Why does my hub have such a low score? It's packed with a lot of useful informa

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  1. kwyser119 profile image60
    kwyser119posted 13 years ago

    Why does my hub have such a low score?  It's packed with a lot of useful information and has videos.

    I don't know if I'm allowed to link to  my hub, but it's the one I made called "The Complete Guide to Making Money Online."  I know that this topic is well-known for spam, but that isn't what my hub is.

    Is it just simply the topic that hubs made automatically have bad scores?  Or is there something about my hub that I am not realizing giving it the bad score?


  2. profile image0
    irisheleeposted 13 years ago

    I've only been here for a week or two so there might be more to it than I know of, but it helps to read and comment on other people's hubs and to link other hubs within your hubs.  They'll return the favor mostly by reading and commenting too.

  3. Stacie L profile image86
    Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

    after reading your hub,that has a lot of information on it. I can only recommend another title.
    and maybe break it up into smaller hubs...

  4. relache profile image73
    relacheposted 13 years ago


    Read that section, and I'm sure you will find out what is hurting your Hub.

  5. profile image0
    Always Greenerposted 13 years ago

    I've glanced through your hub and while it does present good information, you do need to condense it and reduce the amount of words.  Speaking as a freelance editor, people have low attention spans and want to get to the main points quickly.  Also consider redoing the title to something like: "I've made lots of money online - here's how I did it".

  6. POULOMI DUTTA profile image61
    POULOMI DUTTAposted 13 years ago

    as an answerer has correctly pointed out - readers have low attention spans, especially when they r using the internet. u can follow the guidelines given below -
    #write articles with word limits stetching frm 500-700words. this is supposed 2 be the ideal length of a readable article

    #use relevant keywords

    #keyword density shud b around 2%

    #research 4 relevant keywords for yr hub

    #use bullet points

    #use sub headings in bold

    #dont beat around the bush, make your point quickly and explain your point

    #use compelling interesting eye catching titles that contain the keyword/keywords at the beginning

    #use primary keyword/s and secondary keywords

    #research, research and research even more and fill yr article with sunstantial and solid info, so that it is unputdownable

    #at tymes, too many pictures n videos kill a hub's appeal.reserve your pictures n videos for manuals and travelogues

    #write and arrange your points or info in such a manner that readers dont hav 2 search 4 them. that is why bullet points r so helpful

    #paragraph length should vary between 4 and 6 lines, if writing in ARIAL 12.paragraphs shud b of equal length 2 create a visual appeal

    finally stop worrying about hubscore n concentrate on improving yr article quality. hubscores always fluctuate.


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