Flipboard Instead of Twitter?

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  1. lisavollrath profile image92
    lisavollrathposted 8 years ago

    Why is there no longer an option to share Hubs on Twitter? It looks like it's been replaced with Flipboard, which seems like a weird choice.

    1. sallybea profile image80
      sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Flipboard seems ok if you want a  burst in traffic but I have used Twitter every day for years.  I always had to cut and paste the URL though as HubPages never automatically added an image and I always had look for one on my computer.  Very annoying as it is almost essential to tweet a post with an image.  Looks like we are stuck with doing the same.

      1. Blond Logic profile image88
        Blond Logicposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Regarding Twitter and photos, if you use a site called buffer, you can post via that and it adds a picture from your hub (up to 4 images). No hunting for them.

        It is also free to use for one social media site. The paid version allows you to post to FB, Pinterest, Twitter and a few others.

    2. DrMark1961 profile image99
      DrMark1961posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      A twitter post lasts a few seconds. If it is not retweeted, it is gone.
      A flipboard post lasts at least a day, sometimes several. I am sure HP is evaluating which site gives them income, and which is just a waste of space.

  2. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 8 years ago

    Hey! What's up with that? I just noticed, too, as I was about to do my routine article tweet. Please don't tell me this is permanent. I've been busy for the last couple weeks, guess I missed the memo. neutral
    By the way, my traffic is up about a hundred views. Could Flipboard be the reason? Mmmm. hmm

  3. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 8 years ago

    For those who Tweet, have you ever looked at what results you're getting from it?

    Unless you've got a genuine following on Twitter, with followers who will click on your Tweets and visit your Hubs, Tweeting is a waste of time.

    At one time, people used to post on Twitter and Facebook because they thought it would impress Google - and at one time, it probably did.  Now it's debatable.  Google knows that a lot of Twitter traffic is self-promotional dross, so it only indexes a fraction of Tweets, as you can see here:

    https://www.stonetemple.com/how-much-of … marketing/

    @Lisavollrath, from memory you're one of those with a "real" Twitter account, so I can see how the lack of button would be irritating.  But I'm guessing they've dropped it because so many Hubbers are Tweeting for the wrong reasons!

  4. quicksand profile image82
    quicksandposted 8 years ago

    I used to think it was against Google's Terms Of Service to tweet URLs of articles containing AdSense ads.

    1. lisavollrath profile image92
      lisavollrathposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Nope. It's against the TOS to tweet URLS of the ads themselves.

      1. quicksand profile image82
        quicksandposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Well, somebody sometime back had interpreted their TOS  that way.

  5. melbel profile image95
    melbelposted 8 years ago

    I think it's a good move. I've seen hubbers just tweet their articles and not engage with Twitter in any other way. As a regular Twitter user, when I see websites being shared in this manner, I think "spam." To market on Twitter, or any social media network, you have to be willing to be an active part of that network. There's a culture to Twitter, or Facebook, or Reddit.

    I think it would prevent hubbers from just spamming Twitter with their stuff. clicking that tweet button is just a way to send something over to twitter without actually going over to use the platform.

    You can still make a Tweet, but you'll have to go through more work. That said, it's worth it. If you spend more time actually ON twitter, you tend to get a feel for how to use the network and you'll find yourself interacting with other Twitter users and getting more traffic in the rare event that you do post something that's a bit of a plug.

    Just my two cents.

  6. quicksand profile image82
    quicksandposted 8 years ago

    Most of what's getting posted on Twitter are links pointing to websites that contain trending news more often discussing celebrities, their lifestyles, opinions and whatever else that could interest the 'general public.'

    On either side of such pages and at the bottom too you are sure to find tiny images (thumbnails) that are hyperlinked to other sites that contain more similar info and more hyperlinked thumbnails which in turn point to other sites containing still more hyperlinked thumbnails. However some images point to the sales pages of affiliate products and services.

    Twitter has become an advertisers haven. Anyways this is one platform where your followers keep increasing with minimal effort on your part. All you need to do is post one sensible phrase once a week and a few days later re-tweet a post of another member.

    From my observations the click through rate is 0.7%. That means if you have 10,000 followers, you are certain to get around 70 hits to every link you post, provided you don't post the same link backed by the same phrase more than 3 times in 24 hours.

    If you have a Twitter account it would be a good idea to keep watering it the way I do and you don't necessarily have to follow back everybody who follows you. That way you will be increasing the potential of getting quality clicks. Having a Twitter account with a bunch of quality followers is indeed a valuable tool if you are involved in some legit online activity.

    DISCLAIMER - This should not be misconstrued as expert advise because it isn't!  smile

  7. PhoenixV profile image67
    PhoenixVposted 8 years ago

    Twitter, Facebook, Goofle Plus, LinkedIn are sort of redundant because with flipboard you can autopost / share with one click and it posts across all. Just add the services from flip. Select which ones or all including more like Tumbr. Say what is exciting about it and click. It functions well. The app helps.


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