The Magnificent SIX Hubbers
Jackie “Jackie Lynnley” a friend so certain and
true it’s now three years since I’ve
met you. You have been a wonderful
friend and I am sure that if you only
knew my love for you is only true.
Ain’t no diamond that can glitter like
you do.
Frankie doodle doo “Frank Atanacio”
I say there ain’t no hubber that write
those eye and ears dropping short stories
like you do. You’re a wonderful friend
and faithful hubber to.
Have you met Faithreaper ? well
don’t be to late she is waiting
for you at the hubpages gate.
To embrace you with Faith and love
from above always a kind word or two
to set you on the right part. Ain’t
nobody can have faith like Faithy do.
Mhatter Mhatter where are you?
I guess your somewhere out there
in the blue it’s a little while since I
last heard from you. Should I call 999
to come get you.
Kidscraft your life is full
of wonderful art, to share and
bless each Hubpages follower
if they rest upon your ark you will
never leave them in the dark. Lol
BlossonSB she’s got more honey
than a sugar bee enough to share
with you and me . There’s always
and adventure waiting for you when
you drop by.
Written by : Joanna Chandler
Copyright © 2014