How to Start Getting Followers Just Starting Out

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  1. Jamejames profile image61
    Jamejamesposted 10 years ago

    Hello everyone Im a noob at this ,and wanted to know. How does one get followers  or should i say how  long does one wait to get followers after blogging .

    1. psycheskinner profile image77
      psycheskinnerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If you mean on Hubpages, getting followers is not really going to help get you the type of traffic that translates into earnings.  It is just a nice side-effect of having content on here for a while.

      1. Jamejames profile image61
        Jamejamesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Oh i see  , so how would i go about getting more traffic?

        1. Availiasvision profile image81
          Availiasvisionposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Honestly, getting traffic is really hard. Getting traffic used to be very easy about 10 years ago, but now getting the search engines to notice you is really hard.

          There are two different approaches: Social traffic and Search engine traffic. 

          To get the search engines to notice you, you will need to do SEO research.  Basically, you research the keywords that people all over the globe are looking for and see if the competition for that word id high. For instance, "Best places to eat in Paris" probably has billions of pages, however "Best Vegan Restaurants in Paris "  might have less competition. If you write generically on Paris restaurants, your article will probably get lost among thousands of others. 

          If you write within a niche, you might have an easier time getting the search engines to think of you as an expert and send you traffic.  If you want to attract Google traffic, then I would spend a few hours reading up on keywords and SEO.  Also, make sure you use proper grammar, misspelled or awkward language is passed over by the search engines. 

          There is another way to get traffic that works pretty well: use social media to your advantage without being spammy.  You can visit Youtube videos and blogs that have similar niches and leave engaging comments on their site. If you do it in a genuine and helpful way, some of those people will want to read your hubs and follow the link back.  You can Pin or Facebook like your articles. I personally get a ton of traffic from Pinterest. 

          This is a hard game. If you want to meet other writers and work on your craft, HP is a great launching pad.  If you are planning on paying bills, either you'll have to have an article go totally viral or it will take you 6 month to a year to see any kind of real money.  Most of us write here for the fun of it and the occasional steak dinner, compliments of HP.

          1. Jamejames profile image61
            Jamejamesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I see I see mhm  thank you very much for that info. Personally I do look up SEO keywords with Google ad tools. I try the best I can with  it ,and use that info. To then  make you tube videos ,as well as blog posts. Im on here mainly,because I hope to get better at writing. As well as maybe make money,though I understand it takes time. Though I hope to  try and make more a tad sooner.

          2. Jamejames profile image61
            Jamejamesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            I really do appreciate  this though .

        2. SmartAndFun profile image95
          SmartAndFunposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Followers might be more important to you if you are here to socialize and make online friends. You can gain followers by leaving comments on other authors' articles, and engaging people in the forums. Sometimes if you follow an author, they will reciprocate and follow you back, but this often backfires and your author score can take a big dive if you go on a following spree. It is best to follow people who you have a genuine interest in or find their work interesting, useful, funny, inspiring, etc.

          If your main reason for writing articles is to earn money, then you want as many people as possible to find them and read them. One effective way to ensure that Google and other search engines send you traffic is to give your articles titles that are what someone might type into the Google search box. For example, for your article about household pests, you might want to give it a title such as "how to get rid of the 5 most common household pests." I'm thinking people who are looking for articles about household pests want to get rid of them, rather than just read about them because it is an interesting topic. In the same vein, for your poetry article, you might want to title it something like "How to write poetry" or "easy ways to find inspiration for writing poetry."

          Another suggestion is to go over your articles with a fine-tooth comb for spelling and grammatical mistakes. You express yourself well, but I see lots of little bloopers that need to be cleaned up -- for example, extra spaces where they are not needed, and words that should be separated by spaces but are butting up to one another. Also, read up on plural vs. possessive (friends - plural; friend's - possessive; friends' - plural possessive). You can run your work through a spelling/grammar checker, which will catch a lot of the little problems.

          You are off to a good start; I don't mean to discourage you. Spend some time reading in the Learning Center, and offer useful information that lots of people will find helpful. Also, try to build up your account to at least 50 articles, as Google seems to prefer sites with a good deal of pages offering useful information. Don't get discouraged if your two articles don't get much traffic right away. It takes time to build up your account, and it takes time for Google to "learn" that readers like your pages. It also takes luck to find topics you like to write about, that a good number of people are searching for, but that other sites haven't already monopolized. There is a lot more to it than this, but that is what the Learning Center is for. Have fun and best wishes.

          1. Jamejames profile image61
            Jamejamesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Wow wow what can i say your awesome thank you so much. You even looked over my pages   wow your great thank you . I appreciate  the consideration  for the new titles and will put them into affect.

  2. Availiasvision profile image81
    Availiasvisionposted 10 years ago

    Hello and welcome. The best way to get followers is to comment on other people's work. Write honest and engaging comments and people will want to do the same for you. Also, ask and answer questions.  '

    Most of my followers have either followed me because they like what I wrote on their hub or they liked the topics I wrote about.

    When you comment on a hub, that hubber's followers see that you commented on their follower's hub. If you comment on one of my hubs, all of my followers see it in their feeds.  Making friends with people who have a lot of followers does have some perks.

    Write good content and they will come!

    1. Jamejames profile image61
      Jamejamesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Lol really thanks so much , what would you say i should  do for more traffic

  3. SmartAndFun profile image95
    SmartAndFunposted 10 years ago

    Also, what Availliasvision said about SEO. SEO is not my strong suit, so I didn't even mention it, but what they say is true.

    1. Jamejames profile image61
      Jamejamesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you very much :] . I have been trying my best with that ,though it can be a bit confusing.

  4. SmartAndFun profile image95
    SmartAndFunposted 10 years ago

    You're very welcome. I will admit I didn't read both articles too thoroughly, so make sure the titles I suggested are actually applicable before you use them, LOL. You are off to a good start. Read the Learning Center and keep asking questions here and you will do fine, if you have the time and inclination to put into it.


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