How do I insert a link in my hub to open in a new window?

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  1. Kate Mc Bride profile image70
    Kate Mc Brideposted 7 years ago

    I would like to have the links in my hub open in a new window. Is it possible to do this? Replies to this question will be much appreciated. Thank you

    1. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
      DzyMsLizzyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You know, I'm not sure.  I believe we used to be able to select for that, but I think it got taken away, and the link simply takes you off the page and to the referenced site.

      I agree, it's a huge PITA, as we want people to stay on our pages as long as possible, as well as getting additional information from the links we may provide.

      The only solution I have found as a workaround (and it's far from ideal), is to include text somewhere that instructs the reader to 'right click and select open in new tab' for links, so they don't lose their place in your article.

      That's what I always do, myself, when I'm reading anything with included links...

      That's the best I have...sorry it's not what you're looking for.
      Best wishes.

      1. Kate Mc Bride profile image70
        Kate Mc Brideposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        This is very helpful. Thank you for your reply

  2. NateB11 profile image85
    NateB11posted 7 years ago

    It isn't a feature because it is thought that it is a bad user experience to "force" people to open a new tab. I don't agree with this, but at any rate that's the reasoning why it's not a feature.

    However, evidently you can use html to make a link open in a new tab according to a writer in this thread: … re-treated

    Edit: I don't know if this actually works, I've never tried it.

    1. Kate Mc Bride profile image70
      Kate Mc Brideposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your reply and for the link. Will have a look at the link and see if I can do it.

    2. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
      DzyMsLizzyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you, NateB11, and disagree with whomever made that decision. 

      I feel the opposite is true; there is nothing I hate more than clicking a link, and finding myself dumped clean out of what I was reading, and into an new tab!  Often enough, you don't find your way back to the original article.  That's very bad for earnings on sites like this!

      1. NateB11 profile image85
        NateB11posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I totally agree. I'd rather have a link open in a new tab so I can go back and forth to the original article to the link. Instead of having to hit the back button or, like you say, losing where you were in the first place. The rule assumes everyone is going to use the right click thing and open in a new tab if they want; not everyone knows how to do that and not everyone wants to.

    3. TheDragonBringer profile image71
      TheDragonBringerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with NateB11. In the Google quality Guidelines, it even says that links should have an easy route back.  I don't know who thought it would give bad user experience. I think even Google thinks that it is better to have links open in new tabs. But, with that being said. I am not sure if there is variation between desktop and mobile. I don't have that kind of data.

      1. NateB11 profile image85
        NateB11posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I notice on Google's own sites, their links open in new tabs.

  3. eugbug profile image96
    eugbugposted 7 years ago

    If you add the link within a text capsule, you can then edit the HTML code. Use the HTML icon on the toolbar in the text module to start HTML editing.
    So for instance if you wanted to hyperlink the text "Google Website" and the URL is, the HTML will look like this. The text of the link plus the URL it goes to are surrounded by the anchor tags <a> and </a>

    <p><a href=""> Google Website</a></p>

    Next you add a target attribute to specify where the document is opened. For a new window, add target="_blank" to the code so it now looks like this:

    <p><a href="" target="_blank"> Google Website</a></p>

    Save the HTML code and then save the text module.

    A limited amount of HTML modifications/additions can be made to text modules, but luckily this is one of them!

    1. Kate Mc Bride profile image70
      Kate Mc Brideposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your answer. I will try it and see if I can do it. Much appreciated.

      1. DzyMsLizzy profile image89
        DzyMsLizzyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Thumbs up, Eugbug! 
        What I know about html would fit on the back of a postage stamp!  lol
        I can do bold, italic, underline, and text colors.  That is all.  wink

        1. eugbug profile image96
          eugbugposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Well you're not alone Liz. I've forgotten all my basic knowledge of HTML, so I had to Google this. I did work as a software developer in a previous life though, so it is familiar sort of stuff!

      2. eugbug profile image96
        eugbugposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        No problem Kate, let me know if you have any difficulty doing this!


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