I need feedback please on my hub.

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  1. dragonangel16137 profile image47
    dragonangel16137posted 8 years ago

    I have done what I can think of to change my hub,  i am trying to publish.  I have taken out all links.  I have added pictures and polls and it looks better then my one hub I have already published. But it STILL doesn't approve my hub for publication.  Can someone PLEASE tell me exactly what I am doing wrong here with this hub, so I can finally get it approved and featured!!???

    http://hubpages.com/community/Showing-d … ise-online

    1. profile image0
      calculus-geometryposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It's overly vague and just a plug for your self-published book on web advertising. 

      If you're trying to get people to buy your book about free advertising methods, why don't you apply the methods in your book to advertise your book? 


      1. dragonangel16137 profile image47
        dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I don't think it was overly vague, it has places you can go to advertise like the article says and I also don't have a link directly to my book in the article, so not sure why you are saying that, but I guess thanks anyway for the feedback.

      2. dragonangel16137 profile image47
        dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Also i do use all of those to advertise.  I was writing this article to SHOW others, but took the affiliate links of mine out so others can still find the sites and signup even if not under me.

    2. erorantes profile image46
      erorantesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Hello miss dragon. The content of your article is excellent. You can still add extra information to give your hub extra power. There are a few things hub pages does not accept. I will give you a little help. Capital letters in any paragraph is not accept by the program. You need to check your punctuation. You need to check your spaces. Good luck with your hub.

      1. dragonangel16137 profile image47
        dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Ok thank you I will go through and try and change those!!  thanks so much!!

    3. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      One word of advice:  If you ask hubbers for help, don't waste their time by arguing with them about their comments or trying to explain them away.

      Obviously this hub has issues.  Listen to the advice and fix what is wrong if you want it to become featured.

      1. dragonangel16137 profile image47
        dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

        ok first of all i wasn't arguing I said thank you for the feedback anyway when I stated about why they thought there was problems.  I have gone back and changed what was suggested by everyone. 

        So if you think my  tone was being argumentative I apologize as it wasn't meant to be.  I was stating back what they said was wrong and really didn't understand even with their feedback how it could of been construed as some of problems they were saying.  IE:  Spammy links, as I have none on the hub.  If  someone sees any that I may have missed certainly please tell me and I will correct them.  Another-- when they posted from the hubpages thing itself the title was for being overly promotional and THAT ISN'T what it was being denied for.  It was denied for more improvement.

        So please don't say I was arguing with them when I was just trying to verify to others WHY it wasn't approved from their observations.

    4. dragonangel16137 profile image47
      dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you to all that have given me feedback.  I don't think my two hubs I have are going to be published after all. 

      The Halloween dessert one I had that was featured is now NOT featured (even though it was featured for going on two years) as it says needs improvement now as well.  I unfortunately may have to give up my hubbing career for something different. 

      Why is it so hard to get a hub featured when you THINK you are following what you are suppose to do from the rules?  sad  When it was squidoo I had no problems getting my lenses accepted.  sad

      If I have to move on to another site, I want to say thanks again for the help I did receive thus far and sorry again if anyone thought I was being argumentative.  smile

    5. dragonangel16137 profile image47
      dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      YAY!!!  I finally got both of my hubs featured!!  Thanks so much for all the feedback that you all did give and I did make the corrections on!!  It truly does help to keep pounding away at it til you get it right!!!

  2. FatFreddysCat profile image59
    FatFreddysCatposted 8 years ago

    First impression before even getting to the rest of the article, that title is awkward as hell and waaaayyy too wordy.

    1. dragonangel16137 profile image47
      dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ok thank you I will try changing that hopefully that helps!!

  3. julieann26 profile image75
    julieann26posted 8 years ago

    The main reason your hub has not been published is that it is overly promotional.  This is from the FAQ about spammy links...

    My Hub was moderated for being overly promotional; what does that mean?

    Purely promotional offers and Hubs designed only to promote other sites or businesses are not allowed. In particular, the following actions are likely to get your Hubs identified as overly promotional:

        including more than 2 links to any one domain
        keyword stuffed: repeatedly emphasizes words or phrases (often times with bold or italics)
        short "teasers" with links to "read more" at another site
        solely promotes a product, site, program, organization, or service
        including links to a page that contains largely the same content as your Hub

    Please note that promotional links are links that you have any interest in promoting (your blog, your Website, affiliate offers, etc.). Links to well-known Web resources which you don't have any personal interest in (like Wikipedia, news sites, encyclopedias, open directories, etc.) are exempt from this limitation.

    1. dragonangel16137 profile image47
      dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Again as I said to the other poster, there is NO LINKS or keywords, in my article so not sure how it can be considered "spammy" if there are no links??

    2. dragonangel16137 profile image47
      dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Also they didn't say it was for spammy links as to why it wasn't approve it just says needs improvement.  But thanks for your feedback anyway.

  4. john000 profile image93
    john000posted 8 years ago

    Well said.

  5. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 8 years ago

    The rules have changed and will probably continue to change.  The link doesn't work for me, when a hub is unpublished they email you a special link that can be used to share the hub here.

    1. dragonangel16137 profile image47
      dragonangel16137posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      ok thank you for letting me know psycheskinner smile


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