How technical can one get on Hubpages?

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  1. theraggededge profile image89
    theraggededgeposted 7 years ago

    Your caption says, "Black Cumin OIl is not related to Cumin from Tumeric..."

    Typos: Oll (oil), tumeric  (turmeric) and it's curcumin in turmeric, not cumin - that's a different spice.

    1. profile image0
      TessSchlesingerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      GDPR Deleted

      1. theraggededge profile image89
        theraggededgeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I think you can get as technical as you like, but for tidiness sake, keep it confined to one capsule. You need plenty of referenced information for this kind of thing, which you have got, but some more information on the plant it comes from, how it is made, etc.

        Also, maybe point out some contraindications - I believe there may be some if taking other medication.

        Thanks for the info - I'd not heard of it, so have been mooching around the web for more. Will probably order a bottle later smile

    2. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years ago

      I agree that a section on contraindications is essential. I wrote a similar article on D mannose and HubPages insisted I list the contraindications from a health website, even though they've been proved to be incorrect

    3. psycheskinner profile image77
      psycheskinnerposted 7 years ago

      It seems pretty simple to me: you advocate for products you have used and found to be good.

      1. profile image0
        TessSchlesingerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        GDPR Deleted

        1. psycheskinner profile image77
          psycheskinnerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          You can never really tell when brand will be important or not.  I recent replaced my lizard's light bulb with a technically identical bulb.... that killed my lizard.

          1. profile image0
            TessSchlesingerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            GDPR Deleted

            1. psycheskinner profile image77
              psycheskinnerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

              Companies that sell herbal products are notoriously dishonest.  Amazon is full of scam and counterfeit listings for trendy supplements. A study of protein powders for example, found *most* brands did not test out as matching their claims.  if you are not recommended a specific brand you use, I think you would at least need to specify a third party certification and why it can be trusted, rather than just assume any provider will deliver a safe and effective dose.

      2. paradigmsearch profile image59
        paradigmsearchposted 7 years ago

        Thanks to G, I've given up on writing anything medical. Doesn't matter whether I posted it here, my website, or anywhere else. Some of those articles were darn good, too. Didn't matter, Google immediately put it on page 10,467 of the search results, and permanently keeps it there. Except in very rare circumstances, unless the article is on a .gov site, that article is dead. I know, totally unfair. Shot in the dark, post it on FB?

        1. profile image0
          TessSchlesingerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          GDPR Deleted

          1. paradigmsearch profile image59
            paradigmsearchposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Because of G's bias, my guess is HP has become terrified of all things medical. Can't say I blame them. I deleted all medical articles from my website months ago.

          2. Marisa Wright profile image85
            Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Spammy always means they find one or more of your links unacceptable. It's rhat simple. It's probably the Amazon link, for the reason Eric explained

        2. paradigmsearch profile image59
          paradigmsearchposted 7 years ago

          Your thread has got me to thinking maybe I should throw out all my nutrition articles as well. I'll have to work up the energy to check Analytics. If I see any ytd zeros or anything close to it...

          1. paradigmsearch profile image59
            paradigmsearchposted 7 years ago

            Come to think of it, the grocery store spice rack is the best medicine chest in town.

            Turmeric "spice" - $4 at grocery store
            Turmeric  "herb" - $20 everywhere else

            Cumin "spice" - $4 at grocery story
            Cumin "herb" -  $20 everywhere else

            And the turmeric and cumin spice/herb will actually be the guaranteed real deal at the grocery store.

            1. paradigmsearch profile image59
              paradigmsearchposted 7 years ago

              I happen to have both (from the grocery story).

              I bought the cumin by mistake. I bought the turmeric because it has an active ingredient to shrink eye drusens. I shall now try the cumin for the blood pressure and the insomnia.

            2. paradigmsearch profile image59
              paradigmsearchposted 7 years ago

              Cynic that I am, it's all marketing...

              Table - $200

              Computer Work Station - $500

              Meanwhile, I'll take your word for it that the Nigella sativa has more than cumin active ingredients in it. big_smile

              1. profile image0
                TessSchlesingerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                GDPR Deleted

                1. paradigmsearch profile image59
                  paradigmsearchposted 7 years agoin reply to this

                  Actually, I read it 3 times. The second 2 times was to try to figure out what the miscommunication was about. I am going to hastily depart.


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