My HubPages account banned?

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  1. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    Hi everyone.
    This is my first post here.
    I made an account and made my first hub and I did absolutely nothing against the rules. I wrote that article myself and there wasn't any sort of conflict with HubPages TOS.
    Next day I saw that my hub is only visible to me and when I checked my account it says "This user has been banned from HubPages"
    This message I got from
    "Your HubPages account has been permanently banned as a result of rules violations. Your account cannot be reinstated. We wish you luck in your online writing ventures."
    No reasons whatsoever?
    I went again and read all the rules and I did not break any!
    Now I am really curious why am I being punished and for what?
    Anyone else had a similar experience?
    What can I do?

  2. Sally's Trove profile image80
    Sally's Troveposted 11 years ago

    How can all that happen in 28 minutes, which is the amount of time your account has been active according to the stats here?

  3. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    It happened on my original account. I just trying to figure out what went wrong.

    1. Sally's Trove profile image80
      Sally's Troveposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Don't expect any help if you don't identify what your original hub was.

  4. Victoria Lynn profile image89
    Victoria Lynnposted 11 years ago

    Seriously. What Sally's Trove said--I second that.

  5. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    I opened this account just to try to find out what happened with my original account since I can not post the question because I am banned with that account.
    I couldn't post the question because of the ban.
    That didn't happen with this account.

  6. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    ok I'll be back in a second with a link. Can you see the hub if it's not published?

  7. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    now I am going to break the rule if I post the link here. Is there a way I can message you the link?

    1. IzzyM profile image89
      IzzyMposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Don't post it.

      We can't see it anyway, unless it was published for long enough to have been picked up by Google and is in their cache (and it wasn't).

      We can't help because we don't know why you were banned, sorry.

      Could it be a banned IP address you were using (from an internet cafe for example)?

  8. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    No the only thing i can think of is that at first I had a 4 outbound links in the article. But i thought the article is a bit longer so I didn't expect that might happen. Coming from squidoo socializing experience where that would be more than acceptable... I don't know. The article was really descent, quality and else...
    What surprised me that I had no real answer from the support.
    Is is possible that I am banned for putting the links into article?

  9. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    I mean links to a respectable site. No funny things there either.

    1. IzzyM profile image89
      IzzyMposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Did you have more than 2 links to the same site (because that is a big no-no)?

      You wouldn't have got banned for that though.

      We could guess until the cows come home, but the only people who can tell you why you were banned are the staff, and you have their email address.

      Don't hold your breath waiting for a reply though!

      If I were you I would join Wizzley and put your article there instead. If it is substandard in any way, they will tell you straight out.

  10. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    I know that, it was like... I was excited I will start with HubPages...
    I requested an explanation from the support team but i don't think they will give me any.
    Usualy when I post the article if there is something wrong they tell you, or like yesterday I noticed that in one my article links are no folow and I wrote an email and they responded that I need a 10 articles for them to make me trusted user and to make my articles do follow and I respect that.
    I just wish they come with a straught reason.
    Ok thank you any way. I don't think I will spend any more time here.
    It's really awkward situation.

  11. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    You need to ask them, not us.

  12. Askme profile image78
    Askmeposted 11 years ago

    I had a second account and the same thing happened to me. No matter how many times I corrected my hub, it never got published. I sent an email and the only response was that is was a TOS  violation. Whatever. I deleted the account and resumed writing on my original hubpages.

    1. donotfear profile image83
      donotfearposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What's a TOS violation?

      1. RichieMogwai profile image59
        RichieMogwaiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Terms of Service violation

        1. donotfear profile image83
          donotfearposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          'That could be anything.............................

  13. donotfear profile image83
    donotfearposted 11 years ago

    This actually makes me paranoid about my own account!


  14. RichieMogwai profile image59
    RichieMogwaiposted 11 years ago

    Did you hear from Hubpages yet? It's probably just a glitch. Or maybe there was a bad word you used in the hub that was offensive. Check that

  15. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    No I have not heard from them yet. Checked my email just now.
    I deliberately posted this question here to see if any of moderators will see it and come and tell me I am lying and I did "this and that".
    And I am only guessing the reason for this.
    Maybe the bug in the website security code or the un professional admins (who don't have time to read the posts and they just mark it spam on the first mistake) or some other reason.

    1. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image80
      Marcy Goodfleischposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      As others stated here, we don't have a way to determine the reasons; admin can answer that.  They will likely not recognize you from this thread, though - they ban many accounts and would have no way of knowing which one was yours.

      Just a few things I spotted, though - there are several typos here and there in your posts on this thread. In addition, if you had four links to the same site in one hub, that would raise red flags. If the hub was also very promotional (clearly written to drive business rather than inform), that would raise even more red flags. If there were typos on top of all that, it could easily trigger a ban. I'm not saying those issues were in your hub, I'm just pointing out that a few things mentioned here could be the issues causing a ban.

  16. Polly C profile image87
    Polly Cposted 11 years ago

    When did you send the email?  Last time I emailed the team it took nearly three days to get a reply, but I did get one in the end.

  17. Good Guy profile image84
    Good Guyposted 11 years ago

    You are not the only one banned.  What bugs me is that Admin did not bother to give prior notice and reason for the ban.  This would give a chance for us to rectify the exact offense(s).  My only defense is to delete the "offending" hub immediately, just to be on the safe side.  So far I had deleted two hubs.  No point trying to amend/edit when one is not sure what the exact offense is all about.  The danger is to have the account banned immediately after the correction, like what had happened to you, and two other hubbers I knew.

  18. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    I've sent the new email yesterday (2nd one), but for the first took them 4 days to reply and the answer was "cynical" in my opinion.
    "Your HubPages account has been permanently banned as a result of rules violations. Your account cannot be reinstated. We wish you luck in your online writing ventures."

    I replied twice to this email kindly asking to tell me what went wrong.
    I'll see.

    1. Uplifterx profile image59
      Uplifterxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why don't you go and meet them in person? You can get quick and clean answers in minutes!

  19. profile image51
    bannedforwhatposted 11 years ago

    That is out of question considering my location. I am just trying to help to make this place a better online comunity. There is obviously a glitch here and they will have to adress it. In mean while I am out of here.
    Have too much work to do anyway.
    Thank you all for comenting and bringing up some important points.

  20. The Suburban Poet profile image83
    The Suburban Poetposted 11 years ago

    Send them an email and ask them why. I've had several hubs that were flagged and unpublished and in every case they were prompt in their response and specific as to their reasoning and I was able to work it out amicably. Just be humble.


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