What is a good affiliate program for a newbie?

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  1. RVDaniels profile image66
    RVDanielsposted 15 years ago

    What is a good affiliate program for a newbie?

  2. josel_palacios profile image61
    josel_palaciosposted 15 years ago

    There is so many over the Internet, but the majority of them will give you a tracking code, with a link to some sales webpage where if a customer buy something you’ll get a commission, that’s all, the rest have to be done by yourself. I recommend you a program developed by Shawn Casey, named Free Internet Business in a Box”, this program will guide you step by step in the world of affiliate marketing, even he'll give you some free products for you to start your website, with 100% commission to your pocket! 
    You can see the product in this website if you want.

  3. Hilly Chism profile image61
    Hilly Chismposted 15 years ago

    This ones pretty easy to do, you just need to get your affiliate link, it's pretty easy to get people to sign up- all they have to do is fill in forms and they get money - bit.ly/4En9q

  4. gjuro profile image57
    gjuroposted 15 years ago

    Visit my hub and stay tuned. I will try to reveal one of the hottest affiliate networks in this moment.

  5. Johnyboy profile image59
    Johnyboyposted 15 years ago

    I believe Maverick Money Makers is just perfect for any newbie to affiliate marketing. The coaching club has over how to 60 videos that literally takes you by hand and teaches you anything you need to know to effectively promote any affiliate product.

    Only the blueprint videos worth a fortune once you master them. It is important to know you need to have a website of your own. But Mack teaches that through a video too.

    In Maverick club nothing is left aside, and once you watch the videos, you'll realize why is this program so popular.

    On my hub I talk about it, but I go more in depth on my blog which link you'll find it at the end of the hub.


  6. lindagoffigan profile image58
    lindagoffiganposted 15 years ago

    Why not stay where you are at hubpages and add ebay and amazon revenue capsules to your hubpage article?

  7. moneymakersguide profile image61
    moneymakersguideposted 15 years ago

    The best affiliate program for a newbie is one where everything is on autopilot. Look for a simple product to sell and the reviews on it. You want one that has a landing page built for you and all you have to do is promote your affiliate link.

    Good luck!

  8. mailxpress profile image49
    mailxpressposted 15 years ago

    I just finished creating a Hub on this very topic.  The title of my Hub is:
    "Earn Money With Free To Join Affiliate Programs"
    I hope my Hub helps you.

  9. zeromarket profile image57
    zeromarketposted 15 years ago

    just made a hubpage on a free ebook thats free to give away and it can pay you instantly by paypal,

    for more info see my hubpages and redmonkeyfeet com for more infomation

  10. lotusletters profile image84
    lotuslettersposted 15 years ago

    Hey RVDaniels, I've just finished a hubpage for affiliate marketing for the newbie so if you like check it out from my profile, also I am personally trialling a program designed to teach newbie's in affiliate marketing, you can also see this hub from my profile but the good thing is that I'm also using it to test how good it is. I'm not here to sell you.  I am starting to see results from my efforts which to be honest hasn't felt like alot but I'm still learning too. All the best, Carmen.

  11. stricktlydating profile image77
    stricktlydatingposted 15 years ago

    Are you interested in promoting Dating Websites? If so, see my profile for the link to the programs I'm using. They're free, simple and quick to set up. Goodluck.

  12. shannperks profile image60
    shannperksposted 15 years ago

    The best place I have come around to is wealthy affiliate.  They teach you how to find affiliate programs, market your products and give you one on one support.  I tried it myself and so far things are going well for me.  I have had a few sales already this week and I am definitely a newbie to all of this...tinyurl.com/y9hpva3

  13. josefeth profile image57
    josefethposted 15 years ago

    I have a really Good Affiliate Program for you check it out. Read on it for a bit it will all be worth it...http://www.squidoo.com/the-best-online-affiliate-programs

  14. MikeNV profile image67
    MikeNVposted 15 years ago

    There are so many people online promoting things they have never purchased and really have no idea about.

    In order to make money you have to understand what you are doing from a marketing perspective that puts the customer first.  Without the customer there is no profit.  It's not like most people are surfing the web with a credit card in their hands.  You need to address their needs and provide real solutions.

    It's the hammer it's the carpenter.  And a carpenter wouldn't build without a plan.

    So make a list of things you know about. How can you take your own skillset and talents and create useful information that would appeal to an individual?

    There are a few well known Affiliate Marketing Networks:  Commission Junction, Shareasale, LinkShare that get the majority of real online business.  There are too many fly by night outfits to count.  A 3rd party company like commission junction acts as a liason between you and the merchant.  This allows you to get paid and for the merchant to track and reach a large pool of publishers.

    Amazon is a good place to try and test products.  But remember that Amazon uses a 24 hour "cookie".  So if you send a person to Amazon and they do not buy right away you do not get paid.  If they come back later in the week and buy you do not get paid!

    eBay used to be a good opportunity but they have recently made changes to their program which makes it very difficult to earn more than pennies per click.

    ClickBank is actually a lot harder to make money with that people think. They have some pretty specific rules about how they pay on new accounts, the number of sales before they will pay, different credit cards required to get paid.  And if your account is dormant with no sales for 90 days they start taking your existing commissions at a rate of $1 a day.

    Also watch out for thresholds... some companies like Kontera set a $100 payment threshold.  So you have to send a lot of traffic in order to get that first check.  Kontera is a good program if you have a lot of traffic.  Same with Adsense.

    This is not an easy business.  Your best bet is to start with products you can really endorse.  What do you already own?  Can you write a real review about it?  Can you find an affiliate opportunity that sells that product.

    It doesn't matter if you are new or seasoned... the same principals apply.

  15. benk1983 profile image62
    benk1983posted 15 years ago

    I believe Clickbank is a great starting point for newbies. Some people say that it is hard to get into, but I find that a lot of people just aren't given the right information to make it work for them and give up very early into it. It is free to join if you join as an affiliate.  I have a complete guide to choosing products and making your first sale with Clickbank.  Have a look at http://hubpages.com/hub/Promoting-Click … -with-them

  16. blogineering profile image59
    blogineeringposted 14 years ago

    A good affliliate program for a newbie is that on which you spend little money to join but from which you earn not just 25%, 50% or even 75% commission, but 100% commission from all sales, and you get within 24 hours, no wating for endless weeks and months to receive checks that may not even be sent.

    Such a program pays daily.

    You can check this out: http://www.topaffiliatesite.com

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