FIXED: ads intefere with site navigation (iOS)

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  1. Glenn Stok profile image95
    Glenn Stokposted 11 years ago

    When using HubPages on the iPad, there is a banner ad at the bottom that shifts up and end up under my finger just as I attempt to click something else. This causes the unintentional clicking of these ads. 

    It happens when I scroll down a hub. The banner ad unexpectedly moves upward as I scroll, eventually hitting the ad by mistake.

    1. Matthew Meyer profile image69
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks again Glenn.  I will check this when I look at the other iOS issue you reported.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image95
        Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I don't know if I was imagining things, but this morning it seemed to be fixed as that ad banner at the bottom was no longer popping around when using my iPad.

        BUT it's back!  Tonight I was approving comments in my hubs, using my iPad. That ad repeatedly jumped under my finger as I kept trying to click the approve button on a comment. It's as if the programming is done on purpose to force clicks on those ads. This needs to be fixed.

        We now have confirmation from Izzy and Alicia in this thread. I'm not the only one with this problem on the iPad.

    2. AliciaC profile image93
      AliciaCposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was going to make a post about this very soon! The moving screen and ad make it very hard to reach the "approve" button on a comment or type in the comment box, as well as make it likely that the ad is clicked. If I try to click the X on the ad to close it, the ad sometimes opens instead of closing.

    3. Matthew Meyer profile image69
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This ad should finally be blocked permanently.
      Please let us know if you see it again.
      You may want to clear your browser cache in iOS.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image95
        Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Matt. I just checked on my iPad and it's okay there now.

        1. Glenn Stok profile image95
          Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this


          I thanked you too soon. I am working on my iPad tonight and ran into that tricky banner ad again that jumps around until I accidentally clicked on it. It also makes the hub text get smaller and then back to normal size, constantly flickering between the states. This makes it very hard to read.

          I tried checking out another hub and it wasn't there. Then I went back to te hub that was infected and the tricky banner ad was gone. So now it seems like it just appeared for a short while and then disappeared again. This has been the case the last few weeks, sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not.

          So I never know if you actually fixed it or not.  Or if someone over here is working on it right now, adding it back to see what happens and then removing it real quick. It seems to me that that might be what is going on. But I doubt at this late time that anyone is working on programming.

          1. Matthew Meyer profile image69
            Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks Glenn.
            I passed your info on to our ad team, so they can look into it further.

          2. Matthew Meyer profile image69
            Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            We followed up and the ad network had only blocked some and not all instances of the ad. We have been confirmed that this should indeed be 100% blocked now.
            Thanks again for letting us know!

      2. AliciaC profile image93
        AliciaCposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you very much for the news, Matt.

  2. IzzyM profile image82
    IzzyMposted 11 years ago

    Happens to me too. It's very annoying and no doubt puts readers off too.

    1. Matthew Meyer profile image69
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @IzzyM Are you agreeing that you also see the issue in iOS(iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) or are you stating that you are also witnessing the ad issue on an Android device in addition to iOS?
      I ask now because it looks like your post was made from and Android device and I want to make sure if the issue is being experience in iOS only or on other platforms. Thanks!

      1. IzzyM profile image82
        IzzyMposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Good question because I replied from an android tablet - Samsung Galaxy Note - but my preferred device is the iPad which at that point had run out of battery power.
        Just went and checked, and yes the problem only exists with my iPad.

        (edit: replied from laptop)

  3. Nell Rose profile image87
    Nell Roseposted 11 years ago

    I am getting ads jumping out at me all over the place! Its even making my screen go funny, not sure if its just a hubpage problem though, but it does seem to be.

    1. Glenn Stok profile image95
      Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Those ads were back earlier today for me too.  The ones that jump under where you are about to click so you are forced to click the ad instead. But tonight they are gone. Seems it was only for a short while earlier. Nell, are they gone now for you too?  If so, I imagine HP caught it quick this time. It's only on an iPad when it happens.

      1. AliciaC profile image93
        AliciaCposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        It's been so nice exploring HubPages on my iPad without the banner ads popping up, but they were back for me again today, too. I hope their visit was only temporary unless they learn how to behave themselves better!

      2. Nell Rose profile image87
        Nell Roseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry Glenn didn't see your comment, yes they disappeared after a while, but they are so darn annoying lol!

        1. Glenn Stok profile image95
          Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          No problem Nell. I just posted my reply less than a day ago anyway. I see those finicky ads keep coming back for a short time on my iPad. I'd guess that HP is testing and playing around with it, then they keep removing them quickly when they see erroneous clicks to AdSense. I wonder if that's why they are gone for a while and keep reappearing for short time periods. This is bad, it can cause people to lose their AdSense accounts.

  4. IzzyM profile image82
    IzzyMposted 11 years ago

    Mine are back and bad tonight, and yes I have accidentally clicked one - thankfully not on my own hub so no harm done.

  5. Nell Rose profile image87
    Nell Roseposted 11 years ago

    I tried right clicking on the ads themselves, then going down to the bit where it says site info, then it comes up with a list that tells you to block pop ups etc. it works for a while, but then comes back again! arg!

  6. Nell Rose profile image87
    Nell Roseposted 11 years ago

    Just downloaded the Opera browser, no pop ups! so far so good! have a go, it seems to be far!

  7. IzzyM profile image82
    IzzyMposted 11 years ago

    Are there hidden adverts on these pages?
    Just spent ages tring to read the comments section of a hub. Despite following the link through email, i kept getting sent to the comments from 2 days ago. The footer banner ad was for BUPA but the ad that kept opening was for Cathay Pacific.
    Everytime I scrolled down it reverted back to two days ago, else the ad opened. I give up!

    1. Writer Fox profile image42
      Writer Foxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well, this is bad news.  What device are you viewing from i.e., cellphone, tablet, etc. ?

      1. Glenn Stok profile image95
        Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The issues in this thread are related to viewing with the iPad.

    2. Glenn Stok profile image95
      Glenn Stokposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Izzy, I'm noticing the same thing. Those banner ads at the footer force the bottom of the hubs, where the comments are, to constantly get pushed up. This upward motion is what's making the banner ad constantly appear under my finger as I try to click something else. So I end up clicking the ad instead.

      I learned to avoid it.  But visitors will be sent to the advertiser's site without knowing what happened.  This creates a very bad user experience, which will lose readers and may also cause some of us to lose AdSense accounts if Google detects unnatural clicks.


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