7 hubs in 7 days on 7 different topics.

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  1. Christine Miranda profile image71
    Christine Mirandaposted 12 years ago

    I am new here but am challenging myself to write 7 hubs in 7 days on 7 different topics. I am hoping to broaden my writing skills, keep things interesting and force myself to write out of my comfort zone.

    Anyone wish to join me??

    1. TeachableMoments profile image66
      TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Christine,
      I'll take you up on that challenge. I've been thinking about doing a challenge for a while, but something always held me back. I think I just have to go for it. It'll be fun. Writing about different topics will keep it interesting. When do you want to start? After the holiday weekend?

      1. Christine Miranda profile image71
        Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Teachable.

        I actually started yesterday but you can start at any time.  I might go for 10/10/10 if I make the 7/7/7.   smile  I posted two recipes yesterday and wrote a third hub that I need to proof read today before posting. I tend to over think things and don't like to publish until it is just so. I am hoping the challenge will help me get a handle doing them and quickly moving on.

        Good Luck!

        1. TeachableMoments profile image66
          TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I just finished a hub last night on separation anxiety. So, I'll just say I started last night. Ha-Ha. Sounds like you are off to a good start. I'll have to catch up. Thanks for the motivation. Should we post our 7 in 7 hubs here?

          1. Christine Miranda profile image71
            Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            LOL. Sure, we can motivate each other to finish.

            1. TeachableMoments profile image66
              TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Well, here's my 1in 7 on child development. Hope it's okay I'm posting it here.

              http://teachablemoments.hubpages.com/hu … on-Anxiety

              1. Christine Miranda profile image71
                Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Ok, I squeaked in just before midnight. smile  I had one done and was ready to post it then learned a valuable lesson....you don't post gardening hubs at the END of the summer!!  So I moved on to upcoming holidays, which lead to Thanksgiving, which led to the idea for a centerpiece. I am so not the crafty type so was surprised this popped into my head. I will have to try it with my kids so I can add a picture!


                1. TeachableMoments profile image66
                  TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  It sounds like my evening. First I thought about writing a hub about how to do a kid-friendly craft. I even took pics, but then I tossed the idea. Then I thought about writing about my pets, but I wasn't inspired. I started thinking about cooking recipes, housecleaning tips, poems, kid stories...this went on for a while. What did I end up writing on; a makeup review. Done them before. Blah!  I promised myself I'll be more creative next time. Oh well...
                  Can't wait to read your hub. I'll do it now.

              2. Mom Kat profile image73
                Mom Katposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I know I'm a month out of the loop, but I just read your hub on preschool separation anxiety & left a comment for you.

                1. TeachableMoments profile image66
                  TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Mom Kat, just read the comment and replied back. Thanks for checking out my hub! It's always nice to receive comments from fellow hubbers! smile

  2. wilderness profile image89
    wildernessposted 12 years ago

    Current thinking seems to be that a subdomain such as ours will do better if it concentrates on a particular niche.

    Not sure if it is actually true - many hubbers (including myself) write on a wide range of topics.   Something to think about, though, as you immediately spread topics all over your new subdomain.

    1. TeachableMoments profile image66
      TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the suggestion. Well, I think I'll try writing 7 hubs on different topics just to build my creativity. Maybe writing something completely new will lead to new sources of inspiration. I appreciate the heads-up though.

    2. Christine Miranda profile image71
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Wilderness.
      I've read the "pick a niche and write it to death" suggestion on here.  The only problem is it may be the death of me!! Lol. It's extremely boring. I write topic specific copy for clients all day long so it is nice to write something just because. Plus the two recipe hubs I did yesterday resulted in my writing two other articles today on topics that came to me while I was doing them. It should be interesting if nothing else.

  3. profile image0
    DigbyAdamsposted 12 years ago

    Unless Paul Edmondson has updated his findings. He has stated a few times that subdomains with lots of different topics do just fine. It doesn't seem to be one of the determinants of success.

    1. Christine Miranda profile image71
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Digby.

  4. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    Good for you! I'm all for multiple topics but remember one thing. If you get followers off of those hubs then you will want to write more on those topics later to keep people who follow you reading. I write on several different topics and I have to basiclly take turns on which topic I will post about. Followers can be quite helpful while getting google traffic established. Good Luck!

    1. TeachableMoments profile image66
      TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks everyone. HubPages has the most supportive writers.

