Coming up with ideas for new hubs, please help!

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  1. QuestionandAnswer profile image61
    QuestionandAnswerposted 10 years ago

    Hi there,

    I'm new to HP and so far have just two hubs. I'm trying to come up with new ideas for hubs but am getting a little bit lost/stuck. I've read a lot of tips and tricks, with most people saying "stick what you're good at", which is fine but where on earth do I start?! My first two hubs were on completely different topics and I have a passions for lots of different things, but it's kind of stumped me as to where to go next.

    Does anyone have any tips of how they come up with topics for their hubs? Are there topics to avoid? Or good topics to focus on? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    1. mochirajackson profile image59
      mochirajacksonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Questionandanswer,

      I like to write about what interests me, first and foremost, but I also look at the daily newspapers to see if there are any articles that spark my interest. I look at the health section, fashion, beauty, science and technology and any others that might give me some inspiration. I find this helps when I run out of ideas.

    2. Shyron E Shenko profile image74
      Shyron E Shenkoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Q&A welcome to HP
      Write about anything you see
      There is a reader for any subject
      No matter what it may be
      And if it does not get a hit
      Try and spice it up a bit.
      You never know what responses you may get

      I just know that I enjoy writting and hope that you enjoy it too.

    3. tsmog profile image87
      tsmogposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Of course 'depends' is a good answer and I share with jest and a thought or two. First, determine what the purpose is you wish to write for. Is it to practice writing with feedback - views, comments, and accolades, informing with information of this or that, something you have a passion or compassion for, or you are developing a strategy and exploring seeking discoveries. Maybe you simply love to read and write.

      I would next determine your audience. Do you write to you as the primary audience, to family or friends, a community there where you live, here at HP, or possibly at FB, and etc. The readership will follow and come along naturally.

      Now you have a purpose for writing and you know who the audience is you will be addressing. Then address the 'needs' of that audience and fulfill those seeking topics. Determining the audience needs will essentially present something that the readership may like too.

      That is called writing with the vantage of introspection, reflection, and can be many forms. One is autoethnographic. That can be a personal study or group study of some subject or form and it is projected upon a larger readership through the audience - you the individual or a group.

      After some time exploring HP you will discover the readership and audience at the Traffic Sources link at the account page. That will show where the readership is coming from. More can be discovered even by nation, state, city at Google Analytics. Some think that Analytics is daunting and challenging. Just simply look at where the audience/readership is and topics will be seen more easily. If it is local address local topics. If it is regional then address regional topics. And, etc.

      Topics are anything. How to use a fork correctly. Where to place eating utensils and their history. How dogs like to sleep, where, when, and the benefits. If a local readership go to the next play and report on it. If local write about the high school heroes. Discover the readership and know your audience needs. Write about those needs. Topics will jump out at you smile

      A good idea is to choose topics to practice with and with knowledge of that. It may be deleted in a year or may not. That is not of concern. Zeroing in on the audience likes and dislikes and topics that fit those 'needs' of the audience. In other words examine the audience while allowing for spontaneity and the creative process.   

      Those are a humble view. I hope it helps. Sometimes I write about the next thing or event I see, although I may never publish it. When I get three or four I choose one to publish keeping in mind who the audience is and does it address any of their general needs or specific needs.

  2. LongTimeMother profile image92
    LongTimeMotherposted 10 years ago

    Hi QandA.

    Don't lose sleep worrying too much about topic choice in your early stages here at hp. Just write. Your efforts are best spent becoming familiar with the actual construction of hubs, using capsules, adding and attributing photos etc.

    First become an active hubber. If you keep an eye on the forums and make occasional visits to the Learning Center, you'll learn how to fine-tune your hubs to make money.

    Good luck. smile

  3. Kathleen Odenthal profile image86
    Kathleen Odenthalposted 10 years ago

    keep a little journal with you all the time. I find that helps a lot, because the times I think of my best hubs are not moments I am near a computer. so if I just jot down some notes, I can come back to the computer and bang out some great hubs. good luck!

  4. chriscamaro profile image74
    chriscamaroposted 10 years ago

    If you have a lot of passions, some of those will just be things you're interested in and some will be things you are qualified to speak to.  For the ones you're interested in, you could write a hub, illuminating a topic that you don't know much about, raising questions or spreading enthusiasm to other users but I prefer to write about stuff I know personally.  Pick a passion that you are educated in and write a how-to or something like that.  A typical topic can branch out a hundred different ways.  If you are interested in something like cooking or cars, you could write a thousand hubs on each without breaking a sweat.  The limiting factor is how much you know about the various recipes or various car parts and that will end up putting a cap on how much you can milk the subject.

  5. Author Cheryl profile image79
    Author Cherylposted 10 years ago

    Most of the time mine come from something that has happened that day or heard that day.  Life can teach you great hubs.

  6. Sonja Larsen profile image61
    Sonja Larsenposted 10 years ago

    I really like Google's Keyword Planner. I put a fairly broad topic in the search box, and then it breaks it down to other subtopics that people are searching on. It brings up subtopics that I had never even thought of, so its great for ideas. And then it tells you how many people per month are searching on that topic and whether its a competitive topic or not. Just start out with stuff you like.

  7. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
    LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years ago

    Try signing up for Google Alerts. You will receive daily alerts/emails regarding the topic of you choice.

  8. janderson99 profile image54
    janderson99posted 10 years ago
  9. brakel2 profile image69
    brakel2posted 10 years ago

    A site called Jaaxy presents good keyword ideas. It is free for 30 searched and then you must pay a nominal fee. Learning SEO takes a while, so just have fun with your passions. Try to follow the suggestions in the hub. That has worked well for me. Welcome to the site.


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