How do you keep coming up with new ideas for hubs?

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  1. c1234rystal profile image61
    c1234rystalposted 13 years ago

    How do you keep coming up with new ideas for hubs?

    How do you come up with original ideas every day?

  2. anndavis25 profile image78
    anndavis25posted 13 years ago

    Life.  I can write about anything...actually, it's the time that holds me back.

  3. Jlbowden profile image89
    Jlbowdenposted 13 years ago

    Hello C:

    I'd like to think coming up with new ideas for article hubs is a God-given talent. But realistically speaking I don't think so. You could say I have a very active and imaginative mind for the most part. The real truth is that even though I love to write articles that have to do with science or about medical topics. I tend to save these kinds of articles for last, for my audience, because I believe they contain the best value and are more valuable to a majority of folks looking for answers about these topics. Other articles that I write just come to me, based on hobbies that I am involved in, like birdwatching, stargazing or issues that have to do with the environment or nature topics. Other articles that I come up with are usually created from scratch on what I have learned from watching a friend tackle a certain project. An example of this may be fix something mechanical on his car, or watch someone make a tasty dish. In this way I have a mental snapshot of what is involved, take mental notes and voila....a fresh article is produced. This does not always work for me and like most other freelance writers I am no different in terms of suffering from writers block, from time to time. Hopefully I have helped to answer your question and good luck with your writing within the community as well.

    warm regards,


  4. SD Dickens profile image67
    SD Dickensposted 13 years ago

    Ideas come to me as I go through life.  If I encounter a problem that I need to solve, it becomes a Hub and we all know that life is full of problems!

  5. icciev profile image60
    iccievposted 13 years ago

    You can always write about you life experience, also you need to be following any kind of news update for the area of your intreset to be of the first to write about it. Some time comments, questions, or other hubs in this site can give you ideas so keep watching others activities.

  6. janesix profile image60
    janesixposted 13 years ago

    I don't come up with ideas every day unfortunately. I would love to but I dont. I just write things when it comes to mind

  7. profile image0
    Indigitalposted 13 years ago

    I play games. I become good on them. I write about them. I sometimes ask my friends if they'd like to write a draft of a Hub, then I play the game, learn the subject, become an expert, re-type and submit.

    In my other Hubs not on gaming I just use my knowledge and write. This knowledge is vast running out, I'll probably never get to 100 Hubs!

  8. Danette Watt profile image79
    Danette Wattposted 13 years ago

    I have no problem coming up with ideas - it's getting the time to write them that's the problem. Look around you, there are ideas all around you. I (and many others) wrote a hub on how to get ideas.

  9. randomcreative profile image86
    randomcreativeposted 13 years ago

    I get a lot of inspiration for new topics from my hubs that do well.  If there is a lot of interest in a topic, I'll find a similar subject to write about for a future hub.  I also continue to find inspiration in my new pursuits and interests in life.

  10. Dave Mathews profile image62
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    All of my Hubs are inspired by God's Holy Spirit. I simply write whatever God asks me to write.

  11. petertheknight profile image65
    petertheknightposted 13 years ago

    I have a notebook that I list of ideas for hubs.  Then I check them off when I write one or go through the list if I am looking for something to write on.  And just because you list the idea down does not mean you have to write on it.  Just list it and keep it there until you are sure you would never want to write on it.  I created this system with symbols to show me which ones I started (and are unpublished) and which ones I have finished.

    Also, it helps to take maybe 5 minutes with a piece of paper and brainstorm.  What interests you right now?  What are you passionate about?  Is there a message you want to share?  If you get inspiration during a time you are not able to write it then just jot the main idea down anywhere (like on a napkin) and then add it to your Ideas Notebook later.


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