    2. Christine Miranda profile image71
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Good suggestion Peeples.

  5. His princesz profile image60
    His princeszposted 12 years ago

    Hello everyone! Can I join too? I'm a new come back. Yesterday was my first day after been gone for two years. I was able to publish one hub yesterday and one today. I guess I'm up for the 7 hubs in 7 days challenge starting tomorrow. smile

    1. TeachableMoments profile image66
      TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome back His Princesz!  Sounds like you're ready for the challenge. Can't wait to read your hubs.

    2. Christine Miranda profile image71
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Of course the more the merrier! I am glad we inspired you to come back. Heeheehee.

  6. Claims-Advice profile image60
    Claims-Adviceposted 12 years ago

    I'll be watching this thread with interest. To specialise or generalise is a good study point smile

  7. andromida profile image55
    andromidaposted 12 years ago

    I would prefer to write 7 hubs on the same niche or about something that you know very well.

    1. Christine Miranda profile image71
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is fine, feel free to join in and post them here.

    2. Claims-Advice profile image60
      Claims-Adviceposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think this is true. Specialisation is most effective way to add value as a general rule.

      1. Christine Miranda profile image71
        Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Just found this great hub from SMCopywrite.  I think she "gets" the reason behind this challenge. In the scheme of things I don't think writing 7 hubs out of your niche will end your hub writing/money generating career. smile   For me it has been about writing outside my comfort zone. I will be posting a hub of what I've learned, the positives and negatives of it all, when I am done with the challenge.

        http://smcopywrite.hubpages.com/hub/Adv … -Own-Niche

  8. TeachableMoments profile image66
    TeachableMomentsposted 12 years ago

    Well, here's my 2 in 7...

    http://teachablemoments.hubpages.com/hu … -30-Review

    Day 1-Child Development (http://teachablemoments.hubpages.com/hu … on-Anxiety)

    Day 2- Beauty Review (http://teachablemoments.hubpages.com/hu … -30-Review)

    Working on topic #3. Perhaps a craft idea. Not sure. Good luck to all.

  9. Christine Miranda profile image71
    Christine Mirandaposted 12 years ago

    Good Job Teachable! 

    I have to go check your newest hub out. I got in two on the first day just in case I miss a day over the holiday weekend.

    Day 1
    http://christinemiranda.hubpages.com/hu … icken-EVER
    http://christinemiranda.hubpages.com/hu … ions-Bacon

    Day 2
    http://christinemiranda.hubpages.com/hu … enterpiece

    Day 3
    http://christinemiranda.hubpages.com/hu … at-Suicide

    1. TeachableMoments profile image66
      TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, go Christine!! I have some reading to do. Very interested in reading your latest hub. My family has suffered the effects of suicide. One tried, one succeeded. Glad you're bringing more awareness to the topic. Think I'll have to gear up for that one. Great job!!!

  10. TeachableMoments profile image66
    TeachableMomentsposted 12 years ago

    Here's my hub for tomorrow. I figured I better post it today. You never know what the weekend might bring. I enjoyed this one. Something different.

    Day 3
    Topic-Arts & Crafts

    http://teachablemoments.hubpages.com/hu … t-For-Kids

    I'm also going to include my hub for Sunday. Not too sure about this one. I haven't written a poem for a long time. Thought I would give it a whirl again. Yikes, it's hard submitting this one. Be kind. smile

    Day 4


    1. Christine Miranda profile image71
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Day 4
      You inspired me to do a product review. smile

      http://christinemiranda.hubpages.com/hu … ake-Review

      1. TeachableMoments profile image66
        TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Just finished your 5th hub. So, you've completed 5 out of 7, right? Great job.

        Love this challenge. I feel more creative and I'm meeting other writers outside my usual stomping ground.

        1. Christine Miranda profile image71
          Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yes 5 out of 7. I agree, I have jotted down at least 10 titles in my niche that have come to me while doing this challenge.  Sort of re energized me.

  11. His princesz profile image60
    His princeszposted 12 years ago

    Hello everybody!
    Here's my first Hub - 1 down of the 7/7 Hub Challenge
    http://hisprincesz.hubpages.com/hub/You … offee?done

    1. TeachableMoments profile image66
      TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great job! Only 6 more to go!

  12. TeachableMoments profile image66
    TeachableMomentsposted 12 years ago

    Here goes my hub for tomorrow.

    Day 5- Topic: Party Ideas for Children

    http://teachablemoments.hubpages.com/hu … gh-Recipes

    Have a great Labor Day!

  13. His princesz profile image60
    His princeszposted 12 years ago

    That's great TeachableMoments! I am still working on my next article.

    1. TeachableMoments profile image66
      TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Can't wait to read it. Happy writing!

  14. TeachableMoments profile image66
    TeachableMomentsposted 12 years ago

    Here's #6

    Day 6
    Topic- Zoo Animals & Zoos


    One more to go!

