My account banned at without any notification

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  1. profile image28
    raggupta2posted 11 years ago

    I find myself in very unfortunate position because of very unprofessional attitude being shown by Hubpages.

    I've an account more than 2 years old (premprakashgupta) with 30+ hubs and another from my friend (Rahulsen). Total views more than 19000 with linked Adsense account.

    Never copied any material
    No illegal activity
    No vulgarity/profanity
    No spun content
    No trickery

    2 days backs I tried publishing a high quality hub many times, which was being rejected for some silly reason I think( long paragraphs). But subsequently both accounts were banned.

    In vVolations, it is unable to report any. I was not informed of any violations/warnings.

    I've tried contacting Hubpages but no response till now.

    Indeed unprofessional behavior.

    1. wilderness profile image90
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      If your hub was being rejected multiple times it was not a "high quality hub" and was not rejected for "silly reasons".  It was rejected because it did not follow HP guidelines.

      It is quite possible the repeatedly trying to publish a substandard hub has put you in the "spammer" category.  A polite request to HP asking for specifics might get you reinstated but if you continue to try and publish hubs outside their guidelines you will probably be banned again.

      You will not likely get a response from HP until tomorrow, when there is someone in the office to make a response.

      1. profile image28
        raggupta2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I've already mentioned that mine was high quality hub which i was trying publish. I'll post a link of it tomorrow.

        1. wilderness profile image90
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, I know you said that - you also said the HP did not agree with your assessment of it's quality and refused to publish it.

          Their site, their rules and their concept of quality takes priority over yours.

          1. fpherj48 profile image61
            fpherj48posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Raggupta.....Just a little story for you to read:    As children, my sister and I had many chores to do, to contribute to the good of our home and family as a unit.  Our mother, the BOSS, gave us a specific list and had taken the time to explain HOW these things were to be done to HER satisfaction.   Quite often, when we were done, we thought we had done a complete and excellent job...."High Quality," so to speak.  It did absolutely NO good, to protest.
            Funny thing, but just as often, upon the Boss's inspection, we missed the mark, here and there and we'd be damned if the boss didn't know exactly the short cuts and tricks we played in order to get these unacceptable results.   
            Did I mention we were in the Boomer era?   Kids had no "options" and little if any, negotiating rights.  DOING IT OVER, until it was done correctly was the rule.   We followed the rules in those days, btw.  It never killed fact, quite the contrary.
            Receiving an "allowance," was unheard of, except that our clever and loving Mom would say...."In our house, your "allowance" is that because you share in the house work, you're "allowed" to live here and be part of the family."   To this day, I believe the woman was a genius.
            P.S.  With a score of "44," may want to hold up on the criticism.

            1. LaThing profile image60
              LaThingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Great advice, Paula! smile

    2. Sue B. profile image66
      Sue B.posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I personally have found Hubpages to be very helpful and reasonable.  I have been surprised how quickly an actual person responds to me.  Each time I had a violations issue, they were either able to give me feedback on how to correct it or were able to override the automatic violations setting.

      Instead of posting in the forum, I would recommend contacting them via email and asking how best to correct the issue.

      1. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
        VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Great point! I never really contacted them, I just revised my articles and they usually feature my Hubs. I had this one Hub that no matter how many times I revised it, they just would not except it. I did not trip at all because I am happy to have the opportunity to write for Hubpages and I understand that this is their show and I must follow ALL rules!

        1. Sue B. profile image66
          Sue B.posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I think it is important to note that the violations are automatic.  Although they are able to review your situation and override the violation issue, they can't do this if you don't tell them! smile

      2. LaThing profile image60
        LaThingposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Agree with you, Sue. I had a problem with one of my poem and I emailed them. Hubpage staff was very helpful. He pinpointed the problem and I fixed it! That's all it took smile

  2. Hamshi profile image70
    Hamshiposted 11 years ago

    Sorry to hear that. I had a look at the cached pages of some of your hubs and one immediate thing I noticed was the word count. Some had less than 400 and some less than 300 words in total. They were also very confusing to understand for some reason.

    HubPages added the older hubs to their Quality Assessment process recently which means older hubs will also go  through it in order to get old low quality content out of the site and I guess that's what happened here. hmm I'm just guessing though.

    You can read about it here: … -all-hubs/

    1. profile image28
      raggupta2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well banning is extreme option. My blogs are in the field I've worked. I don't expect you to understand blog meant for a webmaster.

      1. Cardisa profile image91
        Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hubpages is not a blog, more alike a magazine site. Maybe you treating your HP account like a blog is the problem. Try contacting them again, remember this the weekend so it may take a couple days. Try again tomorrow.

