbers only, who have produced a hub with quality content (and enough of it) and an attractive layout.
HubNuggeting in the Summer Sun
Presenting This Week's HubNugget Wannabes
- The Other Uses of Tea
Tea is such an excellent drink that I am sure you have your own favourite concoction or flavour of this drink. I am also sure that you already know about the many health benefits of drinking tea. So I will... - Help! My Dog Has Been Stung By A Bee!
There is nothing like walking your dog on a lazy, warm summer evening. Kids are playing, the flowers are blooming, bees are stinging. Yes, you read that correctly, the bees are stinging! Ouch. Not only do... - Nature's Cure for Stress -- Time to Hit the Beach!
Are you stressed out? Overworked? Is it time for a vacation? For stress overload, there is nothing like warm sandy beaches, palm trees swaying gently from an ocean breeze and an ocean view to wind down... - 40 Ways To Save Money
In these troubling financial times, it is important to keep an eye on your cashflow at all times. There are many ways to save money, but it is going to take persistance and a certain fortitude for you to... - Gwen John - Painter, Lover and Shadow
Born Gwendolen Mary John, 1876 in Haverford West, Wales, as well as her brother Augustus, she had two sisters. Her father, a solicitor was a man serious man of dour demeanour, which might well explain her own... - The Great Lobster Roll Debate
Lobster rolls are a traditional New England summertime treat. Whether you serve yours warm with drawn butter, or chilled in a lobster salad, one taste and you will be hooked. - How Journaling About Gratitude Can Change Your Life
Keeping a gratitude journal will change your life, keep you positive, and calm stress. - Magical Places: Cocos Island
Calling all adrenalin junkies! Dive with hundreds of hammerheads, experience a white tip shark feeding frenzy that occurs every night in the dark waters of Cocos Island and more....
~~~~~ Special Note to HubNugget Wannabes ~~~~~
Don't forget to rally as many voters as you can to your hub nomination! Blog about it, tell all your friends, link to it from your site, Facebook, Tweet it, even vote for yourself!
Promote the bejeebers outta your hub and get yourself into the top 5%!
Please remember not to spam anyone or put links into comments sections or the forums.
Good luck to all of our Wannabes!
Voting Poll
Vote for your favourite HubNugget here!
The HubNugget Team
**** Try Some Previous HubNuggets! ****
- HubNugget Fever!
Your HubNugget team members have staked their claims, done a little prospecting. We scoured the hills, caves, river beds, drainage ditches, your grandma's attic and every other place we could think of that... - Time for The HubNugget Awards!
Grab a tub of popcorn and your favorite beverage and get ready to enjoy the offerings of a brand new festival of Nuggets. - Get Your Favorite HubNuggets Here!
A new week of succulent HubNugget Wannabes are up for savouring and voting on. Come on in and vote for your favorite HubNugget. - HubNuggets: Your vote counts! June 3, 2009
So, we've read... now it's your turn! Yup! It's that time once again... to read and then vote for your favorite HubNugget Wannabe! If you're new to this, your team of HubNuggeteers have narrowed down the...
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