    1. His princesz profile image60
      His princeszposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations TeachableMoments! You are almost there!
      I'm currently working on the 4th.

      1. TeachableMoments profile image66
        TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Good luck with the 4th.

        Well, I just completed my 7th hub. That completes my 7 in 7 hub challenge. Phew! I cannot imagine doing the 30 in 30, but you never know.

        Day 7
        Topic- Paper Creations

        1. Christine Miranda profile image71
          Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          OK. My last two. smile

          I was out of town Sunday & Monday at a family members house on a lake. No internet access. I actually wrote the "What to do before you write your first hub" on my Blackberry on the 3 hr ride there. lol.

          So this challenge was fun. I agree 30 in 30 would be tough. I will have to read everyone's hubs tomo.

          http://christinemiranda.hubpages.com/hu … on-my-Tree

          http://christinemiranda.hubpages.com/hu … -first-hub

          1. TeachableMoments profile image66
            TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Congrats on completing the challenge. I was wondering where you went...smile
            Hope you had fun at the lake.
            Okay, I'm off to read your hubs.

  15. His princesz profile image60
    His princeszposted 12 years ago

    Hello everybody! here's my # 3 of 7, Four more. I'm a little behind.
    http://hisprincesz.hubpages.com/hub/How … e-Outdoors

  16. His princesz profile image60
    His princeszposted 12 years ago

    Congratulations to both of you, Christine and Teachable for completing the challenge. Here's my 4th Hub. http://hisprincesz.hubpages.com/hub/How … tist-Chair
    I've been busy lately so I have to work hard to publish 3 hubs tomorrow. smile

    1. TeachableMoments profile image66
      TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Princesz. Good luck on your last three hubs. Wowzers, that's a lot of writing. You can do it. smile

  17. iefox5 profile image58
    iefox5posted 12 years ago

    You've done a great job!

  18. His princesz profile image60
    His princeszposted 12 years ago

    Hello guys! I'm sorry I wasn't able to complete the 7/7 Hub challenge. I finished the fourth:

    http://hisprincesz.hubpages.com/hub/How … tist-Chair

    My schedule is tight and I don't want to compromise the quality of my articles just to finish the race. I started my fifth last night but I don't think it's done already. Good job to all of Teachable and Christine! smile
    I have to work early today. See you around guys! smile

    1. Christine Miranda profile image71
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No worries. You were able to complete 4 in a week which is probably more than you would have without the challenge.

  19. mias profile image60
    miasposted 12 years ago

    I too am challenging myself to write 7 hubs in 7 days. However I want to stick to marketing since my aim is to provide content which will add value. For me to do that I need to be really familiar with that topic. I will write outside my comfort zone once I have accomplished this.

    1. Christine Miranda profile image71
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Way to go Mias! Post the links here so we can read them.

    2. TeachableMoments profile image66
      TeachableMomentsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mias, can't wait to read your hubs!

  20. Mom Kat profile image73
    Mom Katposted 12 years ago

    I inadvertently did this in under 48 hours:

    Popularity: the art of being awesome ~ http://momkat.hubpages.com/hub/Populari … ng-Awesome

    End of the World: Survival kit ~ http://momkat.hubpages.com/hub/End-of-t … rvival-Kit

    Early Poetry By Mom Kat ~ http://momkat.hubpages.com/hub/Early-Poetry-By-Mom-Kat

    Recycling Crafts: Egg Cartons ~ http://momkat.hubpages.com/hub/Recyclin … gg-Cartons

    Restoring my old Photographs ~ http://momkat.hubpages.com/hub/Restorin … hotographs

    What they leave behind (a tribute to my great grandmother) ~ http://momkat.hubpages.com/hub/What-they-leave-behind

    Easy Homemade Pasta By Hand ~ http://momkat.hubpages.com/hub/Easy-Hom … ta-By-Hand

    Maybe when I'm finished with my 30 in 30 (I'm only on day 3 of that) I'll do this one again, but on purpose smile

    I also wrote one about day 1 of the 30 in 30 challenge & another on mental illness: http://momkat.hubpages.com/hub/What-doe … -look-like

    if I counted everything I've done in the past 7 days, it would be 14 completed hubs (but my day isn't over yet)

    1. Christine Miranda profile image71
      Christine Mirandaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Holy Crap! I wish I could inadvertently do that. smile  I am in the middle of a hub now. Cant wait to read your hubs. Good job and thanks for sharing.

      1. Mom Kat profile image73
        Mom Katposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You are good!  High quality & interesting ~ at least the one I've read so far smile
        I think I might just need to follow you & read some more.


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