What's The Fastest and Best Way To Make Money with Google AdSense?
Make Money Fast and Easy? Is That Possible With Google AdSense?
So, you want to make money with the Google AdSense Program and, you want to make it fast? Do you want to know what the way to make money with Google AdSense is? Do you really want to know how to make a lot of money in this online business world?
Do I have your attention? I mean after all you really do want to see online success with the search engines and have increased traffic and readership. You frankly want the money that comes with a readership. You also want to publish a hub that at the end of the day you can be proud of.
Good. The fastest and easiest way to make money with Google AdSense is to understand how you make money with Google AdSense. No sense is crying that "Google hates you" and that your hubs are so awesome and you don't understand why.... money is not pouring in.
This is a business and if you want to make money I'll teach you the secret right now. It is called building great hubs and then linking them and build several great links. In other words: a lot of hard work.
Google AdSense and HubPages
To get a hub some exposure, think of a blog and social networking: The fastest and easiest way to get links to your hubs, is via a social networking site and then your blog. Why? because often your blog has a bit of a following and by adding a link to it, you can build traffic to your hub.
Building traffic does take time, but know where you traffic comes from is the golden rule. Also updating and continuing to build your hubs you've already published is equally as important as simply getting traffic. If all your traffic comes from hubpages, you won't make money no matter how much traffic you get. It's that simple. Also, face the fact that the only way to make money on hubpages is to have Google AdSense and Amazon and eBay. Otherwise your net income is zero.
What you need is to get people who will come and see your hubs and then add them to their social network and build upon your business. This is a business, and frankly Google is a business, and they want to make money just like you do. The only way to make money with Google AdSense is by getting exposure to your hubs, and this is by building links --correctly.
There are good ways and bad ways to make money with Google AdSense: buying links, bad thing. Trying to click on your own ads, bad thing. No ads, find out why your hubs aren't getting ads. You are not paid money for having a million impressions, it won't happen, so start looking at your business.
You are in control of your business, and you are in control of where you put your links to and where you add links to get traffic. So, putting a link on your blog which you update a lot and have a lot of traffic, is better than a link to a blog where you haven't updated in a long time.
Google AdSense, is NOT stupid, the truth of the matter is if you get banned from Google AdSense or Amazon or eBay, you will never make money fast with Google AdSense ( or any other affiliate programs). So, read those terms of service, and build links correctly. So, to make money from Google AdSense fast: don't get yourself banned from Google.
There is a faster way to make money with Google AdSense, and that is looking at your business.
How Much Money can Your Fine Hub Make You?
Knowing how much your hubs can make you: there is such a thing as the 80/20 rule. There is also the Google AdSense law of averages. So put these two together, and you will need to work hard to make money with Google AdSense.
I'd also add page rank and knowledge of SEO are vital, but that boils down to adding links correctly, so there you go. There are no secrets to making money in this business, everyone who uses Google AdSense has the potential to make money, same as if you have Amazon or eBay.
Now some people will advise you that hubpages are "dofollow" in terms of adding links. This is not entirely true. If your personal hub score is below 75 or your hub is below a hub score of 40 (combined or not... ) then your link are nofollow. This, in layman's terms is a bad thing.
So, to make money fast with Google AdSense, your personal hub score needs to be over 75. Got that? As for hub scores themselves...
If I (Insert Answer) I will Make Money Faster with Google
Now, this is a guess, but since I have been here a while, and I do know which hubs make money for me, and with hubs don't, it is my experience that a hub with a score lower than 85 is good for traffic but won't make you much money long-term. Now, on a brand new hub this will not be true, but if your hubs sort of settle around the 50-70 mark and stay there... that is when it will take a long time to make money in this business.
Before you go and start adding links everywhere, be advised, the social networking sites do look upon dumping all your hubs on their sites and not participating as a sign of spamming, and this can also affect your work, you need to follow people and do what you do on hubpages, which is comment and submit others hubs to the social networking sites.
Again a link is a link, and you need not panic quite as yet, if you have a hub which is 60 and has been that way for a while, or you've only been linking your hubs to say stumble upon, now is a good time to fix these hubs, and to participate more on various sites.
Making Money= Effort+ More Effort
Go, Fix and Participate and Make Money or the Last Words-- Publishing a hub and adding links and getting traffic simply won't make you money (fast at least) from Google AdSense. You have to be willing to do the work. This means fixing up hubs, and accepting that making a lot of money will take time, there is no way around this.
So, begin by looking at what and how your hubs look, see which ones are getting traffic and that you think will make you money. Then build from there.
Love what you do, be passionate about what you publish online, and yes, that is the fastest way to make money with Google AdSense, participation and hard work.
To your success.