        1. profile image28
          raggupta2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          But actually I never wrote any blogs. They won't allow this. They moderate almost all of initial hubs.

    2. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
      VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is interesting to me because I haven't had many Hubs not to be featured but I have noticed from exploring other Hubs that some of them are very short under 500 words and low quality in my opinion. To be honest I feel that if I tried this Hubpages would not feature my Hubs so in the back of my mind I wonder how could this happen. I wish I could take a look at those Hubs because I would give my honest opinion. i know not every Hub is for everyone to understand but usually another experienced writer can tell if the quality is poor or not.

  3. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
    VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years ago

    You are not the only one this happened to. I happen to know another lady that was banned. She was not notified but I could clearly see that she had violations. The only thing that surprised me was that she had been with them for years and they had to have known about these violations because the Hubs were published. I noticed that there were things that she published on her hubs like links to her website that if I tried to publish they would not allow me to so this one is mind boggling??? There are many other places that will allow you to write articles so stay encouraged and maybe you can move your content to these other places???

    1. Cardisa profile image91
      Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What you need to understand is that the older hubs before tow or so years ago would not be picked up by the filters. there are still some hubs with violations on the site, hence the QAP. This was brought into effect because the other system did not work 100%. That's why her hubs were still published. If she had one or two hubs with violations she would not have been banned. She must have had multiple violations.

      1. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
        VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I thought about that! She had many!

  4. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
    VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years ago

    You are not the only one this happened to. I happen to know another lady that was banned. She was not notified but I could clearly see that she had violations. The only thing that surprised me was that she had been with them for years and they had to have known about these violations because the Hubs were published. I noticed that there were things that she published on her hubs like links to her website that if I tried to publish they would not allow me to so this one is mind boggling??? There are many other places that will allow you to write articles so stay encouraged and maybe you can move your content to these other places???

    1. profile image28
      raggupta2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Which are those places? I want to move to other platform like Hubpages who also provide:
      1) SEO optimization
      2) Quality metrics
      3) Adsense etc affiliations
      4) Mobile site etc

      1. wilderness profile image90
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Go to the site owned by raggupta2 - it will have all those things as soon as the site owner puts some work into them.

        The point is that you are wanting a site with no rules but supplies lots of behind the scenes support.  For free, no less.

        You are unlikely to find one.  Best either accept a site with near nothing in the way of support or follow the rules of the site that does have support.

      2. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
        VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this
  5. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 11 years ago

    According to point number five of the HubPages Terms Of Use,

    By accepting the terms of service, you accepted the above which does not say any warning or advance notice is necessary.  You might also want to read the following,

    Also, creating new accounts to circumvent being banned automatically is grounds for the new account(s) being banned.

    1. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
      VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Another good reason for us to carefully read everything!

    2. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
      VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Another good reason for us to carefully read everything!

  6. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    I would guess the repeated rejection of your hubs was intended to constitute "notification" that you account might be closed. I would suggest also checking for Hubpages email in your spam folder.

  7. ktnptl profile image60
    ktnptlposted 11 years ago

    I didn't knew HP accounts gets banned too.
    Does anyone know what are the reasons HP account can get banned?

    1. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
      VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You have to check into the rules and guidelines.

    2. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
      VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You have to check into the rules and guidelines.

    3. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
      VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You have to check into the rules and guidelines.

  8. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 11 years ago

    Victoria, did you know that making lots of duplicate forum posts can result in a temporary forum ban?

  9. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
    VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years ago

    I did not make the duplicates if you are referring to the same exact post but I noticed that one of my post sort of posted double or do you mean making several post on the same topic? I usually don't engage maybe I will get back to sticking to myself! smile I did not know that!

  10. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
    VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years ago

    I did not make the duplicates if you are referring to the same exact post but I noticed that one of my post sort of posted double or do you mean making several post on the same topic? I usually don't engage maybe I will get back to sticking to myself! smile I did not know that!

    1. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
      VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It keeps happening! I am not duplicating these post!

      1. Cardisa profile image91
        Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        You can delete the duplicates within the 24 hour window. Just click on more than delete. Do it before the time runs out, it looks spammy.

        1. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
          VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this


          1. VictoriaSheffield profile image80
            VictoriaSheffieldposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            some of them won't delete!

  11. janshares profile image95
    jansharesposted 11 years ago

    That duplicate thing happened to me, too, today on another forum. Coincidence? It wouldn't go through on first click.

  12. Marie Flint profile image72
    Marie Flintposted 11 years ago

    For what it's worth, the Hub Pages Team have always gotten back to me quickly after emailing them about a question or problem I had. I refrain from emailing them too often, though, unless I'm really stuck.


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