Domain Estimator - site value; please explain

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  1. Cardisa profile image88
    Cardisaposted 11 years ago

    I got an email for domain estimator about my best performing blog. It states the site value as:

    1. Appraised Value - $37,083
    2. Wholesale Value - $27,813
    3. Monetized Value - $1,686 per day

    Can someone explain what this all means? Does it mean I can sell my blog for the above mentioned $$s? …

    1. relache profile image66
      relacheposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Some people might call that email a sales ploy.  Others might even consider it spam.

      1. Cardisa profile image88
        Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hey Relache, I always like to check things out....that's the price I pay for alway wanting to know, really stupid

  2. tussin profile image57
    tussinposted 11 years ago

    Just ask yourself a simple question: does your site actually make $1,686 per day in advertising revenue? 

    If the answer is yes, then maybe this domain estimator (one of hundreds that essentially just makes a guess based on incloncusive information such as Alexa rank) really does know the market value of your site and what someone would be willing to pay for it. Congratulations.  This would probably be the only time in history that a domain estimator actually got it right.

    If the answer is no, then I think you can judge for yourself how realistic these figures are.

    By the way, you can't technically sell a site you don't own. is owned by google, you just have an account with them called caroleeskitchen.  That should also give you a clue as to the reliability of this domain estimator.

  3. tussin profile image57
    tussinposted 11 years ago

    In case anyone is interested in buying (which I actually can't legally sell), here is what my subdomain is worth according to this domain estimator:

    Appraised value: $$108,138
    Wholesale value: $$81,803
    Monetized value: $$4915/day

    Wowee, who knew I was sitting on such a gold mine. …

    1. Cardisa profile image88
      Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      lol lol, now I asked for explanation because I thought that maybe I was missing something. I knew I could not sell blogspot, that is why I thought maybe I was seeing things and the figures did not mean actual money.

      I launched a website two days ago and is now valued at $28, page rank 1, which is crazy.

    2. Reality Bytes profile image72
      Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why can't you sell your account?  You transfer username and password upon payment.

      1. Cardisa profile image88
        Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Can't sell a blogspot account. I know I can sell my own domain.

        1. Reality Bytes profile image72
          Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Why can you not sell the username and password?  I know many individuals that sell gamer accounts as a full time income.  You remove any affiliate codes and transfer the log in information, same as Hubpages.

          1. tussin profile image57
            tussinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, you can sell your password and the rights to all your content, though most sites' TOU say you're not allowed to.  People sell blogger accts all the time. But the domain name itself never changes ownership.

  4. Rain Defence profile image90
    Rain Defenceposted 11 years ago

    I'll give you $70k for it

    1. tussin profile image57
      tussinposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  5. miscellanea profile image63
    miscellaneaposted 11 years ago

    The problem with these domain value calculators is that they give different values. You may check another and will give something less or high smile

    1. Cardisa profile image88
      Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I had no idea this was going on. I have never seen it before, hence my naivety.

      1. miscellanea profile image63
        miscellaneaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        But I think the best which can give you a real value is and that if you want to sell your domain

        1. Cardisa profile image88
          Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Not interested in selling just curious about this. Can't sell blogger and my new website, I don't want to sell it.

  6. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    It is meaningless.  You can't actually sell it for that value.  IMHO sites are worth what they earn or what they can be sold for and that is all.

    1. Cardisa profile image88
      Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I figured something like that. What the hall kinda value are they displaying? My hubpages is worth a mere $10,000 while my blog is worth more than three times the

  7. CloudExplorer profile image76
    CloudExplorerposted 11 years ago

    Hey Cardisa, one of mine is actually worth about Appraised Value: $221,162, Wholesale Value: $165,871, and Monetized Value: $10,053 /day.

    Now that is insane, because I earn nothing off of it, and get very little traffic if anything. I have no clue what all this means in real life, but if anyone is looking to buy my domain for that much. Yikes I will jump to the occasion LOL.

  8. CloudExplorer profile image76
    CloudExplorerposted 11 years ago

    I hovered over each keyword there for "Appraised", "Wholesale", and "Monetized Value" and it tells us what each truly means, in terms of how they have come up with each value approximation, and it is basically based on similar keywords that exist on and within your domain I do believe. Go back and try it, if you haven't yet Cardisa.

    1. Cardisa profile image88
      Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Mike, I did that. It has mostly to do with the value of the keywords on the domain.

    2. tussin profile image57
      tussinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So in my case, sites about armpit hairstyling and caps lock cures are where the big bucks are at.

  9. nakmeister profile image66
    nakmeisterposted 11 years ago

    Wow, the appraised value of my hubpages subdomain is $522k, wholesale value of $391k and daily monetised value of $24k per day. Which utterly ridiculous.

    As others have said, the value of a site is what a buyer would be willing to pay for it (and you have to be able to sell it anyway). One of the standard valuation methods however is income multiple. Reasonable income multiples are anywhere between 1 and 10 times annual profits. So if you get advertising revenue of say $500 per month, that is $6,000 per year, which values your site at anything from $6k to $60k. But you've still got to find a willing buyer, which in the online world may be difficult unless it is a very big site.


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