photo albums in HubPages

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  1. VirginiaLynne profile image93
    VirginiaLynneposted 8 years ago

    Hi--I want to reorganize my photos in my HubPages albums and since only a few of the albums pop up when I want to use them, I'd like to delete some and rename others.  Unfortunately, I can't find any information on how to do that.  Does anyone have some help?  I end up uploading the same pictures again because it is so hard to find the one I want.

    1. sallybea profile image81
      sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Go to My Account and choose Photos.  This will take you to all your images.  Hover over a picture and you will be given the opportunity to delete it etc., below that you will have the opportunity to rename or put a photo into an album.

      1. profile image0
        RTalloniposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Mine only show about 30 photos and there is not a clear indication of how to see the remainder.  In the past, selecting oldest still only showed the last 30ish. How to see the middle ones is a mystery to me.  Good thing I like a good mystery… smile

        1. Glenn Stok profile image94
          Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          RTalloni, The image galley displays only 30 at a time. But when you scroll down to the bottom with your browser it will display The next 30 images. If you're having trouble with that, try forcing the scroll down farther by dragging your mouse. If you're still having trouble, try a different browser. Maybe the one you're using is causing trouble advancing to fill the page.  While we're at it, what browser are you using?

          1. profile image0
            RTalloniposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks much but scrolling does not get me more than the 30.  I'll check on the browser stuff and such.  It's Safari.  I probably need to take a class or something…

            1. Glenn Stok profile image94
              Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              That's strange. I use Safari too. And when I scroll past the bottom, another 30 images appear.  Then when I scroll past that bottom, the next 30 images appear. It continues until I reach the end of all my images.

              Do you have your Safari up-to-date?

              How are you scrolling? Try using the scrollbar on the right side.

              1. profile image0
                RTalloniposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Yes, that's the way it used to work.  The sidebar does not help, but I'll keep checking on possible solutions.

                1. Glenn Stok profile image94
                  Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I just tested it again. It works both ways. Scrolling down or pulling the sidebar down. Either way, it keeps filling in the additional images to the bottom until I reach the end of all my images.

                  You didn't say if you had been keeping your browser up to date.

                  1. profile image0
                    RTalloniposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes. The regular updates are important.

                  2. profile image0
                    RTalloniposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, I again went to the oldest and tried the scrolling just now, hoping something had changed somehow, and the scrolling worked. It took a few tries so maybe they were loading or something. Then I switched to newest and it worked.  Who knows…I'll just be glad.  Thanks for offering to help.

      2. VirginiaLynne profile image93
        VirginiaLynneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks sally--I do know how to do this with the individual photos, but I have probably 1000 photos uploaded and I want to be able to edit the albums and not just the individual photos.  I can't see a way to do that and so maybe it isn't possible.  I write on more than just 7 topics, but only 7 album title come up when I want to look at what I have.  Unfortunately, the ones I use the most aren't the top 7 alphabetically.  I want to delete a couple of those albums and rename the albums so that the ones I use come up.

      3. kenneth avery profile image79
        kenneth averyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I am now glad that I landed on this page that was on my Yahoo News comments. You not only helped VirginiaLynne, but me as well.
        Thanks, sally!

  2. Glenn Stok profile image94
    Glenn Stokposted 8 years ago

    Virginia, In addition to what sallybea said about naming and renaming albums, here's what you do to use the albums:

    When you upload a new photo to an image capsule, you can specify the album you want to place it in. You can assign it to any existing album or enter a new name for a new album.

    The when you want to reuse an image, click "my photos" in the image capsule and select the album.  I noticed that sometimes not all the albums appear in the drop down list. But all you have to do is type the name and it will show all the images in that album.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to view ONLY a certain album in your photo gallery. So if you have a tremendous number of images and you want to edit just a selected album, I don't see how that can be done.

    1. VirginiaLynne profile image93
      VirginiaLynneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Glenn--I have done this and was afraid there wasn't a way to do what I want.  The time it takes to find images under the current system just makes it not worthwhile.  So I guess I'll just upload them again each time.  Maybe they will fix this at some point.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image94
        Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Virginia, Are you talking about maintaining the galley or finding images when creating a new image capsule?

        I go crazy too when I know I want to use one of my images again. So I open two tabs on my browser. In one tab I'm in edit mode on the new hub. In the other tab I'm in the photo galley. Then when I want to find a specific photo to reuse, I quickly scroll to visually scan my images. I usually eyeball the one I want that way. Then I name it to a temporary album if not already in one.  Finally, I go back to my new hub editing tab, add the appropriate image capsule, specify the album I just placed the image in, and  there it is.

        1. VirginiaLynne profile image93
          VirginiaLynneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Hey Glen--that is a good idea.  I may just try that technique.

    2. sallybea profile image81
      sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Glen, perhaps you could answer a question for me about our images.  If I were to delete an images from  the gallery which is currently being shown in a hub, would I end up with a blank space in my hub?   I know it is a stupid question but I have often wondered about this but not had the courage to try it out.

      1. Glenn Stok profile image94
        Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        It's not a stupid question at all Sally.  I've been wondering about that too. So I tried it. The file of the image remains in HubPages' database. It is only removed from your gallery. If you saved the URL before deleting the image from your gallery then you still have access to it. It just won't show up anymore in a search. If you had it in a capsule, it will continue to display in the hub. I tested that.

        But note: At least that's how it is at this time. Who knows if they will ever change it to actually delete images physically if not in any gallery. They may decide to do that someday if space management becomes an issue.

        1. sallybea profile image81
          sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          That is interesting, thank you very much Glenn.
          I think about this quite a lot because I have a lot of images in my folders, most of which are very unorganised and when I think about moving a hub, elsewhere, this is more daunting aspect for me to deal with than the text.  It would be nice if I could copy all the images from the folder back to a storage device but then there is the question, are those stored on HubPages the original size or are they smaller versions of the original?

          1. Glenn Stok profile image94
            Glenn Stokposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            When I check the URL of the saved image it looks like the original size. Try it. Choose a large image you have in your image gallery. Right-click and copy the URL. Then open the file via the URL and check it's size/pixil dimensions.

            1. VirginiaLynne profile image93
              VirginiaLynneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks for this question sally and the answer Glen.  As HubPages is moving to the niche sites, I'm thinking that some of my work may not fit any of the sites and I'm wondering if I should move it elsewhere.  I agree with sally that moving the photos is the most daunting part.  I hope this discussion will help other people too.

              1. sallybea profile image81
                sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Glad you found this discussion helpful.  I realise that my problem with my own images has been brought on by myself.   I should keep them in a more orderly way on my own computer and not rely on HubPages but there you have it, we learn from our mistakes:)

            2. sallybea profile image81
              sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              That is a good idea Glen, thank you, I will try that.  I have always known how to check my own images on my computer but not those via the URL.  One learns something new everyday, wonderful:)  Your help is much appreciated.


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