Duplicate Content Question

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  1. Jamie Brock profile image86
    Jamie Brockposted 11 years ago

    I have never had this happen to me but I noticed today that I had a hub unpublished because of duplicate content it says...  The written content in the hub is NOT duplicate. I wrote it myself.  It does have photos in it that are probably other places like Pinterest etc... but this has never been an issue before. Can a hub be marked duplicate for photos?  If anyone can shed some light on what is going on here, I would sure appreciate it smile

    1. WritingPrompts profile image64
      WritingPromptsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If the text shows up anywhere else online it's considered duplicate - even if you wrote it elsewhere too.

      The other possibility is someone stole your work and posted it on another website.  You might do a Google search for some key phrases and see if you can find it and ask them to take it down.  (If they refuse, you can contact their web host and most will disable their website if they don't take down the duplicated material.)

      1. Jamie Brock profile image86
        Jamie Brockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for the reply.. I only write here at HubPages so it's not because it's written somewhere else or at least not by me it isn't written anywhere else.  I did try and search Google for parts of my hub to see if it comes up but so far I've had no luck finding anything.  I guess I'll keep looking.  Thank you for your help.

  2. 2uesday profile image66
    2uesdayposted 11 years ago

    You could try checking a section of your hub on a site like Copyscape to see if it reveals any duplicates of your work.

    1. Jamie Brock profile image86
      Jamie Brockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, that's a great idea. So that is what Copyscape is.... will definitely give that a try. Thank you!

      1. Jamie Brock profile image86
        Jamie Brockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Shoot! I went to Copyscape but it said something about the maximum number of scans per month had been reached from this site... I guess they only allow a certain number of scans from HubPages each month.  Oh well, it was worth a try anyway.

        1. 2uesday profile image66
          2uesdayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry Jamie, I never knew it was calculated like that. I thought it was based on individual search.

          1. Jamie Brock profile image86
            Jamie Brockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Oh, don't apologize.. it's not your fault.. I'm just grateful you suggested it. It seems like it's a bit unfair for it to be calculated like that.. I mean, it's not really fair use but it was at least worth a try and know we know.  Thank you again for your help. I've emailed HP staff.. I'm hoping to hear back from them about it. I just don't get what is going on.

  3. wilderness profile image94
    wildernessposted 11 years ago

    What is the title of the hub?

    1. Jamie Brock profile image86
      Jamie Brockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, thank you for the reply....the title is: Decorating for Halloween: DIY Project Ideas

  4. psycheskinner profile image80
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    I googled some sections and found no duplicates.

    1. Jamie Brock profile image86
      Jamie Brockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your help...  I had searched for a while yesterday and found no duplicates either. I really feel like it must be marked duplicate by mistake.  I've been writing here for 2 years and have never had this happen. I hope HP Staff gets back to me soon. This is stressing me out.

  5. Jamie Brock profile image86
    Jamie Brockposted 11 years ago

    I just wanted to let you guys know that I just received an email from HP saying the hub has been cleared for publication and republished but with no explanation about why this happened.  I guess it was a mistake.   Anyway, just wanted to let you all know and thank you all again for your help smile

  6. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 11 years ago

    I'm pleased that it is back up again... but of course, factually it should never have been ripped down for that anyway!  I hate that we are expected to accept what appears to be such arrogance without so much of a by your leave.... I hope no one took advantage of your keywords... keep an eye on that sort of thing... it is prevalent... good luck smile

    1. Jamie Brock profile image86
      Jamie Brockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Pearl Diver,  Yes, I hate that the hub was unpublished.. I had just published it and I fear that people may have come to read it and got the "this page does not exist" page.  Also, I know that HubPages takes duplicate content seriously so I'm hoping this does not count against me even though it wasn't my fault.  Thanks again for your reply.. best of luck to you as well smile

      1. wilderness profile image94
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I wouldn't worry about HP dinging you for it.  I've got a hub that was marked as duplicate over a year ago.  Like you, they finally released it, but it still carries the duplicate tag on the stats page.  I even questioned it once more a couple of months ago - no problem, ignore the duplication indicator was the answer.

        1. Jamie Brock profile image86
          Jamie Brockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          wilderness-   Thank you for letting me know that..it surely does help me to feel better smile


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